32 research outputs found

    Improved induction of anti-melanoma T cells by adenovirus-5/3 fiber modification to target human DCs

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    To mount a strong anti-tumor immune response, non T cell inflamed (cold) tumors may require combination treatment encompassing vaccine strategies preceding checkpoint inhibition. In vivo targeted delivery of tumor-associated antigens (TAA) to dendritic cells (DCs), relying on the natural functions of primary DCs in situ, represents an attractive vaccination strategy. In this study we made use of a full-length MART-1 expressing C/B-chimeric adenoviral vector, consisting of the Ad5 capsid and the Ad3 knob (Ad5/3), which we previously showed to selectively transduce DCs in human skin and lymph nodes. Our data demonstrate that chimeric Ad5/3 vectors encoding TAA, and able to target human DCs in situ, can be used to efficiently induce expansion of functional tumor-specific CD8âș effector T cells, either from a naĂŻve T cell pool or from previously primed T cells residing in the melanoma-draining sentinel lymph nodes (SLN). These data support the use of Ad3-knob containing viruses as vaccine vehicles for in vivo delivery. "Off-the-shelf" DC-targeted Ad vaccines encoding TAA could clearly benefit future immunotherapeutic approaches

    L-Serine Influences Epigenetic Modifications to Improve Cognition and Behaviors in Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone Knockout Mice

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    Neurodegenerative diseases feature changes in cognition, and anxiety-like and autism-like behaviors, which are associated with epigenetic alterations such as DNA methylation and histone modifications. The amino acid L-serine has been shown to have beneficial effects on neurological symptoms. Here, we found that growth hormone-releasing hormone knockout (GHRH-KO) mice, a GH-deficiency mouse model characterized by extended lifespan and enhanced insulin sensitivity, showed a lower anxiety symptom and impairment of short-term object recognition memory and autism-like behaviors. Interestingly, L-serine administration exerted anxiolytic effects in mice and ameliorated the behavioral deficits in GHRH-KO. L-serine treatment upregulated histone epigenetic markers of H3K4me, H3K9ac, H3K14ac and H3K18ac in the hippocampus and H3K4me in the cerebral cortex in both GHRH-KO mice and wild type controls. L-serine-modulated epigenetic marker changes, in turn, were found to regulate mRNA expression of BDNF, grm3, foxp1, shank3, auts2 and marcksl1, which are involved in anxiety-, cognitive- and autism-like behaviors. Our study provides a novel insight into the beneficial effects of L-serine intervention on neuropsychological impairments

    Cholesterol biosynthesis modulates differentiation in murine cranial neural crest cells

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    Abstract Cranial neural crest cells (cNCC) are a multipotent embryonic cell population that give rise to a diverse set of cell types. These cells are particularly vulnerable to external metabolic stressors, as exemplified by the association between maternal hyperglycemia and congenital malformations. We were interested in studying the effect of various concentrations of glucose and pyruvate on cNCC metabolism, migration, and differentiation using an established murine neural crest cell model (O9-1). We unexpectedly observed a pattern of gene expression suggestive of cholesterol biosynthesis induction under glucose depletion conditions in O9-1 cells. We further showed that treatment with two different cholesterol synthesis inhibitors interfered with cell migration and differentiation, inhibiting chondrogenesis while enhancing smooth muscle cell differentiation. As congenital arhinia (absent external nose), a malformation caused by mutations in SMCHD1, appears to represent, in part, a defect in cNCC, we were also interested in investigating the effects of glucose and cholesterol availability on Smchd1 expression in O9-1 cells. Smchd1 expression was induced under high glucose conditions whereas cholesterol synthesis inhibitors decreased Smchd1 expression during chondrogenesis. These data highlight a novel role for cholesterol biosynthesis in cNCC physiology and demonstrate that human phenotypic variability in SMCHD1 mutation carriers may be related, in part, to SMCHD1’s sensitivity to glucose or cholesterol dosage during development

    Ribosomal Stalk Protein Silencing Partially Corrects the ΔF508-CFTR Functional Expression Defect

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    The most common cystic fibrosis (CF) causing mutation, deletion of phenylalanine 508 (ΔF508 or Phe508del), results in functional expression defect of the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) at the apical plasma membrane (PM) of secretory epithelia, which is attributed to the degradation of the misfolded channel at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Deletion of phenylalanine 670 (ΔF670) [...] Although knockdown of RPL12, a component of the ribosomal stalk, attenuated the translational elongation rate, it increased the folding efficiency as well as the conformational stability of the ΔF508-CFTR, manifesting in 3-fold augmented PM density and function of the mutant. Combination of RPL12 knockdown with the corrector drug, VX-809 (lumacaftor) restored the mutant function to ~50% of the wild-type channel in primary CFTRΔF508/ΔF508 human bronchial epithelia. These results and the observation that silencing of other ribosomal stalk proteins partially rescue the loss-of-function phenotype of ΔF508-CFTR suggest that the ribosomal stalk modulates the folding efficiency of the mutant and is a potential therapeutic target for correction of the ΔF508-CFTR folding defect

    Novel Infectivity-Enhanced Oncolytic Adenovirus with a Capsid-Incorporated Dual-Imaging Moiety for Monitoring Virotherapy in Ovarian Cancer

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    We sought to develop a cancer-targeted, infectivity-enhanced oncolytic adenovirus that embodies a capsid-labeling fusion for non-invasive dual-modality imaging of ovarian cancer virotherapy. A functional fusion protein composed of fluorescent and nuclear imaging tags was genetically incorporated into the capsid of an infectivity-enhanced conditionally replicative adenovirus. Incorporation of herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) and monomeric red fluorescent protein 1 (mRFP1) into the viral capsid and its genomic stability were verified by molecular analyses. Replication and oncolysis were evaluated in ovarian cancer cells. Fusion functionality was confirmed by in vitro gamma camera and fluorescent microscopy imaging. Comparison of tk-mRFP virus to single-modality controls revealed similar replication efficiency and oncolytic potency. Molecular fusion did not abolish enzymatic activity of HSV-tk as the virus effectively phosphorylated thymidine both ex vivo and in vitro. In vitro fluorescence imaging demonstrated a strong correlation between the intensity of fluorescent signal and cytopathic effect in infected ovarian cancer cells, suggesting that fluorescence can be used to monitor viral replication. We have in vitro validated a new infectivity-enhanced oncolytic adenovirus with a dual-imaging modality-labeled capsid, optimized for ovarian cancer virotherapy. The new agent could provide incremental gains toward climbing the barriers for achieving conditionally replicated adenovirus efficacy in human trials

    Motor and Sensory Deficits in the teetering Mice Result from Mutation of the ESCRT Component HGS.

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    Neurons are particularly vulnerable to perturbations in endo-lysosomal transport, as several neurological disorders are caused by a primary deficit in this pathway. In this report, we used positional cloning to show that the spontaneously occurring neurological mutation teetering (tn) is a single nucleotide substitution in hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hgs/Hrs), a component of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT). The tn mice exhibit hypokenesis, muscle weakness, reduced muscle size and early perinatal lethality by 5-weeks of age. Although HGS has been suggested to be essential for the sorting of ubiquitinated membrane proteins to the lysosome, there were no alterations in receptor tyrosine kinase levels in the central nervous system, and only a modest decrease in tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) in the sciatic nerves of the tn mice. Instead, loss of HGS resulted in structural alterations at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), including swellings and ultra-terminal sprouting at motor axon terminals and an increase in the number of endosomes and multivesicular bodies. These structural changes were accompanied by a reduction in spontaneous and evoked release of acetylcholine, indicating a deficit in neurotransmitter release at the NMJ. These deficits in synaptic transmission were associated with elevated levels of ubiquitinated proteins in the synaptosome fraction. In addition to the deficits in neuronal function, mutation of Hgs resulted in both hypermyelinated and dysmyelinated axons in the tn mice, which supports a growing body of evidence that ESCRTs are required for proper myelination of peripheral nerves. Our results indicate that HGS has multiple roles in the nervous system and demonstrate a previously unanticipated requirement for ESCRTs in the maintenance of synaptic transmission