403 research outputs found
Variational Quantum Algorithm based circuit that implements the Toffoli gate with multi inputs
The prime objective of this study is to seek a circuit diagram for a
multi-inputs Toffoli gate including only single qubit gates and CNOTs. In this
regard, we have developed two variational quantum algorithms that can be used
to implement a multi-inputs Toffoli gate. The cost functions of these two VQAs
are derived by using the Hilbert Schmidt inner product and the expected value
of an observable that can capture the difference between the inputs and outputs
of a Toffoli gate. We employ two ansatz circuit architectures and use the
PennyLane package to execute the optimization
The structure of feared social situations among race-ethnic minorities and Whites with social anxiety disorder in the United States
We investigated feared social situations in individuals with social anxiety disorder from different racial and ethnic groups in the United States. The sample included 247 African Americans, 158 Latinos, and 533 non-Latino Whites diagnosed with social anxiety disorder within the past 12 months from the integrated Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Studies data set. After randomly splitting the full sample, we conducted an exploratory factor analysis with half of the sample to determine the structure of feared social situations in a more diverse sample than has been used in previous studies. We found evidence for a model consisting of three feared social domains: performance/public speaking, social interaction, and observational. We then conducted a confirmatory factor analysis on the remaining half of the sample to examine whether this factor structure varied significantly between the race-ethnic groups. Analyses revealed an adequate fit of this model across all three race-ethnic groups, suggesting invariance of the factor structure between the study groups. Broader cultural contexts within which these findings are relevant are discussed, along with important implications for comprehensive, culturally sensitive assessment of social anxiety.R01 MH078308 - NIMH NIH HHS; R01 MH081116 - NIMH NIH HHS; MH-081116 - NIMH NIH HHS; K23 MH096029 - NIMH NIH HHS; MH-078308 - NIMH NIH HH
Role of IL-37 and Dectin-1 during Toxoplasmosis
يعد داء المقوسات من الأمراض الطفيلية التي تحفز الخلايا المناعية لانتاج الحركيات الخلوية والوسائط الالتهابية المسؤولة عن حدوث الاستجابة المناعية الغير الطبيعية أو المجهضة. سلطت هذه الدراسة الضوء على تقييم مستقبلات Dectin-1 و والإنترلوكين -37 (IL-37) في مصل 80 إمراة مصابة بداء المقوسات أجهضن خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الاولى، فضلاً عن 40 إمرأة حامل في الاشهر الثلاثة الاولى وغير مصابات واستمر الحمل لديهن بنجاح (المجموعة الضابطة). في البدء تم اجراء مسح لمصل المريضات لغرض الكشف عن طبيعة الأجسام المضادة IgM و IgG للإصابة بطفيلي المقوسة الكونودية بوساطة اختبار الاليزا، ثم تم تحديد مستويات المصل لكل من IL-37 و Dectin-1. و أظهرت النتائج أن مستوى المصل من Dectin-1 قد زاد بشكل ملحوظ في جميع المرضى المصابين بداء المقوسات و الحاملين للأجسام المضادة IgM و IgG362.382 ± 45.937 و 361.916 ± 71.993 نانوغرام / لتر على التوالي، مقارنة بالمجموعة الضابطة 155.702 ± 26.356 نانوغرام / لتر. بينما كان مستوى المصل من IL-37 متقاربًا في جميع المرضى المصابين بداء المقوسات و الحاملين للاجسام المضادة IgM و IgG و كذلك مجموعة السيطرة 52.666 ± 4.272 ، 66.808 ± 9.132 و 51.984 ± 3.619 نانوغرام / لتر على التوالي ، مع عدم وجود فروق معنوية. لذلك قد يكون مستقبل Dectin-1 دورًا في فقدان الحمل خصوصاً عند الإصابة بطفيلي المقوسة الكوندية.Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection that triggers immune cells to produce cytokines and inflammatory mediators that are responsible for abnormal or aborted immune responses. This study highlights the evaluation of the Dectin-1 receptor and cytokine IL-37 in the serum of 80 patients who had miscarried in the first trimester and were infected with toxoplasmosis, as well as 40 pregnant women in the first trimester who had a successful pregnancy (control groups). The serum was first screened for the T. gondii IgM and IgG antibodies by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and then the serum levels of IL-37 and Dectin-1 were determined. The results showed that the serum level of Dectin-1 was significantly increased in anti-Toxoplasma IgM and IgG patients 362.382 ± 45.937 and 361.916 ± 71.993 ng/L respectively, as compared with the controls 155.702 ± 26.356 ng/L, while the serum level of IL-37 was convergent in anti-Toxoplasma IgM and IgG patients and controls 52.666 ± 4.272, 66.808 ± 9.132, and 51.984 ± 3.619 ng/L respectively, with no significant differences. In conclusion, Dectin-1 receptor may play a role in pregnancy loss, especially in T. gondii infection
Interleukin-12B gene polymorphism and visceral Leishmaniasis in Iraqi patients
The present study aimed to determine the role of IL12-1188 genetic polymorphism in susceptibility or resistant to visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) by studying single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the gene of IL12B at position -1188 in 44 Iraqi VL patients and 40 healthy controls. IL-12 serum level showed no significant difference between patients and controls (5.33 ± 3.26 vs.2.17 ± 0.36 pg/ml). In addition, SNP analysis revealed that neither genotypes nor alleles of IL12B-1188 revealed a significant variation between VL patients and controls. To determine the impact of IL12B-1188 genotypes on IL-12 serum level, VL patients and controls were distributed according to their serum level in the three genotypes of this cytokine. It was found that IL12-1188 CC genotype demonstrated a significant increased level of IL-12 (26.16 ±19.76 pg/ml) in patients compared to CA and AA genotype (1.35 ± 0.35 pg/ml and 1.48 ± 0.23 pg/ml respectively) of patients. Keywords: Visceral leishmaniasis, Interleukin-12, Single nucleotide polymorphis
Perceptually Important Points-Based Data Aggregation Method for Wireless Sensor Networks
يستهلك إرسال واستقبال البيانات معظم الموارد في شبكات الاستشعار اللاسلكية (WSNs). تعد الطاقة التي توفرها البطارية أهم مورد يؤثر على عمر WSN في عقدة المستشعر. لذلك، نظرًا لأن عُقد المستشعر تعمل بالاعتماد على بطاريتها المحدودة ، فإن توفير الطاقة ضروري. يمكن تعريف تجميع البيانات كإجراء مطبق للقضاء على عمليات الإرسال الزائدة عن الحاجة ، ويوفر معلومات مدمجة إلى المحطات الأساسية ، مما يؤدي بدوره إلى تحسين فعالية الطاقة وزيادة عمر الشبكات اللاسلكية ذات للطاقة المحدودة. في هذا البحث ، تم اقتراح طريقة تجميع البيانات المستندة إلى النقاط المهمة إدراكيًا (PIP-DA) لشبكات المستشعرات اللاسلكية لتقليل البيانات الزائدة عن الحاجة قبل إرسالها إلى المحطة الاساسية. من خلال استخدام مجموعة بيانات Intel Berkeley Research Lab (IBRL) ، تم قياس كفاءة الطريقة المقترحة. توضح النتائج التجريبية فوائد الطريقة المقترحة حيث تعمل على تقليل الحمل على مستوى عقدة الاستشعار حتى 1.25٪ في البيانات المتبقية وتقليل استهلاك الطاقة حتى 93٪ مقارنة ببروتوكولات PFF و ATP.The transmitting and receiving of data consume the most resources in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The energy supplied by the battery is the most important resource impacting WSN's lifespan in the sensor node. Therefore, because sensor nodes run from their limited battery, energy-saving is necessary. Data aggregation can be defined as a procedure applied for the elimination of redundant transmissions, and it provides fused information to the base stations, which in turn improves the energy effectiveness and increases the lifespan of energy-constrained WSNs. In this paper, a Perceptually Important Points Based Data Aggregation (PIP-DA) method for Wireless Sensor Networks is suggested to reduce redundant data before sending them to the sink. By utilizing Intel Berkeley Research Lab (IBRL) dataset, the efficiency of the proposed method was measured. The experimental findings illustrate the benefits of the proposed method as it reduces the overhead on the sensor node level up to 1.25% in remaining data and reduces the energy consumption up to 93% compared to prefix frequency filtering (PFF) and ATP protocols
Structural and Electrical Properties of "Cadmium Sulfide- Cobalt" Compound and Using it as a Gas Sensor
مراجعة : توجد أربع ذرات من الكادميوم متتالية ، متباعدة بشكل متساوٍ، محاطة بذرة S واحدة في الطور المكعب (مزيج الزنك) والسداسي (الورتزيت) من كبريتيد الكادميوم، مما يجعلها مادة شبه موصلة. يحتوي Cd-S على أطوال روابط مجاورة متطابقة تقريبًا في كل من الهياكل البلورية المكعبة والسداسية .
المواد وطرائق العمل:
تم تحضير المركب كبريتيد الكادميوم بتركيز (1) مولاري من خلال اذابة نسبة وزنية كل من املاح الكادميوم(13.326غم) واملاح الكبريت(3.806غم) في 100 مل من الماء المقطر. وكذلك تم تحضير الكوبالت بتركيز (0.5) مولاري من خلال اذابة نسبة وزنية من املاح كوبالت (14.55غم) في (100مل) من الماء المقطر. تم تحضير الاغشية الرقيقة باستخدام الطريقة الكيميائية هي تقنية الرش الكيميائي الحراري والذي رسبت محلول كبريتيد الكادميوم والكوبالت على ارضية من الزجاج وكان سمك الاغشية المحضرة (100) نانومتر. النتائج:
تم دراسة سطوح الاغشية المحضرة من خلال قياس المجهر الالكتروني النافذ وبينت النتائج ان الاغشية المحضرة متجانسة وذات حبيبات بلورية شكلها كروي وان اضافة املاح الكوبالت الى المركب كبريتيد الكادميوم ادى الى زيادة في قيم الحجم الحبيبي.
الاستنتاجات: تم دراسة الخواص الكهربائية المتمثلة بقياس التيار الفولتية وبينت النتائج ان العلاقة بين التيار الفولتية هي علاقة خطية وهذا يشير الى ان الاغشية المحضرة تسلك سلوك اومي. وكذلك تم حساب التوصيلية الكهربائية المستمرة وبينت النتائج ان اضافة الكوبالت الى المركب كبرييتيد الكادميوم ادى الى زيادة في قيم التوصيلية الكهربائية. تم دراسة تحسس الغازات للأغشية المحضرة تجاه غاز كبريتيد الهيدروجين وبينت النتائج ان الاغشية المحضرة لها تحسسية جيدة وان اضافة الكوبالت الى المركب كبريتيد الكادميوم ادى الى نقصان في قيم التحسسية .Background: Both the cubic (zinc blend) and hexagonal (wurtzite) phases of cadmium sulphide are semiconductors due to the presence of a row of four equally spaced Cd atoms surrounded by one S atom. Both the cubic and hexagonal crystal forms of Cd-S have very similar nearest neighbor bond lengths. Material and Methods: The cadmium sulfide compound was prepared at a concentration of 1 M by dissolving the percentage by weight of each of cadmium(13.326g) and sulfur (3.806g) in 100 ml of distilled water. Cobalt was prepared at a concentration of 0.5M by dissolving a percentage by weight of Cobalt acetate (14.55g) in 100 ml of distilled water. Films CdS and CdS:Co were prepared using the chemical method, which is the thermal chemical spraying technique, which deposited a solution of cadmium sulfide mixture of cobalt solution with cadmium sulfide on a glass floor.
Results: The thickness of the prepared films was 100 mm. The surfaces of the prepared films were studied by measuring transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that the prepared films are homogeneous and have crystalline granules of spherical shape, and the addition of cobalt to the cadmium sulfide compound led to an increase in the particle size values. The electrical properties represented by measuring the voltaic- current were studied, and the results showed that the relationship between the voltaic- current is linear, and this indicates that the prepared films behave as ohmic.
Conclusion: The continuous electrical conductivity was also calculated, and the results showed that the addition of cobalt acetate to the cadmium sulfide compound led to an increase in the electrical conductivity values. The gas sensitivity of the prepared films towards hydrogen sulfide gas was studied, and the results showed that the prepared films had good sensitivity, and adding cobalt acetate to the cadmium sulfide compound led to a decrease in the sensitivity values
Gravitational Trapping Near Domain Walls and Stable Solitons
In this work, the behavior of test particles near a domain wall of a stable
false vacuum bubble is studied. It is shown that matter is naturally trapped in
the vicinity of a static domain wall, and also, that there is a discontinuity
in the test particle's velocity when crossing the domain wall. The latter is
unexpected as it stands in contrast to Newtonian theory, where infinite forces
are not allowed. The weak field limit is defined in order to show that there is
no conflict with the non-relativistic behavior of gravitational fields and
particle motions under these conditions.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, problem is reanalyzed using a continuous
coordinate syste
Quantitative Implementation of Acoustic Impedance Inversion to Porosity and Lithology Prediction of Clastic Reservoir, Luhais Oil Field, Southern Iraq
In the present study, some of petrophysical properties of Nuhr Umr Formation in Luhais oil field (south of Iraq) are evaluated by using an acoustic impedance inversion process. 2D seismic reflection data of (29) lines covering the field, neutron porosity logs, and synthetic acoustic impedance logs were used in inversion of seismic sections into an acoustic impedance and porosity sections. To compensate the low frequency in relative acoustic impedance that rely on seismic data frequency (band-limit frequency), we inverted relative acoustic impedance with combination the low frequency of well data to obtain absolute acoustic impedance. The absolute acoustic impedance shows consistency and good tie with an acoustic impedance log. At the reservoir interval the lithology was discriminate and evaluate the facies quality of Nahr-Umr Formation using absolute acoustic impedance inversion and subdivided into three main members. The shale facies indicate high porosity (25%) corresponding to low acoustic impedance (6500 Kpa. m/s) at the top of the reservoir. The petrophysical analysis declare and confirm higher quality reservoir is noticed and recognized in the middle member of Nahr-Umr reservoir. Keywords: seismic inversion, porosity prediction, Absolute Acoustic impedanc
Predicting odor perceptual similarity from odor structure
To understand the brain mechanisms of olfaction we must understand the rules that govern the link between odorant structure and odorant perception. Natural odors are in fact mixtures made of many molecules, and there is currently no method to look at the molecular structure of such odorant-mixtures and predict their smell. In three separate experiments, we asked 139 subjects to rate the pairwise perceptual similarity of 64 odorant-mixtures ranging in size from 4 to 43 mono-molecular components. We then tested alternative models to link odorant-mixture structure to odorant-mixture perceptual similarity. Whereas a model that considered each mono-molecular component of a mixture separately provided a poor prediction of mixture similarity, a model that represented the mixture as a single structural vector provided consistent correlations between predicted and actual perceptual similarity (r≥0.49, p<0.001). An optimized version of this model yielded a correlation of r = 0.85 (p<0.001) between predicted and actual mixture similarity. In other words, we developed an algorithm that can look at the molecular structure of two novel odorant-mixtures, and predict their ensuing perceptual similarity. That this goal was attained using a model that considers the mixtures as a single vector is consistent with a synthetic rather than analytical brain processing mechanism in olfaction
Stabilization of Neutral Thin Shells By Gravitational Effects From Electric Fields
We study the properties of a system consisting of an uncharged spherically
symmetric two dimensional extended object which encloses a stationary point
charge placed in the shell's center. We show that there can be a static and
stable configuration for the neutral shell, using only the gravitational field
of the charged source as a stabilizing mechanism. In particular, two types of
shells are studied: a dust shell and a string gas shell. The dynamical
possibilities are also analyzed, including the possibility of child universe
creation.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur
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