4 research outputs found

    What is behind the lifestyle risk factors for head and neck cancer?

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    Lifestyle factors are known to be influential determinants of health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately one third of deaths involve unhealthy lifestyle habits. Among lifestyle risk factors for head and neck cancers (HNC), alcohol consumption and smoking have an undeniable role in the multifactorial aetiology of the disease. In recent years, the promotion of healthy lifestyle choices has gained significant attention as contributory to improving health and disease prevention. Interventions to tackle these risk factors are vitally important in disease prevention and progression. However, in order to effectively prevent the disease and reduce the risk factors, it is crucial to identify what upstream reasons lead to the adoption of these lifestyle risk factors in the first place. Stress being a constant aspect of modern-day life is known to contribute to alcohol and smoking practices. In this review paper, relevant literature was searched in PubMed database for stress, lifestyle factors, HNC and cancer to explore the role of stress and its associated biological pathways as an upstream factor in the adoption of lifestyle risk factors that cause HNC. It highlights the importance of stress pathways and the Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) axis as a locus of interaction between stress, alcohol, smoking and cancer. Despite their widely accepted harmful effects, alcohol and smoking remain deeply rooted in contemporary life. A greater understanding of the impact of stress on lifestyle choices and an exploration of the mechanisms resulting in stress, alcohol- and smoking- related cancer may highlight opportunities for improved prevention measures through the modification of unhealthy lifestyle choices

    Is RAS the Link Between COVID-19 and Increased Stress in Head and Neck Cancer Patients?

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    The COVID-19 pandemic emerged as a largely unexplained outbreak of pneumonia cases, in Wuhan City, China and rapidly spread across the world. By 11th March 2020, WHO declared it as a global pandemic. The resulting restrictions, to contain its spread, demanded a momentous change in the lifestyle of the general population as well as cancer patients. This augmented negative effects on the mental health of patients with head and neck cancer (HNC), who already battle with the stress of cancer diagnosis and treatment. The causative agent of COVID-19, SARS-CoV2, gains entry through the Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, which is a component of the Renin Angiotensin System (RAS). RAS has been shown to influence cancer and stress such that it can have progressive and suppressive effects on both. This review provides an overview of SARS-CoV2, looks at how the RAS provides a mechanistic link between stress, cancer and COVID-19 and the probable activation of the RAS axis that increase stress (anxiogenic) and tumor progression (tumorigenic), when ACE2 is hijacked by SARS-CoV2. The mental health crises brought about by this pandemic have been highlighted in many studies. The emerging links between cancer and stress make it more important than ever before to assess the stress burden of cancer patients and expand the strategies for its management

    Cancer and Stress:Does It Make a Difference to the Patient When These Two Challenges Collide?

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    A single head and neck Cancer (HNC) is a globally growing challenge associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis itself can affect the patients profoundly let alone the complex and disfiguring treatment. The highly important functions of structures of the head and neck such as mastication, speech, aesthetics, identity and social interactions make a cancer diagnosis in this region even more psychologically traumatic. The emotional distress engendered as a result of functional and social disruption is certain to negatively affect health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The key biological responses to stressful events are moderated through the combined action of two systems, the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA) which releases glucocorticoids and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) which releases catecholamines. In acute stress, these hormones help the body to regain homeostasis; however, in chronic stress their increased levels and activation of their receptors may aid in the progression of cancer. Despite ample evidence on the existence of stress in patients diagnosed with HNC, studies looking at the effect of stress on the progression of disease are scarce, compared to other cancers. This review summarises the challenges associated with HNC that make it stressful and describes how stress signalling aids in the progression of cancer. Growing evidence on the relationship between stress and HNC makes it paramount to focus future research towards a better understanding of stress and its effect on head and neck cancer

    Receptor, Signal, Nucleus, Action:Signals That Pass through Akt on the Road to Head and Neck Cancer Cell Migration

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: The ecosystem that surrounds a tumour, the microenvironment, has a huge impact on the spread of cancer, but its exact role in the molecular mechanism of spreading is still under scrutiny. This literature review aims to focus on the evidence published on the production of growth factors or proteins from the tumour microenvironment, which initiate signals in cancer cells. This review provides evidence that when Akt, a signalling protein, is activated by different growth factors such as epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor α/β, vascular endothelial growth factor and nerve growth factor, head and neck cancer cell spreading is stimulated. In a nutshell, it demonstrates that the tumour microenvironment plays an important role in cancer spreading by synthesising and secreting growth factors and suggests that targeting growth-factor-activated Akt in combination therapy could be a valuable therapeutic approach in treating head and neck cancer patients. ABSTRACT: This review aims to provide evidence for the role of the tumour microenvironment in cancer progression, including invasion and metastasis. The tumour microenvironment is complex and consists of tumour cells and stromal-derived cells, in addition to a modified extracellular matrix. The cellular components synthesise growth factors such as EGF, TGFα and β, VEGF, and NGF, which have been shown to initiate paracrine signalling in head and neck cancer cells by binding to cell surface receptors. One example is the phosphorylation, and hence activation, of the signalling protein Akt, which can ultimately induce oral cancer cell migration in vitro. Blocking of Akt activation by an inhibitor, MK2206, leads to a significant decrease, in vitro, of cancer-derived cell migration, visualised in both wound healing and scatter assays. Signalling pathways have therefore been popular targets for the design of chemotherapeutic agents, but drug resistance has been observed and is related to direct tumour–tumour cell communication, the tumour–extracellular matrix interface, and tumour–stromal cell interactions. Translation of this knowledge to patient care is reliant upon a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationships present in the tumour microenvironment and could ultimately lead to the design of efficacious treatment regimens such as targeted therapy or novel therapeutic combinations