2 research outputs found

    Chemical composition and antioxidant activities in the spice plants grown in Latvia

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    GARŠAUGI, FENOLA SAVIENOJUMI, ANTIRADIKĀLĀ AKTIVITĀTE, REDUCĒŠANĀS SPĒJA, UV – SPEKTROFOTOMETRIJA, AUGSTEFEKTĪVĀ ŠĶIDRUMU HROMATOGRĀFIJA. Bakalaura darbā dots īss pārskats par fenola tipa savienojumiem, to antiradikālajām īpašībām, saturu pārtikas produktos un dažādām noteikšanas metodēm. Analizējot gan žāvētus, gan svaigus garšaugus, veikta fenola savienojumu noteikšana ar divām metodēm (Folina – Čikolto un AEŠH), kā arī flavonoīdu un flavonolu noteikšana. Lai noteiktu garšaugu spēju inaktivēt reaktīvus savienojumus, izmantoti trīs dažādi radikāļi (DFPH, galvinoksils un ABTS). Tāpat izvērtēta arī garšaugu spēja saistīt oksidēšanos veicinošos metālu jonus un sausnas saturs.SPICES, PHENOL COMPOUNDS, RADICAL SCAVENGING ACTIVITY, REDUCING POWER, UV – SPECTROPHOTOMETRY, HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY. This work consists of summary of literature about total phenol compounds, their properties of antioxidants, content of phenol compounds in food and method of determination. The total phenol content of the six dried and fresh spices was measured using different methods (spectrophotometric with Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and HPLC). The flavonoid and flavonol contents were established spectrophotometric also. DPPH, galvinoxyl and ABTS radical scavenging activities were determined to evaluate antioxidant activity of the extracts. The reducing power and dry content were measured also as well