32 research outputs found

    Odour nuisance in Scheldt branch Gentbrugge-Melle [POSTER]

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    The tidal branch of the Sea Scheldt between the lock of Gentbrugge and Melle - part of the complex Ringvaart system around Ghent - has not received any upstream discharge since 1981. Consequently, ebb velocities were reduced, while flood velocities were left unaffected, causing sedimentation in the branch. At some locations along the branch, odour nuisance was regularly reported. In order to address the problem, Division Sea Scheldt of the Flemish Government proposed to dredge the associated muddy material. Flanders Hydraulics Research (FHR) was asked to conduct a study about the necessary upstream discharge at the lock of Gentbrugge needed to ensure the river branch’s self-erosiveness. To answer this question, monitored data were combined with modelling know-how. A 2D numerical morphological model was constructed, for which hydrological and sedimentological parameters, such as discharge, gauge height and sediment concentration, were used as input and for validation. All of these data were provided by FHR. After numerous numerical scenarios, it was concluded that the discharge required, lies between 20 and 25 m3/s. However, as a mean discharge of about 70 m3/s is discharged into the entire water system around Ghent, and as other waterways within this system require sufficient discharges (of which the Canal Ghent-Terneuzen has been determined in a Belgian-Dutch treaty) this discharge is not available in normal circumstances in the tidal branch. Currently, Flanders Hydraulics Research is investigating the possibilities of a lower discharge at the weir of Gentbrugge, that would allow to maintain the branch with a limited dredging

    Identification of Salmonella high risk pig farms in belgium suing semi-parametric quantile regression

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    Since consumption of pork contaminated with Salmonella is an important source of human Salmonellosis in Belgium, policy makers implement the identification of the 10% most Salmonella problematic pig herds. These herds are then encouraged to take control measures to reduce the Salmonella infection burden. To identify high risk herds, serological data were collected, reported as Sample to Positive ratios (SP-ratios).</p

    Quantitative risk assessment of human Salmonellosis throough consumption of pork in Belgium: a modular risk model

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    As Salmonella Typhimurium (STM) is the major source of human salmonellosis in Belgium, a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) to evaluate the health risks associated with the consumption of minced pork meat contaminated with STM in Belgium was initiated. The QMRA model describes the chain from farm-to-fork, dividing the exposure pathway into several modules (1) primary production, (2) transport & holding, (3) slaughter & processing, (4) distribution & storage and (5) consumer. Both fresh and frozen minced meat products prepared at home are considered and human illness is estimated for both inadequately cooking and cross-contamination during preparation. Data relevant to the Belgian situation was incorporated into the model where available, international and literature data was used otherwise. First baseline results of the model are presented and the impact of some scenarios was investigated. These first results show that there seems to be more potential in reducing the STM load on the carcasses, rather then reducing the prevalence

    Quantitative risk assessment of human salmonellosis through consumption of pork in Belgium: a modular risk model

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    As Salmonella Typhimurium (STM) is the major source of human salmonellosis in Belgium, a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) to evaluate the health risks associated with the consumption of minced pork meat contaminated with STM in Belgium was initiated. The QMRA model describes the chain from farm-to-fork, dividing the exposure pathway into several modules (1) primary production, (2) transport & holding, (3) slaughter & processing, (4) distribution & storage and (5) consumer. Both fresh and frozen minced meat products prepared at home are considered and human illness is estimated for both inadequately cooking and cross-contamination during preparation. Data relevant to the Belgian situation was incorporated into the model where available, international and literature data was used otherwise. First baseline results of the model are presented and the impact of some scenarios was investigated. These first results show that there seems to be more potential in reducing the STM load on the carcasses, rather then reducing the prevalence.</p

    Belgian 'farm-to-consumption' risk assessment-model for Salmonella in pigs: methodology for assessing the quality of data and information sources

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    Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment (QMRA) IS a scienllfic tool that can be used to evaluate the level of exposure and subsequently the risk to human health However using this technique one should be aware of the llm1ts of the QMRA model due to data quality limited amount of lime, model uncertainty and quality of assumptions. In addition, each information source may have diffrent study designs, sampling methods, diagnostic tools etc. Within the Belgian Salmonella QMRA-model in pigs following exposure pathways were identified primary production, transport, slaughterhouse & post processmg, d1stnbution & storage consumer dose response From more than 60 available data sources, information was available for up to 101 potential input parameters, which were essential for building up the model-framework.</p