749 research outputs found

    Design and measurements of 10 bit pipeline ADC for the Luminosity Detector at ILC

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    The design and the preliminary measurements of a prototype 10 bit pipeline ADC based on 1.5-bit per stage architecture, developed for the luminosity detector at International Linear Collider (ILC) are presented. The ADC is designed in two versions, with and without a sample-and-hold circuit (S/H) at the input. The prototypes are fabricated in 0.35 m CMOS technology. A dedicated test setup with a fast FPGA based data acquisition system (DAQ) is developed for the ADC testing. The measurements of static (INL, DNL) and dynamic parameters are performed to understand and quantify the circuit performance. The integral (INL) and differential (DNL) nonlinearity are below 1 LSB and 0.5 LSB respectively. The dynamic measurements show signal to noise (SNHR) ratio of about 58 dB for sampling frequency up to 25 MHz

    Characterisation of silicon strip detectors with a binary readout chip for X-ray imaging

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    In this paper we describe the development of a multichannel readout system for X-ray measurements using silicon strip detectors. The developed system is based on a binary readout architecture and optimised for detection of X-rays of energies in the range 6}30 keV. The critical component of the system is the 32-channel front-end chip, RX32N, which has been optimised for low noise performance, small channel to channel variation and high counting rate operation. The performance of the chip is demonstrated by measurements of complex X-ray spectra using silicon strip and pad detectors. The obtained results allow to use the system at room temperature with the detection threshold in the range from 500 to 10 000 electrons, which is enough in many crystallographic and medical imaging applications. ( 2000 Elsevier Scienc

    Radiation damage of silicon strip detectors in the NA50 experiment

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    Abstract During operation of the multiplicity detector in the NA50 experiment the single sided AC-coupled p-on-n silicon strip detectors were exposed to charged particle fluences up to 10 14 eq n/cm 2 and ionising doses up to 20 Mrad, with a very non-uniform radiation spatial distribution. Radiation effects in the detectors observed during the '96 lead ion run as well as results of the post-run measurements are presented in this paper

    Analysis of radiation effects on silicon strip detectors in the NA50 experiment

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    Abstract During the operation of the Multiplicity Detector in the NA50 experiment the single sided AC-coupled p-on-n silicon strip detectors were exposed to charged particle fluences resulting in an equivalent 1 MeV neutron fluence up to 10 14 eq. n/cm 2 and a total ionising dose up to 20 Mrad, with a very non-uniform radiation spatial distribution. In this paper detailed analysis of radiation effects observed on the detectors during the 1996 lead ion run as well as results of measurements performed after the run are presented

    The silicon Multiplicity Detector for the NA50 experiment

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    Abstract The operation and performance of the silicon strip Multiplicity Detector in the heavy-ion experiment NA50 at CERN are presented together with a selection of physics results. The main features of the detector are high speed (50 MHz sampling frequency), high granularity (more than 13,000 strips), and good radiation resistance. The detector provided a measurement of event centrality in Pb–Pb collisions, as well as target identification and the measurement of charged particle pseudorapidity distributions as a function of centrality

    The silicon multiplicity detector for the NA50 experiment at CERN

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    The design, operation and performance of the silicon strip Multiplicity Detector for the heavy-ion experiment NA50 at CERN are presented. The main features of the detector are high speed (50 MHz sampling frequency), high granularity (more than 13,000 strips), and good radiation resistance. The detector provided a measurement ofevent centrality in Pb–Pb collisions, as well as target identification and the measurement ofcharged particle pseudorapidity distributions as a function of centrality. r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 29.4

    Design and operation of a fast high-granularity silicon detector system in a high-radiation environment

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    Abstract We have designed, realized and operated a fast silicon detector system (50 MHz sampling frequency) to measure the angular distribution and the multiplicity of charged secondaries produced in high-energy Pb–Pb interactions, within the NA50 experiment. We present here the detector design, discuss some of the problems faced during the commissioning and report on the first results on the operation of the full system. In particular, the questions related to the operation of an integrated high-speed binary readout in a high-radiation environment (1014 particles/cm2 and about 10 Mrads) and to the radiation effects on the system during the run will be addressed
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