2 research outputs found
Today many people do not know history, especially the history of their own place of residence, in this case history is an important thing for us to know because by knowing history we can know the truth so that the history of a country, place of residence, etc. is not easy. vandalized, stolen by foreigners and so on. Therefore in this historical journal the focus is on reviewing Islam during the 20th century Langkat Sultanate. For this reason, the researcher formulated several problems regarding this research, namely how the biography of the sultan who served in the XX century and what were the policies of the sultan's government in the XX century and what Islamic policies had been achieved by the sultan of the XX century and the causes of the collapse of the Langkat sultanate. In this research we use historical methods which are studied through four stages to get perfect results, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The purpose of research on Islam during the Langkat Sultanate in the XX century is to thoroughly discuss Islamic leadership during the Langkat Sultanate in the XX century, where in the XX century the Langkat Sultanate was led by 2 Sultans namely Sultan Abdul Aziz and Sultan Mahmud. When the 20th century became the glory of Islam, not only that, but its glory can be seen from many aspects such as the economy, education, politics and others, all of which were at their peak during the time of Sultan Abdul Aziz. However, in the subsequent leadership during the reign of Sultan Mahmud, these aspects experienced a decline and the collapse of the Langkat Sultanate also occurred during the leadership of Sultan Mahmud.Keywords: Islam, the Sultanate of Langka
Alternatif Penanggulangan Bencana Banjir dengan Penerapan Teknologi Biopori di Desa Molingkapoto
Indonesia is one og the countries with a high precipitation. The high precipitation and lack of water catchment areas resulted in flooding. This community service aims to improve the quality of the environment by applying biopore technology as an alternative to flood control in the Malingkapoto Village area, Kwandang District, North Gorontalo Regency. Biopore technology is not only for flood prevention, but can be used as a composting technology. The result of this service activity is that 30 biopore have been installed at several points prone to the largest puddles of water due to high precipitation. This activity is in accordance with what has been planned, such as: increasing community knowledge and skills in flood management, provide business opportunities for biopore pipes and compost fertilizers, and support the local government of Gorontalo Regency in dealing with environmental problems.Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan curah hujan tinggi. Tingginya curah hujan dan kurangnya daerah resapan air mengakibatkan terjadinya banjir. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan dengan menerapkan teknologi biopori sebagai alternatif penanggulangan banjir di wilayah Desa Malingkapoto Kecamatan Kwandang Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara. Teknologi biopori tidak hanya untuk penanggulangan banjir, tetapi dapat digunakan sebagai teknologi pengomposan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu telah terpasang 30 biopori di beberapa titik rawan yang terdapat genangan air paling besar akibat curah hujan tinggi. Kegiatan ini sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan seperti: meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam penanganan banjir, memberikan peluang usaha untuk pipa biopori dan pupuk kompos, serta mendukung pemerintah daerah kabupaten Gorontalo dalam menangani permasalahan lingkungan