3 research outputs found

    Acute tricuspid valve regurgitation in a motorcycle accident

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    Tricuspid regurgitation is secondary in 90% of cases. We would like to present two case reports of primary tricuspid regurgitation caused by rupture of the papillary muscle as a result of traffic accidents. This series of cases presents a very rare heart injury caused by blunt chest trauma. Regular monitoring of echocardiographic parameters in the period between the stabilization of patients' condition after the accident and surgical correction of the tricuspid valve defect is an important point of patient care with severe tricuspid regurgitation.Tricuspid regurgitation is secondary in 90% of cases. We would like to present two case reports of primary tricuspid regurgitation caused by rupture of the papillary muscle as a result of traffic accidents. This series of cases presents a very rare heart injury caused by blunt chest trauma. Regular monitoring of echocardiographic parameters in the period between the stabilization of patients' condition after the accident and surgical correction of the tricuspid valve defect is an important point of patient care with severe tricuspid regurgitation

    The use of structural funds and the Cohesion Fund by the Gorlice County and their impact on economic and social development of the region

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    Cz艂onkostwo w Unii Europejskiej otworzy艂o przed Polsk膮 mo偶liwo艣膰 korzystania ze wsparcia z funduszy europejskich w ramach polityki regionalnej i polityki sp贸jno艣ci. Celem badawczym niniejszej pracy jest przeprowadzenie analizy dotycz膮cej praktycznych aspekt贸w wykorzystania 艣rodk贸w z funduszy strukturalnych przez jednostk臋 samorz膮du terytorialnego, kt贸r膮 jest powiat gorlicki oraz zbadanie ich wp艂ywu na rozw贸j gospodarczy i spo艂eczny tego regionu. Praca sk艂ada si臋 z trzech rozdzia艂贸w, kt贸re w spos贸b uporz膮dkowany i sp贸jny przedstawiaj膮 najwa偶niejsze aspekty 艣ci艣le zwi膮zane z tematem niniejszej pracy. Pierwszy rozdzia艂 przedstawia za艂o偶enia polityki regionalnej oraz jej ewolucj臋. Ponadto scharakteryzowano tak偶e cele oraz instrumenty finansowania polityki regionalnej w poszczeg贸lnych perspektywach finansowych. Rozdzia艂 drugi to charakterystyka spo艂eczno-gospodarcza powiatu gorlickiego. W podrozdziale dotycz膮cym sfery spo艂ecznej, przedstawiona zosta艂a analiza zasob贸w ludzkich badanej jednostki administracyjnej, w oparciu o najwa偶niejsze wska藕niki. Podkre艣lone zosta艂y zasadnicze trendy rozwojowe dotycz膮ce lokalnej spo艂eczno艣ci. W drugiej cz臋艣ci rozdzia艂u dokonano charakterystyki p艂aszczyzny gospodarczej. Wyeksponowano aktualne tendencje oraz ich implikacje. W rozdziale trzecim dokonano charakterystyki projekt贸w wsp贸艂finansowanych ze 艣rodk贸w Unii Europejskiej w ramach funduszy strukturalnych, kt贸rych wnioskodawc膮 by艂 powiat gorlicki. W tej cz臋艣ci pracy dokonano oceny oddzia艂ywania, pozyskiwanych z Unii Europejskiej 艣rodk贸w finansowych, na rozw贸j ekonomiczny regionu i wzrost poziomu 偶ycia lokalnej spo艂eczno艣ci.Membership in the European Union has opened up opportunities for Poland to use support from European funds for the regional policy and for the cohesion policy. The aim of this paper is to analyse the practical aspects of the use of structural funds by the local government of the Gorlice County and to examine their impact on the economic and social development of the region. The paper consists of three chapters, which in an orderly and coherent manner present the most important aspects closely related to the topic of this paper. The first chapter presents the assumptions of the regional policy and its evolution. In addition, it also describes the objectives and instruments of funding the regional policy in various financial perspectives. Chapter two presents the socio-economic characteristics of Gorlice County. The section dealing with social aspects includes an analysis of the human resources of the analysed administrative unit, based on key indicators. Essential development trends of the local community have been underlined. The second part of the chapter presents the economic characteristics of the county. Current trends and their implications have been outlined. The third chapter analyses the projects co-financed by the European Union from structural funds for which the Gorlice County has applied. In this part of the paper, the author assesses the impact of the funds obtained from European Union on the region's economic development and increasing the living standard of the local community

    A case report of a 72-year-old man with left ventricular free wall rupture following acute myocardial infarction

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    Mechanical complications after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are rare, but they have dramatic consequences and high mortality. Our work presents a case report of a 72-year-old man with left ventricular free wall rupture as a result of acute myocardial infarction.Mechanical complications after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are rare, but they have dramatic consequences and high mortality. Our work presents a case report of a 72-year-old man with left ventricular free wall rupture as a result of acute myocardial infarction