21 research outputs found

    Multimodality treatment of undifferentiated pleomorphic soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity (eUPS) in the elderly

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    Introduction: This subgroup analysis of undifferentiated pleomorphic soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity (eUPS) from the PERSARC collaborative group aimed to achieve a more personalized multimodality treatment approach for primary eUPS in elderly patients. Material and methods: A multicenter retrospective study including primary high-grade eUPS surgically treated with curative intent between 2000 and 2016. Overall survival (OS), local recurrence (LR) and distant metastasis (DM) curves were calculated by Kaplan Meier analysis. Cox proportional hazard models were used to determine the effect of radiotherapy. Results: From a total of 2511 patients with extremity soft tissue sarcoma (eSTS) of the PERSARC study collaborative; 703 patients with eUPS were included in this study. In elderly patients with eUPS 5-year OS, LR and DM were 35.4 (95%CI 29.3–42.8), 17.7 (95%CI 12.7–22.6) and 24.6 (95%CI 19.1–30.1). eUPS was significantly less treated with radiotherapy compared with other eSTS, especially in elderly patients. Patients with R1-R2 margins treated with radiotherapy had about half the risk of developing LR compared with patients treated without radiotherapy (HR = 0.454, p = 0.033). Conclusion: Elderly patients with eUPS were less often treated with radiotherapy and showed higher LR. Nowadays, given an increasing life expectancy in elderly patients, multimodality treatment should be considered

    Controlling Argan Seed Quality by NIR

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    The suitability of using visible/near infrared spectroscopy (Vis/NIR), as a rapid and non-destructive technique for monitoring the quality of argan seeds (Argania spinosa Skeels) was studied. The analyzed parameters were the fatty acid composition of argan seed oil, seed moisture content, seed oil content and oil stability index (OSI). The ratio between major unsaturated and saturated fatty acids (U/S) during the oxidation assay at constant temperature was studied. Values from infrared drying were used as a laboratory reference for the moisture. Argan seed oil content was determined by Soxhlet extraction. A fatty acid analysis was carried out by gas chromatography and the OSI was determined by the Rancimat test. Predictive models of argan seed moisture, ratio U/S and OSI showed good accuracy. Therefore, Vis/NIR measurements can be used for controlling several argan seed quality parameters. This procedure might be of interest to the argan oil industry, which is currently in the process of modernization and expansion.The authors are grateful to the Spanish Agency for the International Cooperation (AECID-MAE) for financing the Project A/019935/08. They also express their gratitude to the industrial plant Argan Oil Company Ltd. Morocco for the argan seed supply.Peer Reviewe

    Simulation électromagnétique haute performance et modélisation d'erreurs expérimentales pour la détection et le suivi des accidents vasculaires cérébraux

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    National audienceCet article prĂ©sente la modĂ©lisation et la simulation d'un systĂšme d'imagerie microonde utilisĂ© pour le diagnostic et le suivi des accidents vasculaires cĂ©rĂ©braux (AVC). De nombreuses difficultĂ©s se prĂ©sentent pour la modĂ©lisation prĂ©cise et complĂšte du systĂšme compte tenu de sa complexitĂ©. En consĂ©quence, nous avons optĂ© pour le logiciel Open Source FreeFem++ basĂ© sur les Ă©lĂ©ments finis et possĂ©dant son propre langage haut niveau. Ce langage utilise le calcul massivement parallĂšle grĂące Ă  une approche de dĂ©composition de domaines. La simulation est rĂ©alisĂ©e sur un supercalculateur. Afin de se rapprocher de la rĂ©alitĂ©, un modĂšle d'erreur basĂ© sur les mesures estproposĂ© et appliquĂ© aux rĂ©sultats de la simulation EM. Les donnĂ©es synthĂ©tiques rĂ©sultantes sont utilisĂ©es conjointement avec un algorithme dynamique de rĂ©tropropagation appliquĂ© sur une section transversale de la tĂȘte. La mĂ©thode permet de suivre l'Ă©volution de l'AVC au cours du traitement, en obtenant une image en quasi-temps rĂ©el

    Multimodality treatment of undifferentiated pleomorphic soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity (eUPS) in the elderly

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    Introduction: This subgroup analysis of undifferentiated pleomorphic soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity (eUPS) from the PERSARC collaborative group aimed to achieve a more personalized multimodality treatment approach for primary eUPS in elderly patients. Material and methods: A multicenter retrospective study including primary high-grade eUPS surgically treated with curative intent between 2000 and 2016. Overall survival (OS), local recurrence (LR) and distant metastasis (DM) curves were calculated by Kaplan Meier analysis. Cox proportional hazard models were used to determine the effect of radiotherapy. Results: From a total of 2511 patients with extremity soft tissue sarcoma (eSTS) of the PERSARC study collaborative; 703 patients with eUPS were included in this study. In elderly patients with eUPS 5-year OS, LR and DM were 35.4 (95%CI 29.3–42.8), 17.7 (95%CI 12.7–22.6) and 24.6 (95%CI 19.1–30.1). eUPS was significantly less treated with radiotherapy compared with other eSTS, especially in elderly patients. Patients with R1-R2 margins treated with radiotherapy had about half the risk of developing LR compared with patients treated without radiotherapy (HR = 0.454, p = 0.033). Conclusion: Elderly patients with eUPS were less often treated with radiotherapy and showed higher LR. Nowadays, given an increasing life expectancy in elderly patients, multimodality treatment should be considered

    Intertwined Lamello-Columnar Coassemblies in Liquid-Crystalline Side-Chain Pi-Conjugated Polymers: Toward a New Class of Nanostructured Supramolecular Organic Semiconductors:

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    A set of liquid-crystalline polymeric systems, associating at once the regioregular polythiophene backbone and pending mesogenic triphenylenes, is reported. Two series, namely regular homopolymers and alternating copolymers, were prepared by adapting a Grignard metathesis-based methodology, allowing some of the relevant structural parameters to be sequentially and independently modified. The thermal and self-organization behaviors of these uncommon macromolecular systems were investigated by polarized-light optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and temperature-dependent small-angle X-ray scattering. Most polymers self-organize into mesophases possessing intertwined lamello-columnar morphologies, resulting from the simultaneous coexistence of lamellar and columnar sublattices. The successful preparation of oriented thin films of several of these polymeric homologues allowed further investigations by atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and grazing-incidence SAXS, which provided a deeper insight of the intricate supramolecular organizational modes, including the complete elucidation of the structure of the lamello-columnar mesophases. This simple and versatile strategy provides a route to elaborate polymeric materials incorporating two intercalated separate pathways toward charge carrier transport, of paramount importance for future electronic and optoelectronic applications