7 research outputs found

    Impact of the Line-of-Sight Propagation Component on the Orthogonality Factor of the Synchronous DS-CDMA Uplink

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    SUMMARY This paper investigates a modifying orthogonality factor for synchronous DS-CDMA uplink in dispersive Rician multipath fading channels, which reflects upon the effects of specular path power as well as decaying channel characteristics. Using this investigation, the orthogonal factors in indoor environments are evaluated and compared with the various parameters such as decaying factor, line-of-sight component, and the number of multipaths

    PAPER Special Section on Statistical Modeling for Speech Processing Trigger-Based Language Model Adaptation for Automatic Transcription of Panel Discussions

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    SUMMARY We present a novel trigger-based language model adaptation method oriented to the transcription of meetings. In meetings, the topic is focused and consistent throughout the whole session, therefore keywords can be correlated over long distances. The trigger-based language model is designed to capture such long-distance dependencies, but it is typically constructed from a large corpus, which is usually too general to derive taskdependent trigger pairs. In the proposed method, we make use of the initial speech recognition results to extract task-dependent trigger pairs and to estimate their statistics. Moreover, we introduce a back-off scheme that also exploits the statistics estimated from a large corpus. The proposed model reduced the test-set perplexity considerably more than the typical triggerbased language model constructed from a large corpus, and achieved a remarkable perplexity reduction of 44% over the baseline when combined with an adapted trigram language model. In addition, a reduction in word error rate was obtained when using the proposed language model to rescore word graphs. key words: speech recognition, language model, trigger-based language model, TF/ID

    CONFERENCE RECORD Special Section on the APCC Proceedings Quasi-Shared Output Buffer Switch

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    Summary One major drawback of conventional output buffered switches is that the speed of writing cells into output buffer should be N times faster than input link speed. This paper proposes a new output buffer switch that divides one output buffer into several buffers and virtually shares the separated buffers by using a distributor for each output port. These separated buffers can lower the memory speed. Since each input has its own cell path independent of other inputs, cell contentions do not occur at the input ports and no speed-up is needed. The performance of the proposed switch is evaluated in terms of the average cell latency compared with the conventional input buffered switches which use the iSLIP and wrapped wave front arbitration (WWFA) algorithms

    Variable Data-Flow Graph for Lightweight Program Slicing and Visualization

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    SUMMARY To understand the behavior of a program, developers often need to read source code fragments in various modules. Systemdependence-graph-based (SDG) program slicing is a good candidate for supporting the investigation of data-flow paths among modules, as SDG is capable of showing the data-dependence of focused program elements. However, this technique has two problems. First, constructing SDG requires heavyweight analysis, so SDG is not suitable for daily uses. Second, the results of SDG-based program slicing are difficult to visualize, as they contain many vertices. In this research, we proposed variable dataflow graphs (VDFG) for use in program slicing techniques. In contrast to SDG, VDFG is created by lightweight analysis because several approximations are used. Furthermore, we propose using the fractal value to visualize VDFG-based program slice in order to reduce the graph complexity for visualization purposes. We performed three experiments that demonstrate the accuracy of VDFG program slicing with fractal value, the size of a visualized program slice, and effectiveness of our tool for source code reading

    Optimal Ranging Algorithms for Medium Access Control in Hybrid Fiber Coax Networks

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    this paper iso[545"U[ asfo4j ws. Sectio 2 gives the statemento f the ranging pro34q and describes the system mo del. Meanwhile, Sect. 3 pro oo a numbero f algo--4U[; andco5U4j" their thro444jq via simulatio and analysis. Sectio 4 then discusses the implementatio issues, including sensitivity analysis andestimatio schemes f o the numbero f activestatio[; Finally, Sect. 5 summarizes this stud