3 research outputs found

    Assessing Lactobacillus Bacteriocin’s Antimicrobial Strength Compared to Chloramphenicol in Muller Hinton Medium Through Zone of Clearance Measurement: Mitigating Food Contamination

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    To assess the effectiveness of a new bacteriocin sourced from Lactobacillus through the fermentation of moringa leaves and determine its impact in conjunction with chloramphenicol, measuring the clearance zone, aiming to enhance human health. For this study, we utilised Lactobacillus previously extracted from fermented moringa leaves. A 150 μl volume of the newly prepared culture was introduced into nutrient broth media and then incubated at 37°C for 72 hours while being continuously agitated at 140 rpm. Two sets, each comprising 16 samples (N=16), were utilised with specific parameters: a significance level of 0.05, 80% G power, a 95% confidence interval, and an enrolment ratio of 1. When assessing the antimicrobial activity, Lactobacillus exhibited significantly better outcomes in comparison to Chloramphenicol. This was evidenced by a notable statistical significance of p<0.001 (p<0.05) upon measuring the zone of clearance. A newly discovered bacteriocin, extracted from Lactobacillus through an unconventional method involving fermentation of moringa leaves, underwent thorough comparison with the antibiotic chloramphenicol. Assessment based on the clearance zone measurement revealed its efficacy, exhibiting a remarkable outcome of eradicating over 90% of pathogens, surpassing the performance of chloramphenicol. The research unveiled a significant significance level, registering at p = 0.001 (p<0.05), indicating a notable variance among the tested groups. Consequently, Lactobacillus obtained from the fermented moringa leaves displays a diverse array of potential applications, promising advancements in human health

    Microbial and physico-chemical analysis of composting process of wheat straw

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    120-128Composting is a method of solid waste management to convert organic matter into agriculturally useful humus like substance<span style="mso-ansi-language: EN" lang="EN-US"> to enhance nutritional and physical quality of soil. In an attempt to produce quality compost, studies were conducted for six months to investigate the physiological and biochemical changes during the composting of wheat straw. To monitor the composting process a consortium of bacterial isolates (Bacillus subtilis D3L/1, B. subtilis B1U/1 and Pseudomonas sp. RAT/5) (107 CFU/mL) was used. After 60 d of incubation, the wheat straw turned black, showed distinct physical changes and emitted odour. Periodical analysis of C/N ratio revealed that ratio of final product was 17:1. Other parameters like NO3- (1.5%) and NH4+ ion (0.3%) concentration along with pH (7.0±0.2), K+ (44%) and PO4-3 (15.46-33.18 mg/Kg) concentration were also recorded. Maximum activity of amylase together with protease and cellulase were recorded after 60 d of incubation and found to be 44.9-54, 62.28-193.02 and 29.1 U/g, respectively; whereas dehydrogenase activity reached its maximum (4168 U/g) at 30th d. Salmonella population did not appear throughout the study period. The load of fastidious organisms was 5.3-5.7 U log10 CFU/g up to 30 d that disappeared thereafter, but the coliform population was predominating. Certain fungal strains were detected with potato dextrose agar medium. Physiological, biochemical and morphological character of the final product revealed that aerated static pilling is suitable for compositing of wheat straw. </span

    Exploration of Compost Soil for the Production of Thermo-Stable <i>Bacillus</i> Protease to Synthesize Bioactive Compounds through Soy Protein Hydrolysis

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    Application of bioactive peptides (BAPs) is promising due to their potential antimicrobial, antioxidant, agonistic, and ACE inhibition properties. To achieve a stable and active peptide at relatively high pH and temperatures by microbial fermentation, a wide variety of microorganisms need to be explored from diverse habitats, and compost is the excellent source. In an attempt to isolate potent protease-producing bacteria, gelatin-supplemented DM agar medium was used. Out of 140 pure cultures, initial protease production selects isolate D3L/1 (26 U/mL), and 16S rDNA sequencing confirmed it as Bacillus subtilis. Protease production was increased to 55.55 U/mL, with pH 7.5, 1% glucose, 1% casein, 1% ammonium sulfate, for 96 h of fermentation, at 37 °C under 140 rpm of shaking. Ion-exchange, and size-exclusion chromatography, 30 KDa protease was purified up to 4.1-fold (specific activity 3448.62 U/mL; 67.66% yield). The enzyme was active under broad temperatures (60 °C optimum), organic solvents, and pH variations. A total of 5% H2O2 can only reduce 40% of enzyme activity. However, 1 mM, Fe2+, and Cu2+ increased enzyme activity by five times. Soy hydrolysis (SPI) byD3L/1 protease produces bioactive compound (Serratia marcescens but active against Escherechia coli (47%), Staphylococcus aureus (28%), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (12%)