4 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Hypertension in Hail Region, KSA: in a Comprehensive Survey

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    Hypertension is a global pandemic; thus, the purpose of this study was to estimate the current prevalence of hypertension in Hail Region, KSA. The study used a cross-sectional survey of Saudi civilian, included 5000 individuals selected from 30 primary health care centers (PHCs) in Hail Region. The results shows that the overall prevalence of hypertension in Hail was 30.2%. The prevalence of male was 30.8% and female was 29.6% (P <0.0001). The risk of hypertension increases with the increase of age, as well as, with increasing of body mass index (BMI) and this was found to be statistically significant p < 0.0001. The results designate that Hypertension is a chief health problem in Hail Region that necessitate urgent intervention control measures. Improved community-based awareness and prevention efforts are strongly needed to address the modifiable factors

    Prevalence of Obesity in Hail Region, KSA: In a Comprehensive Survey

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    Background. Obesity contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality rates worldwide. We, therefore, aimed to provide epidemiological data on the prevalence of obesity in Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Methodology. Data were collected during cross-sectional survey which included 5000 Saudi selected from 30 primary health care centers (PHCs) in Hail Region. Results. The overall prevalence of obesity in Hail was 63.6%. Moreover, the prevalence of males was 56.2% and the prevalence of females was 71%. Conclusion. Obesity is prevalent in the Hail Region which necessitates urgent interventions including health education

    Assessment of urothelial cells atypical changes among petroleum station workers in Saudi Arabia

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    The aim of the present study was to assess atypical changes in urothelial cells among petroleum station workers. This is a case control study, investigating 300 participants by cytological methods. Of the 300 participants, 150 were cases (exposed to petroleum products) and 150 were controls (non-exposed). Full voided urine was obtained and was cytologically assessed. Cytological atypia was identified in nine (6%) out of the 150 cases and could not be identified in 141/150 (94%) of the cases, whereas, in the control group, cytological atypia was recognized in four (2.7%) of the 150 controls and could not be identified in 146/150 (97.3%). The risk associated with petroleum product exposure, the odds ratio (OR), and 95% confidence interval (CI) was 2.33 (0.7015–7.7378), P = 0.1673. Exposure of petroleum station workers to petroleum products increases the risk of urothelial atypical changes, which may progress to precancerous and cancerous changes


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    BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide health alarm that is rising for the most part of the world as the result of increasing incidences of diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the aim of this pilot study was to provide data about risk factors for CKD in Hail region, KSA to plan for a comprehensive survey in the area.METHODS: A survey was performed, employing household visits, covered 300 individuals, selected from two areas in Hail region to fulfill the planned sample for this pilot setting. A questionnaire was used to obtained information about CKD risk factors. Results: High percentages of risk factors were indicated in a family history (FH) of DM representing 72%, followed by family history of hypertension, recurrent urinary tract infection, DM, family history of renal disease, hypertension, and analgesic abuse, constituting 65%, 59%, 26%,26%, 25%, and 22%, respectively. Conclusion: This study shows increased risk factors for CKD in Hail area. There is an urgent need for more detailed measurement for these risk factors through a comprehensive survey to evaluate individuals with risk factors, to enable earlier detection, and risk factor reduction through rising of awareness. CONTEXT: Insuficiența renală cronică (IRC) constituie  o alarmă de sănătate la nivel mondial, care este în creștere, în cea mai mare parte a lumii, ca rezultat al incidenţei crescute a cazurilor de diabet zaharat, hipertensiune arterială și alte boli cardiovasculare. Prin urmare, scopul acestui studiu pilot a fost de a furniza date cu privire la factorii de risc pentru IRC din regiunea Hail, Regatul Arabiei Saudite, pentru  planificarea unui studiu cuprinzător în zona.METODE: Studiul a fost efectuat folosind vizitele în gospodării, acoperind 300 de persoane selectate din două zone din regiunea Hail, pentru a completa eşantionul planificat pentru această testare pilot. A fost utilizat un chestionar pentru obținerea de informații cu privire la factorii de risc ai IRC.REZULTATE: Un procent ridicat de factori de risc au fost identificaţi într-un istoric familial (IF) de DZ, reprezentând 72%, urmat de antecedente familiale de hipertensiune arterială, infecții recurente ale tractului urinar, DZ, antecedente familiale de boli renale, hipertensiune arterială, și abuz de analgezice, constituind 65 %,  59%,  26%, 2 6%,  25%, și respectiv 22%.CONCLUZIE: Acest studiu identifică factorii de risc crescut pentru IRC în zona Hail. Este o nevoie urgentă de măsurare mai detaliată a acestor factori de risc printr-un studiu cuprinzător pentru a evalua persoanele cu factori de risc, pentru a permite depistarea din timp, și reducerea factorilor de risc, prin creșterea gradului de conștientizare. Cuvinte cheie: boala cronică de rinichi, hipertensiune arterială, diabet zaharat, Hail