77 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Tumbuhan Prinjak (Aleurites moluccana (L.)) terhadap Bakteri Salmonella thyposa dan Vibrio cholera

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    ABSTRACT   A research which antibacterial activity test from Prinjak plant (Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd  to several pathogens bacterial, which aims to determine the antibacterial activity of bark prinjak (A. moluccana L.) against bacteria Salmonella thyposa and Vibrio cholerae. Extracts used is crude methanol extract. Examination of antibacterial with Minimum Kill Concentration (KBM) method, and followed by agar diffusion method with using paper disks. ANOVA analisis test it is obtained very significant results, followed by BNJ advanced test, BNJ test obtained the best concentration is 1.75 % results of the bacteria Salmonella and Vibrio cholerae thiposa.   Key words: A. moluccana  L. Willd, antibacterial activity, S. thiposa, V.cholera   ABSTRAK   Telah dilakukan penelitian Aktivitas Antibakteri Tumbuhan Prinjak (Aleurites moluccana (L.) terhadap Beberapa Bakteri Patogen, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri kulit batang prinjak (A. moluccana  (L.) Willd., terhadap bakteri Salmonella thyposa dan Vibrio cholera. Ekstrak yang digunakan adalah ekstrak kasar metanol. Metode uji yang digunakan adalah uji Daya Bunuh Minimum (KBM), dan dilanjutkan dengan metode difusi agar menggunakan paper disk. Hasil analsisis uji ANOVA aktivitas antibakteri diperoleh hasil yang sangat signifikan, dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjutan BNJ, hasil uji BNJ diperoleh konsentrasi terbaik adalah 1,75% terhadap bakteri Salmonella thiposa dan Vibrio cholera.       Kata kunci: A. moluccana  L. Willd, aktivitas  antibakteri, S. thiposa, V.choler


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    ABSTRACT   This study aims to the antimicrobial activity test of leaf extract of  B. virgata, and the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration values determine to​​ against some microbes with solid dilution method  The materials in maceration with methanol were obtained with 500 grams, than partitioned with solid liquid partition method to use n-hexane, methanol-soluble extract obtained by n-hexane and methanol extracts insoluble n-hexane, both extracts was chemical component monitoring with Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), then tested with solid dilution method its activity. Antimicrobial activity test results from both types of extracts, methanol extract soluble fraction of n-hexane showed better than activity methanol extract of insoluble fraction of n-hexane, because it can inhibit the growth of the bacteria E. coli, V. cholerae and S. thyposa, while the methanol extract of n-hexane insoluble only able to inhibit the bacteria V. cholerae, methanol-soluble extract fraction of n-hexane as the active extracts 1000 ug / ml medium that can kill or inhibit of microbes the growth.   Keywords: Leaf B. virgata, Antimicrobial, Methanol extract soluble and insoluble n-hexane, Solid Dilution   ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas antimikroba ekstrak daun B. virgata, dan menentukan nilai Kadar Hambat Minimum dengan metode dilusi padat terhadap beberapa mikroba uji. Bahan uji diperoleh dengan maserasi 500 gram daun dengan metanol yang dilanjutkan dipartisi dengan n-heksan dengan metode partisi padat cair, diperoleh ekstrak metanol larut n-heksan dan ekstrak metanol tidak larut n-heksan, kedua ekstrak ini dimonitoring komponen kimianya dengan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT), kemudian diuji aktivitasnya dengan metode dilusi padat. Hasil uji aktivitas antimikroba dari  kedua jenis ekstrak  yang diuji, fraksi ekstrak metanol larut n-heksan menunjukkan aktivitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan fraksi ekstrak metanol tidak larut n-heksan, karena dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri E. coli, V. cholerae dan S. thyposa, sedangkan  ekstrak metanol tidak larut n-heksan hanya mampu menghambat bakteri V. cholerae, Fraksi ekstrak metanol larut n-heksan sebagai ekstrak aktif yang dapat membunuh/menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba 1000 µg/mL medium.   Kata Kunci: Daun B. virgata,  Antimikroba,  Ekstrak metanol larut dan tidak larut n-heksan, Dilusi Pada

    Aktivitas Sediaan Gel Antiseptik Tangan Berbahan Aktif Ekstrak Fraksi Etanol Daun Sungkai (Peronema canencens Jack.) terhadap Beberapa Bakteri Patogen

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    Penelitian Aktivitas Sediaan Gel Antiseptik Tangan Berbahan Aktif Ekstrak Fraksi Etanol Daun Sungkai (Peronema Canencens Jack.) telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui aktivitas antiseptik fraksi daun Sungkai (P. canescens. Jack) secara in vitro terhadap beberapa bakteri patogen dalam sediaan gel antiseptic tangan dan mengetahui konsentrasi terbaik fraksi etanol daun Sungkai (P. canencens Jack.) dalam sediaan gel antiseptik tangan terhadap masing-masing strain mikroba patogen. Bahan uji diperoleh dengan fraksinasi ekstrak fraksi etanol daun sungkai, selanjutnya formulasikan ke dalam basis gel antiseptic, diuji aktivitasnya terhadap beberapa bakteri pathogen dan menentukan konsentrasi terbaik fraksi etanol daun Sungkai (P. canencens Jack.) dalam sediaan gel antiseptik tangan terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli, Salmonella thyposa, Staphylococcus aureu, Bacillus subtilis. Metode pengujian antibakteri mengunakan uji difusi padat secara in vitro. Hasil penelitian menunjukan konsentrasi fraksi etanol dalam sediaan gel antiseptik aktif terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli, Salmonella thyposa, Staphylococcus aureus dan Bacillus subtillis. Konsentrasi terbaik ekstrak etanol dalam sediaan gel antiseptik adalah 4% efektif menghambat/membunuh ke tiga bakteri uji. Kata kunci : P. canencens Jack, Gel antiseptik, E. coli, S. thyposa, S. aureus, B. subtlisABSTRACTA research which antiseptic hand gel preparations containing the active leaf extract fraction ethanol Sungkai (Peronema canencens Jack.) has been done. This study aims to know is antiseptic activity Sungkai leaf fraction (P. canescens. Jack) in vitro against to several microbial pathogens in the preparation of antiseptic hand gel, and to know determine the best concentration of ethanol fraction Sungkai leaf in the preparation of antiseptic gel hands each strain of pathogenic bacteria. Test materials obtained by fractionation of the ethanol extract of the leaf fraction Sungkai, further formulated into a gel base antiseptic, tested its activity against several bacterial pathogens, and determine the best concentration of ethanol fraction Sungkai leaf in the preparation of antiseptic hand gel against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella thyposa, Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis bacteria. Antibacterial testing using method in vitro solid diffusion test. The results showed the concentration of ethanol fraction in gel dosage of active antiseptic against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella thyposa, Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis bacteria. The best concentration of ethanol extract in the preparation of antiseptic gel was 4% effective at inhibiting or kill the to three bacteria. Keywords: P. canencens Jack, antiseptic gel, E. coli, S. thyposa, dan S. aureu, B. subtlli


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    The research has been done for the isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from mango (Mangifera indica L.). This research aimed to isolated of lactic acid bacteria that is in mango (Mangifera indica L.) and determine the characteristics of lactic acid bacteria isolate (LAB) of mango (Mangifera indica L.). The method used is spoiled  technique of mango (Mangifera indica L.) and isolation using selective media MRS Broth and MRS Agar. The identification isolate of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) used methods macroscopically and microscopically with indirect coloring, gram staining and used biochemical with katalase testing. The results obtained in the form of characteristic isolate of lactic acid bacteria displayed form of bacteria with circle, smooth surface, curve, entire side and white. The microscopically displayed stick form of bacteria and purple with gram colorin


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    A study concerning the characteristics and Analysis of Drug Related Problems (DRPs) Patients with Tuberculosis Patients in Public Health Center (PHC) Temindung, Samarinda in East Kalimantan. The study was conducted using a prospective approach to the study of data sources in the form of primary data and secondary data. The primary data source is data from interviews with patients and through the provision of questionnaires and secondary data in this research is a Tuberculosis patient medical record data. Data collection was performed by analyzing the accuracy of the DRPs categories of accuracy of drugs, side effects and patient non-compliance. As well as the data recorded in the form of research support patient characteristics are age, sex, and education. Data were analyzed descriptively. Data obtained from patients with male gender 63.6% and women 36.4. Patient with age 50 years 27.3% . Based on the patient's level of education, no school 9.1%, graduated from elementary school22.7%, graduated from high school18.2%, graduated from high school40.1%, scholar 9.1%. Incidence of DRPs on drugs interactions 507%. Tuberculosis patient compliance rate of 81.8% in PHC Temindung adherent patients and 18.2% of patients do not comply Keywords: Tuberculosis, Drug Related Problems (DRPs) drugs interactions and patient compliance   ABSTRAK Telah  dilakukan penelitian tentang Karakteristik dan Analisis Drug Related Problems(DRPs) Pasien Penderita Tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Temindung, Samarinda Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan prospektif dengan sumber data penelitian berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Sumber data primer  adalah data hasil wawancara dengan pasien dan melalui pemberian kuisioner sedangkan data sekunder dalam penelitian ini adalah data rekam medik pasien Tuberkulosis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menganalisis DRPs kategori interaksi obat dan ketidakpatuhan pasien. Serta dicatat data pendukung penelitian berupa karakteristik pasien yaitu usia, jenis kelamin, dan tingkat pendidikan.Data dianalisis secara deskriptif.Dari data yang diperoleh pasien dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki 63,6% danperempuan 36,4%.Pasien yang berusia 50 tahun 27,3%. Berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan pasien, tidak sekolah 9,1%,lulus SD 22,7%,lulus SMP 18,2%,lulus SMA 40,1%, sarjana 9,1%. Kejadian DRPs mengenai interaksi obat 50%.Tingkat kepatuhan pasien Tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Temindung 81,8% pasien patuh dan 18,2% pasien tidak patuh. Kata kunci:    Tuberkulosis, Drug Related Problems (DRPs), Interaksi Obat, Kepatuhan pasien


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    Each plant is host to one or more endophytes contain bacteria and fungi. Endophytic fungi could potentially have an activity and produce secondary metabolites same as its host. Yacon leaf (Smallanthus sonchifolius) has been known to have antimicrobial activity that allow the endophytic fungi also has potential as antimicrobial. The purpose of this research was to isolated the endophytic fungi from Yacon leaf which has activity as antifungal and can produce secondary metabolites same as its host. The method that used to test the activity of endophytic fungi are using direct planting method, whereas the identification of secondary metabolites using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and spray reagent. The results were obtained that the endophytic fungi has an activity as antifungal against Candida utilis, Candida albicans and Malassezia Purpur, along with the presence of secondary metabolites that same as its host. Key words: endophytic fungi, Smallanthus sonchifolius, antifungal, Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) ABSTRAK Setiap tanaman mengandung satu atau lebih mikroba endofit yang terdiri dari bakteri dan jamur. Jamur endofit berpotensi memiliki aktivitas dan menghasilkan metabolit sekunder yang sama seperti inangnya. Daun Yakon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) telah diketahui memiliki aktivitas sebagai antimikroba sehingga memungkinkan adanya jamur endofit yang juga berpotensi sebagai antimikroba. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah didapatkan isolat jamur endofit dari daun Yakon yang memiliki aktivitas sebagai antijamur dan dapat menghasilkan metabolit sekunder yang sama seperti inangnya. Metode yang digunakan untuk menguji aktivitas isolat jamur endofit adalah menggunakan metode tanam langsung, sedangkan identifikasi metabolit sekunder menggunakan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) dan pereaksi semprot. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah adanya isolat jamur endofit yang memiliki aktivitas sebagai antijamur terhadap jamur Candida utilis, Candida albicans, dan Malassezia purpur, serta adanya metabolit sekunder yang sama seperti inangnya. Kata kunci: Jamur endofit, Smallanthus sonchifolius, antijamur, Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT

    Isolation and Characterization Endophytic Fungal Isolate from Peronema canescens Jack Leaf and Coptosapelta tomentosa Val. K. Heyne Root

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    Has been done Isolation, Characterization and Secondary Metabolite Endophytic Fungal Isolate from Peronema canescens Jack Leave and Coptosapelta tomentosa Valeton K. Heyne Root. The aim of this research is to know the number of fungal isolates, chromatogram profile and secondary metabolite group of endophytic fungal isolates from P. canencens leaves and C. tomentosa root. Characterization of endophytic fungal isolates was done macroscopically and microscopically. Identification of secondary metabolites endophytic fungal isolates were performed by chemical reaction test and TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) method with specific spray reagents. The data of this study were obtained based on the number of endophytic fungal that can be isolated, observing macroscopic and microscopic morphological profiles, chromatogram profile and secondary metabolites of each endophytic fungal isolated. The results showed that endophytic fungal that can be isolated from P. canencens leaves four isolates, and two isolates from C. tomentosa root. Morphological profile macroscopic endophytic fungal of the six isolates showed a greenish-colored colony, white gray, clear black. Microscopic profile of each fungal isolate having spores, sprangiosphora, sporangium, conidia, hyphae and stolon. The identified secondary metabolites are: alkaloids, terpenoids, and flavonoids, and polyphenols

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Fungi Endofit Tanaman Tapak Dara (Catharanthus Roseus)

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    This study aims to determine the diversity of endophytic fungi Tread Dara (Catharanthus roseus) as one of the potential plants that can produce medicinal efficacious compounds. This study includes the isolation and identification of endophytic fungi on Tapak Dara plant using PDA medium. Based on the results obtained 6 endophytic fungal isolates originating from roots and leaves Tread Dara


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    ABSTRACT   This study aims to the antimicrobial activity test of leaf extract of  B. virgata, and the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration values determine to​​ against some microbes with solid dilution method  The materials in maceration with methanol were obtained with 500 grams, than partitioned with solid liquid partition method to use n-hexane, methanol-soluble extract obtained by n-hexane and methanol extracts insoluble n-hexane, both extracts was chemical component monitoring with Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), then tested with solid dilution method its activity. Antimicrobial activity test results from both types of extracts, methanol extract soluble fraction of n-hexane showed better than activity methanol extract of insoluble fraction of n-hexane, because it can inhibit the growth of the bacteria E. coli, V. cholerae and S. thyposa, while the methanol extract of n-hexane insoluble only able to inhibit the bacteria V. cholerae, methanol-soluble extract fraction of n-hexane as the active extracts 1000 ug / ml medium that can kill or inhibit of microbes the growth.   Keywords: Leaf B. virgata, Antimicrobial, Methanol extract soluble and insoluble n-hexane, Solid Dilution   ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas antimikroba ekstrak daun B. virgata, dan menentukan nilai Kadar Hambat Minimum dengan metode dilusi padat terhadap beberapa mikroba uji. Bahan uji diperoleh dengan maserasi 500 gram daun dengan metanol yang dilanjutkan dipartisi dengan n-heksan dengan metode partisi padat cair, diperoleh ekstrak metanol larut n-heksan dan ekstrak metanol tidak larut n-heksan, kedua ekstrak ini dimonitoring komponen kimianya dengan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT), kemudian diuji aktivitasnya dengan metode dilusi padat. Hasil uji aktivitas antimikroba dari  kedua jenis ekstrak  yang diuji, fraksi ekstrak metanol larut n-heksan menunjukkan aktivitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan fraksi ekstrak metanol tidak larut n-heksan, karena dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri E. coli, V. cholerae dan S. thyposa, sedangkan  ekstrak metanol tidak larut n-heksan hanya mampu menghambat bakteri V. cholerae, Fraksi ekstrak metanol larut n-heksan sebagai ekstrak aktif yang dapat membunuh/menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba 1000 µg/mL medium.   Kata Kunci: Daun B. virgata,  Antimikroba,  Ekstrak metanol larut dan tidak larut n-heksan, Dilusi Pada


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    ABSTRACT   A research which antibacterial activity test from Prinjak plant (Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd  to several pathogens bacterial, which aims to determine the antibacterial activity of bark prinjak (A. moluccana L.) against bacteria Salmonella thyposa and Vibrio cholerae. Extracts used is crude methanol extract. Examination of antibacterial with Minimum Kill Concentration (KBM) method, and followed by agar diffusion method with using paper disks. ANOVA analisis test it is obtained very significant results, followed by BNJ advanced test, BNJ test obtained the best concentration is 1.75 % results of the bacteria Salmonella and Vibrio cholerae thiposa.   Key words: A. moluccana  L. Willd, antibacterial activity, S. thiposa, V.cholera   ABSTRAK   Telah dilakukan penelitian Aktivitas Antibakteri Tumbuhan Prinjak (Aleurites moluccana (L.) terhadap Beberapa Bakteri Patogen, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri kulit batang prinjak (A. moluccana  (L.) Willd., terhadap bakteri Salmonella thyposa dan Vibrio cholera. Ekstrak yang digunakan adalah ekstrak kasar metanol. Metode uji yang digunakan adalah uji Daya Bunuh Minimum (KBM), dan dilanjutkan dengan metode difusi agar menggunakan paper disk. Hasil analsisis uji ANOVA aktivitas antibakteri diperoleh hasil yang sangat signifikan, dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjutan BNJ, hasil uji BNJ diperoleh konsentrasi terbaik adalah 1,75% terhadap bakteri Salmonella thiposa dan Vibrio cholera.       Kata kunci: A. moluccana  L. Willd, aktivitas  antibakteri, S. thiposa, V.choler