28 research outputs found

    The production deployment of IPv6 on WLCG

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    The world is rapidly running out of IPv4 addresses; the number of IPv6 end systems connected to the internet is increasing; WLCG and the LHC experiments may soon have access to worker nodes and/or virtual machines (VMs) possessing only an IPv6 routable address. The HEPiX IPv6 Working Group has been investigating, testing and planning for dual-stack services on WLCG for several years. Following feedback from our working group, many of the storage technologies in use on WLCG have recently been made IPv6-capable. This paper presents the IPv6 requirements, tests and plans of the LHC experiments together with the tests performed on the group\u27s IPv6 test-bed. This is primarily aimed at IPv6-only worker nodes or VMs accessing several different implementations of a global dual-stack federated storage service. Finally the plans for deployment of production dual-stack WLCG services are presented

    A randomized controlled trial evaluating a theory driven, complex intervention centered on task sharing and mobile health to improve selfcare and outcomes in heart failure – The PANACEA-HF RCT: Design and rationale

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    Background: We developed a three-pronged complex intervention to improve selfcare and deliver whole person care for patients with heart failure, underpinned by the ‘extant cycle’ theory – a theory based on our formative work. Methods: This is a 3 centre, 2-arm, 1:1, open, adaptive stratified, randomized controlled trial. We included patients aged ≄ 18 years with heart failure, taking any of the key guideline directed medical treatments, with a history of or currently on a high ceiling diuretic. We excluded end stage renal disease, clinically diagnosed severe mental illness or cognitive dysfunction and having no caregivers. Interventions included, (i) trained hospital based lay health worker mediated assessment of patients' current selfcare behaviour, documenting barriers and facilitators and implementing a plan to ‘transition’ the patient toward optimal selfcare. (ii) m-health mediated remote monitoring and (iii) dose optimization through a ‘physician supervisor’. Results: We recruited 301 patients between Jan 2021 and Jan 2022. Mean age was 59.8 (±11.7) years, with 195 (64.8 %) from rural or semi-urban areas and 67.1 % having intermediate to low health literacy. 190 (63.1 %) had an underlying ischemic cardiomyopathy. In the intervention arm, 142 (94.1 %) had a Selfcare in Heart Failure Index (SCHFI) score of ≀70, with significant barriers being ‘lack of knowledge’ 105 (34.5 %) and ‘behavioural passivity’ 23 (7.5 %). Conclusion: This is the first South Asian trial evaluating a complex intervention underpinned by behaviour change theory for whole person heart failure care. These learnings can be applied to heart failure patient care in other resource constrained health systems

    Deployment of IPv6-only CPU resources at WLCG sites

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    The fraction of Internet traffic carried over IPv6 continues to grow rapidly. IPv6 support from network hardware vendors and carriers is pervasive and becoming mature. A network infrastructure upgrade often offers sites an excellent window of opportunity to configure and enable IPv6. There is a significant overhead when setting up and maintaining dual-stack machines, so where possible sites would like to upgrade their services directly to IPv6 only. In doing so, they are also expediting the transition process towards its desired completion. While the LHC experiments accept there is a need to move to IPv6, it is currently not directly affecting their work. Sites are unwilling to upgrade if they will be unable to run LHC experiment workflows. This has resulted in a very slow uptake of IPv6 from WLCG sites. For several years the HEPiX IPv6 Working Group has been testing a range of WLCG services to ensure they are IPv6 compliant. Several sites are now running many of their services as dual-stack. The working group, driven by the requirements of the LHC VOs to be able to use IPv6-only opportunistic resources, continues to encourage wider deployment of dual-stack services to make the use of such IPv6-only clients viable. This paper presents the working group’s plan and progress so far to allow sites to deploy IPv6-only CPU resources. This includes making experiment central services dual-stack as well as a number of storage services. The monitoring, accounting and information services that are used by jobs also need to be upgraded. Finally the VO testing that has taken place on hosts connected via IPv6-only is reported

    IPv6 Security

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    IPv4 network addresses are running out and the deployment of IPv6 networking in many places is now well underway. Following the work of the HEPiX IPv6 Working Group, a growing number of sites in the Worldwide Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid (WLCG) are deploying dual-stack IPv6/IPv4 services. The aim of this is to support the use of IPv6-only clients, i.e. worker nodes, virtual machines or containers. The IPv6 networking protocols while they do contain features aimed at improving security also bring new challenges for operational IT security. The lack of maturity of IPv6 implementations together with the increased complexity of some of the protocol standards raise many new issues for operational security teams. The HEPiX IPv6 Working Group is producing guidance on best practices in this area. This paper considers some of the security concerns for WLCG in an IPv6 world and presents the HEPiX IPv6 working group guidance for the system administrators who manage IT services on the WLCG distributed infrastructure, for their related site security and networking teams and for developers and software engineers working on WLCG applications