606 research outputs found

    Problem-based learning case writing by students based on early years clinical attachments: a focus group evaluation.

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    To evaluate the perception of medical students of the new approach to problem-based learning which involves students writing their own problem-based learning cases based on their recent clinical attachment, and team assessment.Focus group interviews with students using purposive sampling. Transcripts of the audio recordings were analysed using thematic analysis.Imperial College School of Medicine, London.Medical students in the second year of the MBBS course, who attended the problem-based learning case writing session.To elicit the students views about problem-based learning case writing and team assessment.The following broad themes emerged: effect of group dynamics on the process; importance of defining the tutors role; role of summative assessment; feedback as a learning tool and the skills developed during the process.Overall the students found the new approach, writing problem-based learning cases based on patients seen during their clinical attachments, useful in helping them to gain a better understanding about the problem-based learning process, promoting creativity and reinforcing the importance of team work and peer assessment which are vital professional skills. Further tutor development and guidance for students about the new approach was found to be important in ensuring it is a good learning experience. We hope this evaluation will be of use to other institutions considering introducing students case writing to problem-based learning

    The Socio-Cultural Context of Maternal Health in Lagos State, Nigeria.

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    Maternal health is one of the major concerns of the global health community. Pregnancy-related mortality is avoidable if preventive measures are taken and adequate care is available. Yet women in sub-Saharan Africa continue to die due to pregnancy-related complications. This study set out to examine the socio-cultural context of pregnant women and how that context precipitates maternal morbidity and mortality. The study was prompted by the high rate of maternal death despite all efforts and the observation that studies had concentrated on the proximate determinants of maternal mortality, rather than also considering the social determinants. Five objectives were considered which were to: identify the social factors that precipitate the medical proximate determinants of maternal health, determine the cultural beliefs and stereotypes that are associated with maternal health, examine how role conflict influences maternal health, investigate how mothers’ working conditions affect maternal health, and evaluate how social support influence maternal health. Systematic review of literature was carried out while the study utilized Functionalism, Agency Structure Theory and Gender and Development (GAD) Theory for its theoretical framework. The study was conducted in the four selected Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Lagos State from November, 2011to January, 2012 using 1,362 respondents to whom a structured questionnaire was administered, 20 key informants were interviewed and 4 case studies were analysed. Five hypotheses were tested. The first hypothesis revealed age, education, occupation, income, religion, marital status and type of marriage are significant determinants of maternal health complications. Women in age group 20-24, 25-29 and 30-34 are 0.631, 0.621 and 0.756 respectively less likely to have health complications. The second hypothesis estimated significant influence of cultural beliefs and practices on maternal health. With p-values 0.021, 0.001, 0.050 and 0.011 respectively, women who experience swollen feet, dizziness, fatigue or more than one of these symptoms are more likely to be at risk of complication. The third hypothesis also indicated a significant influence of role conflict on maternal health. Women’s working conditions were found to significantly influence maternal health complications in the forth hypothesis. And the finding of the fifth hypothesis revealed that there is a significant influence of social support available to women on maternal health. The findings presented in this study show that maternal health vii challenges will continue to shape national indicators on health, poverty, and other development issues, if adequate attention is not provided. The study suggests that to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality, intervention programmes must be introduced to deal with maternal health in a broad and multidimensional way. Every effort must be put in place to reduce poverty and enhance infrastructural development. Health promotion and education should be widely recognized and should be embarked upon as necessary primary approaches to ensure maternal health. Health policies toward maternal well being during pregnancy in the place of work should be developed in the light of urban poor infrastructure. There must be a strong political will to help in the process of reducing maternal mortality in Nigeria

    Effect of Biological and Chemical Ripening Agents on the Nutritional and Metal Composition of Banana (Musa spp)

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    The use of potentially toxic ripening agents is common in developing countries. Four ripening agents namely calcium carbide, potash, African mango and jathropha curcas leaf were used and compared with a control with no ripening agent. Result showed that RB1 and RB2 were the first to ripen at 3days with RB5 at 6th day. Protein content reduced in the ripened samples in the order of 4.12>3.68>3.04>2.52>1.99>1.77%. Protein value was lowest when calcium carbide was used. Fat ash and fiber contents range between 0.28-1.72, 0.75-2.75and 0.50-1.75% respectively. The moisture content increased from 65.50 to 74.0%, while carbohydrate content range is 17.49-29.29%. Pb, Cu, Zn and Mn values of 0.22, 0.87, 1.96 and 0.67ppm was highest in calcium carbide ripened banana and lowest in the control 0.09, 0.26, 0.37 and 0.19 ppm.Keywords: Banana; ripening; ripening agents; postharvest losses; metal contaminatio

    Proximate Determinants of Women's Use of Birth Control Methods in Ota,Ogun State

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    Fertility regulation and pregnancy prevention are among the major health challenges of the 21st century in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in Nigeria. Contraception has been identified as an effective means of combating the problem of unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion and it is equally an effective means of family planning and fertility control and therefore very important in promoting maternal and child health. Women between ages 18 and 47 (n=143, mean=30.4 years) were sampled. A survey research questionnaire made up of four trajectories and consisting of sixteen (16) items was used in this study. The study made use of frequency counts, percentage, t-test analysis and regression analysis. The SPSS software was used to analyze the data. Results indicate a good knowledge of types of contraception with more than a third (83%) aware of condom as a contraceptive method. However, very few women were aware of modern contraceptive methods such as implants (9%) and spermicides (5%). The study indicates that knowledge of contraception (β = 2.244; t = 2.356; p < .05), employment status (β = 1.955; t = 2.257;p < .05) and age (β = 1.530; t = 2.203; p < .05) were good predictors of women’s contraceptive use. There was also a significant difference in women’s use of contraceptives based on contraceptive selfefficacy (t = 3.387, p < .05). Based on these findings, the study shows the need for strong advocacy,enlightenment and community mobilization for improved awareness and use of contraceptives in fertility control and preventing unwanted pregnancie


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    The study adopted the use of questionnaire, and in-depth interview research approaches to examine the maternal role conflicts and the access to social support that can cushion or prevent the incidence of ill-health during pregnancy among 1362 women that were in their reproductive age (15-49). Data analysis employed univariate and multivariate (binary logistic regression) and two models were formulated. The result shows where women were exclusively doing all the household chores were 0.803 times less likely to be in good health condition. It also indicated that lack of spouse or relatives’ support were negatively related to maternal good health. These factors would 0.583 and 0.927 less likely to enhance good maternal health. The authors conclude that woman double roles have negative influence on maternal health. The author recommends better enlightenment and education of men on exigent maternal health complications issues, to secure their support for current mothers and potential mother

    Analysis of Annual Maximum Rainfall Series using Method of L-Moments in Some Selected Sites in South-South Geographical Zone, Nigeria

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    Determination of the extent of peak rainfall for different return periods is an essential ingredient for the accurate design of hydraulic structures such as drains, dams and culverts as well as detection of flood risk areas. The focus of this study is to analyze annual maximum daily rainfall series in some selected sites within the coastal region of Nigeria using three parameter probability distribution models, namely, Generalized Logistics (GLO), Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) and Generalized Pareto (GPA) with the view of identifying the best fit probability distribution model per station that can be employed to estimate the rainfall magnitude for selected return periods. Specific time series analysis test, namely, detection of outlier and homogeneity test were performed to certify that the data utilized are adequate and suitable. Descriptive statistics such as sample mean, variance, standard deviation, kurtosis, skewness, and coefficient of variation were computed using basic statistical equations. The probability weighted moment parameters (b0, b1, b2 and b3), L-moment values (λ1, λ2, λ3 and λ4) and ratios (τ2, τ 3 and τ4) including the distribution parameters, namely, shape (k), scale (α) and location (ξ) parameters were computed based on L-moments procedures. To select the best-fit probability distribution model per station, carefully chosen goodness-of-fit statistics, namely, root mean square error, relative root mean square error, maximum absolute deviation index, maximum absolute error and probability plot correlation coefficient were employed since they can adequately assess the fitted distribution at a site. Results obtained indicate that the GLO is the best fit distribution for analyzing annual maximum daily rainfall series from Warri and Calabar while GPA for Port Harcourt and Uyo

    Comparative Antibacterial Activity of Five Brands of Ciprofloxacin Injectables in Nigeria

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    Background: Ciprofloxacin, a widely used antimicrobial agent, is available in Nigeria in various tablet and injectable dosage forms. In this era of fake and substandard drugs, it is important to be sure of the quality and antimicrobial potency of ciprofloxacin injectables imported and sold in Nigeria.Objectives: This study is aimed at evaluating and comparing the antibacterial efficacy of five different brands of ciprofloxacin infusion available in Nigeria against clinical bacterial isolates.Method: Ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) spectroscopy was used to determine the percentage content of active pharmaceutical ingredient in each brand, while antibacterial activities were compared against five bacterial strains including: Escherichia coli (E), Klebsiella pneumoniae (K), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Ps), Proteus mirabilis (Pr), Staphylococcus aureus (St) and Salmonella typhi (Sa). Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBCs) were determined by broth dilution method. Statistical analysis of the results obtained was done by ANOVA.Result: The percentage content of all the five brands of ciprofloxacin injection was not less than the specification (95-105%) of the British Pharmacopoeia, BP (2009). The susceptibility test showed that 16 out of 30 (53.3%) isolates were multidrug resistant. Ciprofloxacin was active on most of the clinical isolates which justify its wide use in treating infections in Nigeria; however, resistance to ciprofloxacin is increasing.Conclusion: Comparing the different brands, there was slight variation but no significant difference (p&gt; 0.05) in their antibacterial activity (p= 0.96, 0.999 for sensitivity at 10ÎĽg/ml and MIC respectively). Keywords: Ciprofloxacin brands, Fake drugs, Physicochemical analysis, Antibacterial, Antimicrobial resistanc
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