190 research outputs found


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    This paper delves into the profound influence of Edward Bernays, often regarded as the “pioneer of public relations”, on the lexicon and terminology of the field. It explores how Bernays redefined public relations from being associated with propaganda and manipulation to a profession of strategic counsel including persuasive communication that serves the public interest. His introduction of the term “public relations counselor” marked a pivotal shift, elevating the reputation of public relations professionals as the ones who provide strategic guidance to clients while considering the public interest. He laid the foundations for scientific approach as he advocated usage of techniques and methods to gauge public sentiment rather than simply disseminate messages to manipulate public opinion. Additionally, Bernays’ emphasis on “two-way communication”, although it was asymmetrical model, laid the groundwork for contemporary public relations and modern interactive public relations practices, fostering feedback and engagement with the public. His concept of the “engineering of consent” introduced a scientific approach to shaping public opinion, challenging conventional views. The notion of “third-party endorsement” highlighted the importance of credibility in messaging, opinion makers, influencing development of todays’ influencer marketing and endorsement strategies. Furthermore, Bernays’ focus on “image management” remains relevant, with the emergence of terms like “reputation management”. His contributions continue to shape the way in which public relations practitioners communicate and interact with the public, leaving an enduring impact on the profession. Bernays’ innovative concepts and enduring legacy continue to influence and guide the practice of public relations in the 21st century, solidifying his position as a key figure in the evolution of the field’s language and concepts

    Frekvencija mikronukleusa u limfocitima periferne krvi osoba izloženih osiromašenom uranu

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    One of the negative environmental impacts of the last armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the use of radioactive ammunition containing depleted uranium. The United Nations Environment Programme measurements detected higher radioactivity at several examined sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of those places is in the area of Hadžiæi, close to Sarajevo. This research included an evaluation of genetic load in human lymphocytes due to exposure to depleted uranium. The study included individuals who were located in the area of Hadžići and who were directly exposed to depleted uranium. The control blood samples were taken from individuals who lived in West Herzegovina which is considered environmentally uncontaminated. The results of the micronucleus cytochalasin-B test in peripheral blood lymphocytes showed increased micronuclei frequencies in the exposed group.Jedan od genotoksina, prisutnih u okolišu kao posljedica ratnih djelovanja u Bosni i Hercegovini jest osiromašeni uran. Njegovo porijeklo veže se za upotrebu radioaktivne antitenkovske municije s osiromašenim uranom. UNEP-ova mjerenja otkrila su povećanu radioaktivnost na nekoliko ispitanih lokaliteta od kojih je jedan na području Hadžića, u blizini Sarajeva. Naše istraživanje obuhvatilo je evaluaciju genetičkog opterećenja u humanim limfocitima periferne krvi osoba koje su bile nastanjene na području Hadžića te bile direktno izložene osiromašenom uranu. Kao kontrola u istraživanju, uzeta je krv od osoba nastanjenih na području zapadne Hercegovine, koja se smatra ekološki nekontaminiranom. Korištena je metoda mikronukleus-citokalazin B testa, a frekvencije mikronukleusa ispitanika iz obje populacije međusobno su komparirane. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju povećanu frekvenciju mikronukleusa među ispitanicima eksponirane populacije

    New Remarks on the Concept in Logical Use

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    The main thesis of this paper is directed against the traditional (cognitivetheoretical) definition of the concept which claims that the concept is the '' thought about the essence of the object being thought'', i.e. that it is “a set of essential features or essential characteristics of an object''. But the '' set of essential features or essential characteristics of an object of thought'' is a '' content’’ of the thought. The thought about the essence of an object is definition and the concept is not definition but the part of definition! Besides as the part of formal structure of thought, the concept possesses calculative logical properties that in formal logic (be it syllogistics, or the logic of propositions, or the logic of predicates) come to the front place of formal logical computation. Without the calculative properties of the concept, there would be no calculative properties of propositions which express the thought (thought structures). The calculative properties of a concept include the (1) degree of its logical generality (degree of variability), the (2) logical relations it can establish within the whole of the conceptual content, the (3) operability of the concept in structure of affirmation and negation, the (4) deducibility of either axiomatic or probabilistic systems. Therefore, I believe that, from the logical point of view, the definition of a concept should be applied in favor of its calculative properties that it possesses

    CRM system company Rudan doo

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    Danas je svijet prepun raznih informacija, a isto tako i načina na kojih se dolazi do njih. Poslovni svijet ne zaostaje ni u jednom od tih trendova, stoga se i način borbe za ''prevlast'', odnosno liderstvo na tržištu promijenio. Kupci su postali kategorija sa najvećim značenjem, a samim time i najveća briga poduzeća koje želi upravo na svojim korisnicima graditi svoju budućnost na poslovnom tržištu. Drugim riječima, oni su najvažniji resurs poduzeća koji zahtijeva posebnu brigu. Iza riječi ''briga'' krije se niz aktivnosti koje poduzeće nastoji provoditi kako bi zadržalo postojeće i pridobilo nove korisnike. Ponekad se radi o potpunoj reorganizaciji poduzeća i promjeni načina na koji cijelo poduzeće razmišlja, što svakako ne predstavlja lagan zadatak i stoga se ne smije olako shvatiti. Potrebno je upoznati sve zaposlenike poduzeća sa novom strategijom, educirati ih na pravilan način, i što je još bitnije postići da sve to bude prihvaćeno od strane zaposlenika i da pokažu spremnost na suradnju. Kad se radi o poduzeću koje nudi uslugu, posebna pažnja posvećuje se od internog marketinga do upravljanja odnosima s kupcima. Kako je uslugu nemoguće vidjeti, kupiti pa odnijeti kući ili općenito posjedovati, ona diktira promjenu u konceptu marketinškog miksa jer se moraju uključiti procesi, fizičko okruženje i ljudi.Today's world is filled with a variety of information, but also the ways in which they can reach out to them. The business world does not lag behind in any of these trends, so the way to fight for the 'supremacy' 'or market leadership changed. Customers have become category with the most meaning, and therefore the biggest concern of businesses that want just to its customers to build their future on the business market. In other words, they are the most important resource of enterprises that require special care. Behind the word '' concern '' lies in a range of activities that the company is trying to implement in order to retain existing and acquire new customers. Sometimes it is a complete reorganization of the company and change the way the entire company is considering, it certainly does not represent an easy task and therefore should not be taken lightly. It is necessary to inform all employees of the company with a new strategy, to educate them on the proper way, and what is even more important to have it all to be accepted by the employees and to demonstrate a willingness to cooperate. When it comes to the company that offers the service, special attention is given to an internal marketing to customer relationship management. As the service impossible to see, to buy so take it home or generally possess, it dictated a change in the concept of the marketing mix because they have to include processes, the physical environment and people


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    Anyway, whether it's comments, reviews or critical reviews, texts of this kind they need to show how they are in some work, in someone else's opinion, in one's utterances, hold together meaning, significance and reference, and in what way they construct some kind of record, whether it is about consistency, coherence or correspondence, for some type of true value. Vincent van Gogh wrote “I exaggerate, sometimes I make changes to the subject, but still I do not invent the whole picture; on the contrary, I found a subject already prepared - but undeveloped - in the real world. ” In doing so, in the interpretation of meaning words spoken, expressed or uttered by others, in a practical or theoretical context, are always needed satisfy the principle of benevolence or the principle of affection (Davidson's Charity principle) which reduces it the number of misunderstandings in the interpretation of semantic dispositions of communication and thus the incommensurability of the beliefs of the subjects of communication is removed


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    Aktivnost integracije i distribucije prožima cjelokupni čovjekov jezik, mišljenje i djelovanje; njegov praktični i teorijski um, uz pomoć malog broja operacija (konjunkcija, negacija, kvantifikacija) koje čine logičke konstante, sabire i razdjeljuje varijabilne elemente jezika, svijeta i mišljenja u beskonačne konačnosti (skupovi, klase, relacije, atributi) u kojima se koreliraju realne stimulacije i virtualne simulacije, čijom se konstrukcijom, rekonstrukcijom i dekonstrukcijom formiraju i transformiraju "dobro uređene formule" jezičko-gramatičkih i mentalno-psiholoških struktura koje se u svijetu saznanja imenuju pojmom svijeta, pojmom jezika, pojmom duha. Svijet pojmova, koji se uzima u kvantificiranoj formi govora / "(x) (Fx) / kao realni ili egzistentni, a u substitutivnoj formi / " { x : Fx}" / kao virtualni ili subzistentni zbog apstraktnosti klasa i relacija, konstruira mrežu multipliciranih logičkih općenitosti, njihovih relacija ili zakonitih sukcesija koje se mogu izraziti, parafrazirati i prevesti iz jedne notacije u drugu salva veritate ed salva congruentia

    Stoljeće rearanžiranja: nanoznanost i globalno društvo

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    Esej "Stoljeće rearanžiranja: nanoznanost i globalno društvo", dovodi u vezu modernu znanost (nanoznanost) i moderno društvo (globalno društvo) kroz odnos nanotehnologizacije i globalizacije kao najvažnijih procesa jedne mreže fenomena koji se dotiču na području tehničkih i društvenih znanosti. Autor karakterizira 21. stoljeće kao stoljeće rearanžiranja u kojem znanost i filozofija funkcioniraju sa zajedničke osnove koja je holistička i pragmatička. Komparacijom novih tehničkih metoda u znanostima o materijalima i novih procesa u društvenoj ontologiji autor stavlja u odnos dva pristupa i dvije skale identifikacije i reprezentacije: nanoskalu na području zananosti ο materijalima i globalnu skalu na području znanosti ο društvenim odnosima. Tehničke znanosti u formi nanoznanosti orijentirane su na stvaranje nove infrastrukturne paradigme: "ambijenta inteligentnog prostora" vođenog idejom "svi-u-digitalnom-svijetu". Društvene znanosti, koje sudjeluju na planu integracije i globalizacije, orijentirane su na stvaranje nove transnacionalne i spekulativne paradigme: "mobilnog hiper-prostora za internacionalno poslovanje" vođene idejom "svi-u-demokratskom-svijetu". Obje vrste znanosti proizvode istu vrstu nevidljive ontologije koja je dostupna samo virtualnoj identifikaciji i reprezentaciji zasnovanoj na osmišljavanju, stvaranju i proizvodnji programibilne supstancije i programibilnog identiteta. One produciraju identičnost / uniformnost u funkcionalnom operiranju tehničkim sredstvima i političkim principima. U sintagmi "društvo zasnovano na znanju" termin "znanje" ima značenje "znanje proizvodnje, znanje upotrebe i znanje operiranja pametnim (programibilnim) materijalima i pametnim (programibilnim) identitetom". U "D&D svijetu" (digitalnom & demokratskom svijetu) svi ljudi moraju znati upotrebljavati tehnološki mikro-svijet i politički makro-svijet kako bi postigli isti cilj: kontrolu nad prirodom i društvom. Nevidljivost ili iščezavanje realnih stvari, realnih sredstava komunikacije i realnih društvenih odnosa, jeste novo tehničko i ideološko sredstvo stvaranja "novog čarobnog svijeta"

    Analitička filozofija-izabrani tekstovi

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    Prepričanje v umno prakso, epistemsko družbenost in epistemsko kulturo

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    V besedilu, ki je posvečeno slovenskemu filozofu in logiku, univerzitetnemu profesorju in piscu znanstvenih del Andreju Uletu, izkazujem spoštovanje ob njegovem visokem jubileju in priznanje za njegov ogromni prispevek h komunikacijski skupnosti filozofov in znanstvenikov v evropskem okolju ter za uspešno dolgoletno sodelovanje pri razvoju filozofske in znanstvene misli v Bosni in Hercegovini. Na eni strani navajam ključna vprašanja sodobne filozofije in logike, sodobne družbe in tehnologije, ki so zaznamovala delo Andreja Uleta, po drugi pa v članek umeščam sekvence iz filozofskega življenja v Bosni in Hercegovini, in sicer zaradi vpliva, ki ga je Andrej Ule kot človek in kot filozofski mislec, cenjen v širši regiji, imel oziroma ga še vedno ima