4 research outputs found

    Prospectus, February 10, 1970

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    THE PARKING PROBLEM WHAT DO WE DO; Is Your Advisor--?; Editorials; Letters To The Editor; Black Rap; In-Sight Out; James Lauds Students, Part 2; The Welch Syndrome; Miss February; Havenly Is John Pennel; Synapse: Blizzards, Live Peace, Feather Train; Bull Page: P.C. Student Awarded Champaign C of C Scholarship, Calendar, Schorships, Plan Spring Formal, Grant Program For College Year 1970-1971, Suggestion Box, Research Project, Ice Skating; Eastern Frosh Down Cobras, 98-89; Cobras Nip Spoon River, 103-102; Florrisant Whips Grapplers, 26-16; A man for all seasons: No Baseball in 1970https://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1970/1032/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, May 16, 1969

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    BOARD LOOKS AT CODE; Art Show Ill-Attended; Black Rap; Art Students Ask The Question Why; Review of Hamlet; Not So Nursery Rhyme; Bake Sale Goes Over Big; Ask Minerva; New Members Of SG Hit; Instructional Resource Center; The Marvelous Montoya; Teachers Unite; Parkland Players Present...; Aces And Spaces; Counselors\u27 Corner...; Dr. Smith Moves Forth; Moose Lodge Is Picketed; Liz Sharp, Klapperich Track Stars; Intramural Track Results; Parkland College Basketball Schedule; Photographic Art By Thomas Kläyhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1969/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, April 20, 1970

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    ENVIRONMENT TEACH-IN BONEYARD CLEAN UP; Salaries To Come Next Year, Tuition; Guidelines Proposed For Disciplinary Action; Agnew And You; Letters To The Editor; Present Grading System Should Stay---; Refuse To Fight War Undeclared; Veterans Receive Boost; At A Moment\u27s Notice...: Our Parkland Secretaries; PC Nurses Active In State Organization; IFUC Instrumental In GI Bill Raise; Sterile Cuckoo Sad Little Story; Bull Page: Art Contest Held, Calendar, Library Orientation Program Produced, Cole, Reynolds Win Road Rally, News...News, Horrors; Abbey: track Men \u27Excell\u27; Cagers Finish Season 11-13; Intramural Schedulehttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1970/1029/thumbnail.jp

    Prospectus, May 7, 1971

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    PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM GIVES SECOND CHANCE; VIC Helps To Rehabilitate Youth; Nurses, Hygienists In Health Week ; One Way or Two?; Student Deferment May End; One Man Band; Bull Sheet: Elections, Game Week, Sisters, Hot Line, Wit n\u27 Wisdom, Counselor Appts., Tau Epsilon, Voting, New Paperbacks, Anti War Activities, IOC, Vets Meeting, About Drugs, Need Help, Book Depository, LRC File, Poncho Pilot; Parkland Belts Walbash Twice; P.C. Board Holds Elections-- Consider Nepotism Policy; PC Faculty Art Exhibit; Know Your Candidate: Student Government Elections, Will They Pass or Fail?; David A. Friedmann, President; Robert D. Bales, President; John Stuckey, Vice President; Bob Hilton, Treasurer; Diane Topping, Secretary; Becky Terrell, Convocations; Terry Cassidy, Campus Organizationshttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1971/1007/thumbnail.jp