27 research outputs found

    Primjena sjemenki sikavice (Silybum marianum L.), fermentiranih na čvrstom supstratu, u proizvodnji bijelog kruha veće hranjive vrijednosti

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    In the present study Silybum marianum L. seeds were fermented using solid-state fermentation (SSF) with several lactic acid bacteria (LAB) of Lactobacillus and Pediococcus genera, isolated from spontaneously fermented Lithuanian rye sourdough. A possibility to improve sensory properties (flavour) of Silybum marianum L. seeds using LAB fermentation was investigated. The composition of volatile compounds of the unfermented and LAB-fermented seeds of this plant was analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Fermented seeds have shown considerable differences mainly due to the accumulation of higher alcohols. Total amount of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and 2,2-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity of unfermented and fermented seeds were determined spectrophotometrically. The obtained results indicate that Silybum marianum L. seeds are a valuable source of bioactive compounds. The highest content of phenolic compounds and flavonoids (4596 and 1346 mg of rutin equivalents (RE) per 100 g, respectively) was determined in the seeds fermented with Pediococcus acidilactici KTU05-7 bacteria in solid-state fermentation. Silybum marianum L. seeds fermented with P. acidilactici KTU05-7 and Pediococcus pentosaceus KTU05-9 showed stronger antioxidant activity (1263 and 1041 mg of RE per 100 g, respectively), compared to the unfermented seeds (805 mg of RE per 100 g). The addition of Silybum marianum L. seeds fermented with P. acidilactici KTU05-7 bacteria had the highest effect on the decrease of the bacterial spoilage of bread. The aroma compounds from the fermented seeds extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide demonstrated the highest antimicrobial activity against the tested microorganisms. Ultrasonic pretreatment of the seeds reduced the total amount of microorganisms in the raw material. Microbiological tests revealed that the highest antimicrobial effect was achieved using the solid-state fermentation conditions. This study revealed that fermented Silybum marianum L. seeds are a suitable additive for natural flavouring of baked goods.U ovom su radu za fermentaciju sjemenki sikavice (Silybum marianum L.) na čvrstom supstratu upotrijebljene bakterije mliječno-kiselog vrenja, rodova Lactobacillus i Pediococcus, izolirane iz litavskog kiselog tijesta od raženog brašna. Ispitan je utjecaj fermentacije na okus sjemenki sikavice. Plinskom kromatografijom i masenom spektrometrijom analizirani su hlapljivi sastojci fermentiranih i nefermentiranih sjemenki. U fermentiranim je sjemenkama pronađena znatno veća količina viših alkohola od one u nefermentiranim. Udjeli ukupnih fenola i flavonoida te sposobnost uklanjanja radikala DPPH fermentiranih i nefermentiranih sjemenki utvrđeni su spektrofotometrijski, a dobiveni su rezultati potvrdili da su sjemenke sikavice bogate biološki aktivnim spojevima. Najveći je udjel (izražen kao ekvivalent rutina) fenola (4596 mg u 100 g) i flavonoida (1346 mg u 100 g) pronađen u sjemenkama fermentiranim s pomoću soja Pediococcus acidilactici KTU05-7 na čvrstom supstratu. Sjemenke fermentirane s pomoću sojeva P. acidilactici KTU05-7 i Pediococcus pentosaceus KTU05-9 imale su veću antioksidativnu aktivnost (1263 odnosno 1041 mg u 100 g), u usporedbi s nefermentiranim sjemenkama (808 mg u 100 g). Kvarenje je kruha najviše usporeno dodatkom sjemenki sikavice fermentiranih s pomoću soja P. acidilactici KTU05-7. Sastojci su arome, ekstrahirani iz fermentiranih sjemenki pomoću superkritičnog ugljikovog dioksida, imali najveću antimikrobnu aktivnost. Ultrazvučnim tretiranjem sjemenki prije fermentacije smanjen je ukupan broj mikroorganizama u sirovini. Mikrobiološki su testovi pokazali da je najveća antimikrobna aktivnost sjemenki postignuta fermentacijom na čvrstom supstratu. Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da se fermentirane sjemenke sikavice mogu dodati pekarskim proizvodima za poboljšanje njihova okusa

    Prieskoninių augalų ekstraktų bendro fenolinių junginių kiekio ir radikalų surišimo aktyvumo įvertinimas

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    Flavonoidai ir kiti fenoliniai junginiai, esantys prieskoniniuose augaluose, maisto produktų sudėtinėje dalyje, turi bioaktyvių savybių apsaugančių ląstelių sistemas nuo oksidacinio streso. Darbe atlikta kasdienio vartojimo prieskoninių augalų, tokių kaip svogūnai, krapai, petražolės ir salierai, palyginamoji analizė nustatant fenolinių junginių kiekį, flavonoidų kiekį ir radikalų surišimo aktyvumą. Sudžiovinti prieskoninių augalų bandiniai buvo sumalti ir ekstrahuoti 50 % (tūrio) etanolyje. Ekstraktai tirti spektrofotometriniais ir chromatografiniais metodais. Didžiausias fenolinių junginių kiekis buvo spektrofotometriškai nustatytas krapų ir salierų antžeminėje dalyje ((1399,8±2,4) ir (1637,1±0,7) mg galo rūgšties ekvivalentų (GRE) 100 g sausos augalo masės atitinkamai). Mažiausias kiekis buvo aptiktas salierų šaknyse (233,1±0,3 mg GRE/100 g). Panaši tendencija gauta spektrofotometriškai nustatant bendrą flavonoidų kiekį ir įvertinant radikalų surišimo aktyvumą, t. y. didesnės vertės nustatytos antžeminėje augalo dalyje, o mažesnės – šaknyse. Fenoliniai junginiai, esantys prieskoniniuose augaluose, buvo kokybiškai nustatyti ir kiekybiškai įvertinti naudojant efektyviąją skysčių chromatografiją. Chlorogeno rūgštis dominuoja petražolėse ir salieruose, o o-hidroksicinamono rūgštis dominuoja krapuose. Chromatografinė analizė su tiesiogine pokolonėline difenilpikrilhidrazilo − DPPH radikalo surišimo reakcijos detekcija buvo sėkmingai panaudota nustatant radikalus surišančius fenolinius junginius bei įvertinant jų indėlį į prieskoninių augalų ekstrakto bendrą radikalų surišimo aktyvumą. Buvo parodyta, kad krapuose pagrindinį indėlį radikalų surišimui sudaro du junginiai, tai yra chlorogeno rūgštis ir m-hidroksicinamo rūgštisFlavonoids and other phenolic compounds present in spice plants as dietary sources possess bioactive properties protecting cellular systems against oxidative stress. Comparative analysis of phenolic compounds, radical scavenging activity and flavonoids of everyday-use spice plants, such as onion, dill, parsley and celery was carried out. Dried material of spice plants was ground and extracted in 50 % (vol.) ethanol. Extracts were assessed using spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods. The highest content of phenolic compounds was found in above-ground part of dill and celery ((1399.8±2.4) and (1637.1±0.7) mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per 100 g of dray plant material correspondingly). The lowest content was found in celery roots (233.1±0.3 mg GAE/100 g). Similar tendency was observed for spectrophotometrically determined flavonoids content and total radical scavenging activity, i. e. higher values were obtained for above ground part of plants and lower for roots. The phenolic compounds present in spice plants were identified and quantitatively assessed by HPLC. Chlorogenic acid was dominating in celery leaves and parsley leaves and o-hydroxycinnamic acid was dominant in dill. Chromatographic analysis with the on-line post-column 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl − DPPH radical scavenging reaction detection was used with an advantage of selective determination of individual radical scavenging compounds and their contribution to the total scavenging activity of the spice plants extractsBiochemijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Comparative analysis of radical scavenging and antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds present in everyday use spice plants by means of spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods

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    Comparative analysis of radical scavenging and antioxidant activities of phenolic compounds present in everyday use spice plants was carried out by means of spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods. Six spice plant samples, namely onion (Allium cepa), parsley (Petroselinum crispum) roots and leaves, celery (Apium graveolens) roots and leaves and leaves of dill (Anethum graveolens) were analyzed. Total amount of phenolic compounds and radical scavenging activity (RSA) was the highest in celery leaves and dill extracts and was the lowest in celery roots. Comparing commonly used spectrophotometric analysis of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) RSA of extracts with the results obtained using reversed-phase chromatographic separation with on-line post-column radical scavenging reaction detection, good correlation was obtained (R2=0.848). Studies using HPLC system with electrochemical detector showed that bioactive phytochemicals can be separated and antioxidant activities of individual compounds evaluated without the need of a complex HPLC system with reaction detector. The results obtained using electrochemical detection correlate with the RSA assayed using spectrophotometric method (R2=0.893)Biochemijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Comparative analysis of red and white wines using spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods

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    The objective of this study was to compare antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds and flavanoids content and to analyze volatile compounds in white and red wines. Red and white wines from various varieties (such as Cabernet Sauvingnon, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvingnon and Merlot, Cabernet Sauvingnon and Syrah, Chenin blanc, Chardonnay and Semillon, Pinot, Grigio and Chardonnay, Terret, Clairette and Maccaben) of the grapes were assayed for their antioxidant properties, total amount of flavanoids and total amount of phenolic compounds. Total amount of phenolic compounds of the samples was determined by Folin Ciocalteu method, antioxidant activities were evaluated using the DPPH· radical. Total amounts of phenolic compounds varied from 367.59 to 635.01 mg of rutin equivalents (RE) / 100 ml in red wines and from 55.21 to 88.42 mg RE / 100 mg in white wines. Total amount of flavanoids in red wine varied from 21.23 to 56.55 mg RE / 100 mg while in white wine 1.07 – 6.79 mg RE / 100 mg. Volatile compounds were analyzed by gas chromatography using solid phase microextraction (SPME) and direct headspace (HS) injection. There were detected 44 different volatile compounds in all samples. They provide grassy, herbaceous, fruity, floral odor. 16-24 volatile compounds were detected by SPME method for the sample preparation, 1-6 compounds by direct HS injection method for the sample preparation. Totally 44 different volatile compounds were detected in all samples. 2 compounds were detected which give bad smell to the wine: octanoate and octanoic acid – unpleasant rancid odorBiochemijos katedraGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Analysis of essential oils and phenolic compounds of Potentilla fructicosa L. using chromatographic and spectrophotometric techniques

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    Otentilla fructicosa L. is one of the most common plants, planted in greeneries. Several tens of breed (decorative forms) differ in the form and height of the bush, colour shade of leaves, the size (from 2 to 5 cm) and colour of the flower: from snow white to various yellow shades. Potentilla fructicosa L. is spread in Europe, Asia and North America. The genesis of most of its breeds is unknown. In Lithuania until the end of this decade from woody cinquefoils only Potentilla fructicosa L. was planted. The goal of this work was to determine Potentilla fructicosa L. total amount of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and radical scavenging activity and the content of essential oils using spectrophotometric and chromatographic analysis methods. The experiment: methanolic Potentilla fructicosa L.extracts were prepared in this way: 0.5 g of fine-cut plant material extracted with 20 ml of 75 % methanol for 24 hours in the orbital shaker and filtrated. The total amounts of phenolic and flavonoids were determined, as well as antioxidant activity with different radicals by spectrophotometric method. HPLC was carried out to identify and quantitate phenolic compounds. Analysis of volatile compounds was carried out by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Results: the highest amount of flavonoids in Potentilla fructicosa L. was determined in 2010 during the intensive blossoming (A1) 0.080 mgRE/g, and in 2012 (A1) 0.078 mgRE/g. The highest amount of phenolic compounds was determined in 2010, 2011 and 2012 samples collected at the beginning of blossoming period (Z1) 0.422 – 0.469 mgRE/g of dry plant material. The highest radical scavenging activity was observed in sample collected in 2012. [...]Biochemijos katedraBotanikos sodasGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Analysis of phenolic compounds in Bidens tripartita, L. during different vegetation phases

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    Currently special attention is paid to the quality of food, pharmacological preparations, products of cosmetics and hygiene, so the scientists are in search of new natural sources of biologically active materials. Although three-lobe beggarticks (Bidens tripartita, L.) is known in Lithuania as weed it is used in medicine since it contains biologically active substances, such as polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin C, essential oils, microelements. The aim of this study was to carry out analysis of phenolic compounds in Bidens tripartita, L. extracts using spectrophotometric methods. Additionally, the quantity of vitamin C, chlorophyll a and b as well as the total quantity of carotenoids was determined. All the analyses were carried out using the extracts of plants of different vegetation phase. Aqueous methanolic extracts were prepared using raw material of Bidens tripartita, L. collected at different vegetation phase. During spectrophotometric analysis of extracts the total amount of phenolic compounds and flavonoids was determined. The data were expressed in rutin equivalents using calibration curves of this compound. The repetitive extraction and analysis were carried out to asses the reproducibility of results. The quantity of vitamin C was determined by titrimetric analysis using iodine solution. After the extraction the absorbance of the extract was measured and the quantity of chlorophyll a and b as well as the total quantity of carotenoids were determined. The quantity of phenolic compounds was evaluated by HPLC with reaction detector. The compounds were identified according the retention time of external standards. Their radical scavenging activity was determined using free radical of 2,2-diphenyl -1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The highest quantity of phenolic compounds was determined at the end of flowering stage 92.17 mg/g. [...]Biochemijos katedraBotanikos sodasGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Effect of various fermentation types on antioxidant properties of selected medicinal - spice plants

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    In present study, the effect of fermentation using bacteriocins producing lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus sakei) on the amount of phenolic compounds in different plant samples were investigated. Fermetation was used as the pretreatment step of medicinal-spice plants containing phenolic compounds. We used three types of fermentation: traditional, intermediate and solidstate. Spectrophotometric methods are reported to be sensitive and rapid for determinations of total amounts of different classes of compounds present in complex biological matrices. These techniques have been previously reported for the evaluation of antioxidant properties of various plant samples. We focused on direct determination of total phenolics, flavonoids and radical scavenging activity of Lepidium latifolium L., Nigella sativa L. and Allium barzewski L. obtained from Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas Botanical Garden. The fermentation of medicinal plants was verified in three consecutive days. The effect of various types of fermentation and level of moisture were studied. It was determined, that solid-state fermentation and traditional fermentation enhance the antioxidant properties of Nigella sativa L. ca. 1.5 times, while Lepidium latifolium L. antioxidant activity decrease ca. 8.5 and 5.0 times, correspondingly. Relative standard deviation was in range from 1.6% till 4.2%. The fermentation mode affected the results as wellBiochemijos katedraBotanikos sodasGamtos mokslų fakultetasKauno technologijos universitetasLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Veterinarijos akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Chemometric analysis of bee pollen based on volatile and phenolic compound compositions and antioxidant properties

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    The aim of this study was to determine total amounts of phenolics and flavonoids, radical scavenging activities, and compositions of phenolic and volatile compounds in 14 samples of honeybee pollen collected in the Baltic region. Radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging activities and total amounts of phenolics and flavonoids were evaluated using spectrophotometry. Volatiles from the headspace of the samples were analyzed using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fiber coated with 100-μm polydimethylsiloxane layer, separated, and identified employing GC-mass spectrometry (MS). Forty-two volatiles were identified in the headspace. Nonanal (1.5–20.1 %), dodecane (1.2–-34.6 %), and tridecane (1.4–24.7 %) were found in all samples. Screening of phenolics and flavonoids was performed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection. 2-Hydroxycinnamic acid (43.4–179.9 μg/g), rutin (156.2–955.7 μg/g), and quercetin (24.0–529.8 μg/g) were detected in all tested samples. Total amounts of phenolic compounds and flavonoids varied between 24.1 and 45.5 mg/g, and 6.1 and 11.6 mg/g, respectively, expressed as rutin equivalents. The pollen extracts exhibited radical scavenging activity, which scattered widely in range of 7.1–39.2 mg/g, expressed as rutin equivalents. Radical scavenging activity correlated with the total content of phenolic compounds while correlation coefficient was 0.95. Chemometric evaluation was performed to classify the samples into clusters according to the observed dataBiochemijos katedraKauno technologijos universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Variation of total amount of phenolic and volatile compounds of Satureja hortensis L. and Satureja montana L. extracts during different vegetation periods

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    Savory – belongs to Lamiaceae family of plants. It is an annual herb used as a spice. They are ca. 30 species, however in Lithuania is are growing only two: Winter savory (Satureja montana L.); savory (Satureja hortensis L.). Savory has a strong, pleasant thyme-like aroma, tangy taste. Ethanolic extract and essential oil prepared of raw material of savory upper-ground part is used in the treatment of stomach, intestine, kidney, liver diseases, acts as an antispasmodic, bactericidal, appetite increasing preparation. The aim of this study was to carry out phytochemical analysis of savory at different growth stages, to determine radical scavenging activity, total amount of phenolic compounds and the composition of essential oils. Results: Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis the Satureja hortensis L. and Satureja montana L. essential oil components were identified. The highest concentrations of carvone, gamma-terpinene, o-cymene, caryophyllene, β-bisabolene were determined. It was found that in the Satureja hortensis L. decrease of gamma-terpinene and increase of antioxin concentration during vegetation is observed. In Satureja montana L. the decrese of gammaterpinene during the vegetation was determined. Spectrophotometric analysis revealed, that of total amount of phenolic compounds in Satureja montana L. ranged from 45.4 mg/g to 95.9 mg/g and in Satureja hortensis L. ranged from 72.1 mg/g to 95.1 mg/g. In both species concentrations significantly decreased during the plant development. Flavonoids content in both species decreased during the vegetation. It was ranging in Satureja montana L. between 5.4 mg/g - 11.8 mg/g and in Satureja hortensis L. from 12.4 mg/g to 21.5 mg/g. [...]Biochemijos katedraBotanikos sodasGamtos mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta