53 research outputs found

    Impact of incorporating Moringaoleifera seed cake as protein source in growing lambs ration.

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    Thirty growing Rahmani lambs (27.25 kg ± 0.25 kg average body weight 6-7 months old) were used to evaluate the impact of incorporating Moringaoleifera seed cake as protein source in a total mixed ration (TMR) for 90 days feeding trial followed by 21 day digestion. Moringaoleifera seed cake (MSC) was used for partial substitution of soybean meal protein by (0, 25 and 50 %) in three experimental rations, control (R1), R2 and R3, respectively. Results indicated that the feeding lambs on R3 recorded a significant (P<0.05) increases in all of nutrients digestibility and nutritive value compared with R1 or R2. All of rumen parameters, pH, ammonia and total volatile fatty acids, were in normal ranges as an indication of healthy.  Also, the highest average daily gain recorded with R3 (222.2 g) followed by R2 (208.3g) and R1 (203 g). Thus, it could be concluded that MSM can use as protein source in a TMR for growing lambs rations up to 50 %. And more studies were needed to evaluate different levels replacement for MSM as protein source in the rations of ruminant

    COVID-19 Crowd Detection

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    Object detection was introduced by researchers for face detection. Researchers explain how the detected face is divided into minor frames to be recognized by the algorithm. Due to COVID-19 and government regulations, many people face problems going to shopping centers and shop safely. It has been very hard for both the government and the people to manage social distancing. In our study, we developed a system using Raspberry Pi-4 that will detect the distance between people along with counting the number of distance and mask violations. An error message will appear on the screen in red, showing the total number of distance and mask violations, which could later be used by the customer as statistical evidence for better safety precautions

    Risk factors for Autistic Spectrum Disorders at Assiut City

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    Autism is a neurological disorder characterized by qualitative impairments in social interaction, qualitative impairments in communication, and restricted repetitive, stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. Autistic Spectrum Disorders are relatively common without known etiology can be found in 80-90% of cases. The aim of this study is to recognize the risk factors for Autistic Spectrum Disorders at Assiut City. The study was descriptive research design; it was conducted in all autism centers at Assiut city which includes 7 centers and included 47 parents who agree to participate in this study selected by convenient sample. The study included a structured interview sheet; this sheet divided into two parts Socio demographic characteristics, and parent’s knowledge about risk factors of Autism. The main findings of the study are: male represent a higher prevalence (72.3%) rate of autism than females (27.7%), and autistic children were more prevalent among families living in urban areas (80.9%) than rural (19.1%). The present study clears that (63.8%) of the fathers and 61.7% of the mothers had university level, the majority (85.1%) of autistic parents’ children hadn’t consanguinity degree while only (14.9%) from them had consanguinity from first degree (cousin), the vast majorities (97.9%) of studied children haven’t family history of autism; the present study found that all mothers of studied children hadn't any history of rubella, diabetes, thyroid and infectious diseases while only (4.3%) were exposed to eclampsia. The study recommended that, increase of public awareness about the risk factors of autism and its prevention by community leaders, mass media, and others especially at rural area. The curriculum of medicine and nursing faculties should include the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (risk factors, diagnosis and different treatment methods). Further studies should be conducted and gained a lot of attention for Autistic children and their parents. Key wards: Autism - Autism Spectrum Disorders – Risk factor

    ODU Undergraduate Students Addressing the Societal Problems of Parking Control, Classroom Seating, and Flood Monitoring in Hampton Roads

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    During the summer of 2021, ODU undergraduate computer science students undertook image processing research projects. These projects focused on utilizing the Raspberry Pi computer and camera module to address three real-world problems concerning parking control, classroom seating, and flood monitoring. The parking lot occupancy project aimed to develop a system that monitors the occupancy of parking spaces in a lot and communicates the status of the lot of drivers and the lot attendants. The COVID-19 classroom occupancy project sought to enforce social distancing protocols in a classroom environment by detecting seating violations and notifying the instructor and the impacted students of the violation. Designed for the Hampton Roads community, the flood detection project concerned the development of a vision system, controlled by the Raspberry Pi, that detects the flood levels of a particular location and determines if the flooding is low, moderate, or severe. This paper details the development of these projects and proposes future considerations and recommendations for further undergraduate study and improved real-world functionality

    Protective effect of L-arginine in experimentally induced Necrotizing Enterocolitis in rats

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    Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the neonatal intensive care unit which recently the etiology of NEC remains unclear, prevention and treatment strategies are often inadequate. Accordingly, a lot of research was conducted to evaluate L-arginine as one of the effective medications to protect the premature infants, where. The objective of the current study was to test the hypothesis that administration of L-arginine would have a protective effect in experimentally induced necrotizing enterocolitis in rats. The study was conducted on 46 male albino rats which were divided into three main groups:  Control group, L-arginine group, and the experimental group which has been divided into two sub-groups; Group A: received Lipopolysaccharides to induce NEC, Group B: injected by L-arginine prior to the disease induced by endotoxin, asphyxia and cold stress. After the animals had been scarified, histological changes were evaluated, gene expression of both iNOS and IL-12 were measured, and apoptosis also was detected by flowcytometry technique. The findings observed a significant increase in the expression of iNOS gene and IL-12 gene and a noticeable decrease of the apoptosis index. In addition, administration of L-arginine attenuated body weight, body temperature, and the histological changes were altered by LPS/asphyxia. As such, the study was able to demonstrate that L-arginine administration significant protective effect against NEC, but further clinical studies are still required on preterm infant to confirm these results. Key words: Necrotizing enterocolitis, L-arginine, Interleukin-12, Inducible nitric oxide synthase, Lipopolysaccharides, Messenger Ribonucleic acid (mRNA

    Protective Impact of L-arginine against Necrotizing Enterocolitis

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    Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the most common acute surgical disease in preterm infants in intensive neonatal care. Premature infants are infant born prematurely and have a low birth weight. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the intestines, which sometimes worsen and reach the level of necrosis. This process, in the intestinal wall, can destroy and kill the tissue of the intestinal wall and, later, it makes an intestinal perforation. Intestinal contents, in this case, leak to the abdominal cavity, endangering the child's life. Different studies showed that the arginine level in many premature infants is low, and subsequent studies have linked low arginine plasma concentrations with NEC disease. This paper concerned with awareness of this disease, its symptoms and its causes, in addition to L-arginine medication role in necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) treatment, which is a semi essential cationic amino acid

    The antihyperlipidemic activities of 4(3H) quinazolinone and two halogenated derivatives in rats

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    In the present study, the effects of subchronic treatments (4 weeks) of hypercholesterolemic (single) and diabetic-hypercholesterolemic (combined) rats with 4 (3H) quinazolinone and 2 halogenated derivatives (6, 8-dibromo-2-methy-4 (3H) quinazolinone and 6-iodo-2-methyl-4(3H) quinazolinone) at a sublethal dose level (2 mg/Kg) on cholesterol metabolism were investigated. Bezafibrate, a hypolipidemic drug was used as a reference compound for data comparison. Treatment of rats with single and combined hypercholesterolemia with quinazolinone compounds gave rise to highly significant reductions in serum total cholesterol and cholesterol ester levels, whereas serum triacylglycerol level was significantly reduced only after treatment with halogen-substituted quinazolinones in single hyper-cholesterolemia, compared to the control group. The effects of different quinazolinones and bezafibrate on reduction of serum LDL-C level were comparable in single hypercholesterolemia but significantly different in combined hypercholesterolemia. Results obtained from this study suggest that the antihyperlipidemic effect of quinazolinone compounds was brought about by inhibition of dietary cholesterol absorption and / or intestinal ACAT activity

    The Libyan Arabic version of the Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR)

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    The Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR) is a new parent/patient reported outcome measure that enables a thorough assessment of the disease status in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We report the results of the cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the parent and patient versions of the JAMAR in the Libyan Arabic language. The reading comprehension of the questionnaire was tested in 10 JIA parents and patients. Each participating centre was asked to collect demographic, clinical data, and the JAMAR in 100 consecutive JIA patients or all consecutive patients seen in a 6-month period and to administer the JAMAR to 100 healthy children and their parents. The statistical validation phase explored descriptive statistics and the psychometric issues of the JAMAR: the 3 Likert assumptions, floor/ceiling effects, internal consistency, Cronbach\u2019s alpha, interscale correlations, test\u2013retest reliability, and construct validity (convergent and discriminant validity). A total of 100 JIA patients (22.0% systemic, 26.0% oligoarticular, 25.0% RF negative polyarthritis, and 27.0% other categories) and 100 healthy children, were enrolled in a paediatric rheumatology centre. The JAMAR components discriminated well healthy subjects from JIA patients. Notably, there is no significant difference between the healthy subjects and their affected peers in the school-related problems variable. All JAMAR components revealed satisfactory psychometric performances. In conclusion, the Libyan Arabic version of the JAMAR is a valid tool for the assessment of children with JIA and is suitable for use both in routine clinical practice and clinical research


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    The work was conducted to clarify the efficiency of certain insecticides on the population of whitefly B. tabaci and incidence of yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in tomato field. The experiment was carried out during Nili plantation of two successive seasons at El-Fayoum governorate. The obtained data showed that the alternate use of etofenprox /thiamethoxam; imidacloprid/ thiamethoxam; acetamiprid/ etofenprox; single continuous application of etofenprox; etofenprox / imidacloprid; acetamiprid/ imidacloprid; thiamethoxam/ acetamiprid; imidacloprid; thiamethoxam and acetamiprid gave excellent initial mortality over 90% on the adult stage of B. tabaci and incidence of tomato yellow leaf curl virus without significant differences between treatments. Thimethoxam as soil drench proved to be the most effective insecticide against adult and immature stages of whitefly, while acetamiprid achieved the lowest mortality for these two stages as well as short residual mortality. On the other hand, alternation of etofenprox / imidacloprid showed the highest initial mortality on nymphs. Residue levels in tomato fruits were also investigated at 30, 45 and 60 days after application of tested insecticides. For imidacloprid residues were found in amounts nearly above maximum residue levels MRLs 30 days while degraded to amounts below MRL by the progression of time to 45 and 60 days after application. Application of imidacloprid in alternate spray program with thiamethoxam; etofenprox; acetamiprid resulted in residues below MRL at the 3 preharvest intervals. Acetamiprid when used at the recommended rate showed the residue of 0.36 mg/kg at early season and then decreased to 0.08 mg/kg at late season. Alternate use of acetamiprid with thiamethoxam; etofenprox or imidacloprid reduce MRLs in tomato fruits. The successive applications of etofenprox alone at the recommended rate resulted in residues above MRL after 30 and 45 days and approximately near MRL at 60 days. On the other hand, the half rate in alternative use with imidacloprid; acetamiprid or thiamethoxam showed residues below MRL at all sampling intervals. Thiamethoxam when used in single successive applications gave residues of 2.5, 1.9 and 1.5 mg/kg at the 3 preharvest intervals, respectivel

    Wet Cupping Reduces Pain and Improves Health-related Quality of Life Among Patients with Migraine: A Prospective Observational Study

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    Objectives: To determine the benefits of wet cupping on pain and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in adult patients with migraine headaches. Methods: We conducted a prospective observational study of wet cupping in 128 patients referred to the cupping clinic at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia between January 2013 and December 2015. Bloodletting was performed at the base of the head and between the shoulders monthly four times. We assessed migraine headache pain using the visual analog scale (VAS) and the quality of life of patients before and after each cupping session using the World Health Organization Quality of Life assessment instrument. Results: The mean age of the patients was 40.5±11.3 years with a preponderance of females (n = 114, 89.1%). VAS was averaged at 7 before the procedure and reduced to 3 after wet cupping, both during rest and activity (p ≤ 0.005). Ninety-five patients agreed to complete the quality of life questionnaire. There was a significant improvement in the quality of life after wet cupping treatment in most of the displayed items (p < 0.050). None of the patients reported post-procedure complications. Conclusions: Wet cupping might be considered a complementary treatment for migraine headache pain relief and improvement to a patient’s quality of life
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