440 research outputs found

    Rural piped water supply in Bangladesh: myth or reality

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    Bangladesh achieved considerable progress in rural water supply since its independence in 1971. More than 97 percent of rural people have access to safe water within 150 meters. This scenario, in comparison to many other developing countries is excellent. The main source of safe water is ground water aquifer. At present, the average number of households per tube well varies from 2 to 5 (NAMIC, 2003 and 2004). This estimates considers both public and private tubewells. The number of private tube wells is a few times that of public tube wells indicating that the private sector plays a commendable role. The presence of arsenic in ground water overshadowed this success. The problem of arsenic contamination has become a matter of serious concern. It is estimated that about 29 million people are potentially at risk (Ahmed and Ahmed, 2002). Analysis of data on screening of tube wells shows that there are many villages where almost all water sources are arsenic contaminated. About 8000 villages have been found where arsenic contamination rate is 80% or more. It is an urgent need to provide safe water sources to those villages. Dug well, deep hand pump tube well, pond sand filter and rainwater harvesters are considered as alternative options for providing safe water. Arsenic removal technologies are also considered to treat arsenic contaminated water. All these alternative options are site specific and have some limitations. These alternative options cannot be considered absolute solutions. Removal technologies have also some limitations.Under such situation piped water supply using surface water or safe ground water in rural Bangladesh may be considered as long-term solution. Both government organizations and NGOs are now piloting more than 100 piped water supply schemes in the country. In this article, the author will try to explain prevailing situation in rural piped water systems and its prospect

    Evaluation of the performance of maize genotypes (Zea mays L.) for yield and other agronomic traits

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    A study was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, Research Farm, Bayero University, Kano State, (Lat. 11º541N, Long. 8º251E; 466m above sea level) between July and November 2015. The treatments consisted of twenty five  genotypes which comprises of six parents, 15 cross and four checks derived from partial diallel cross, laid out in 5x5 lattice design and replicated three times; these were tested for fourteen characters to evaluate their performance. The means sum of squares due to genotypes indicated highly significant differences (P<0.01) for plant height, kernel weight kg days to 50% pollen shed, and grain yield per hectare, while non-significant difference was observed for other traits. The significant differences observed revealed the presence of  substantial variability among the genotypes. P5 recorded the highest grain yield of (1075.56kg/ha), while P2P5 recorded the highest yield of (897.78kg/ha), indicating that, the highest yield obtained may be due to the combination of P5 which appears as the higher yielding parent. P2P3 recorded the lowest yield of (222.22kg/ha). It is therefore recommended that P5 has the highest yield, and can be used for hybridization programs to come up with new improved varieties

    Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial studies of Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes with the Schiff base N-salicylidene-4-chloroaniline

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    Transition Metal Complexes of Cu(II) and Zn(II) with Schiff base N-salicylidene-4-chloroaniline were synthesized and characterized by solubility test, infrared spectra, conductivity measurement, magnetic susceptibility, metal-ligand ratio determination, and antimicrobial activity. The low molar conductance values range (16.-27Ohm-1cm2mol-1) indicated that all the complexes are non-electrolytes. The magnetic susceptibility revealed that the Cu(II) complex is paramagnetic while Zn(II) complex is diamagnetic. The metal-ligand ratio was found to be 1:2 in all the complexes. The infrared spectra suggested that the Schiff base behaves as a bidentate ligand. The Schiff base and its metal complexes were tested for antibacterial activity using Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli and fungal activity using Aspergillus flavus and Mucor species. The results of the tests indicated moderate antimicrobial activity against the tested organism when compared with the standards (Ciprofloxacin and Ketoconazole), and this activity increases by increasing concentration. The Metal Complexes showed higher activity than free Ligand due to chelation.Keywords: Salicylaldehyde, 4-chloroaniline, Schiff base, Complexes, antimicrobial activit

    Genetic variability, heritability and correlation among soybean [Glycine max. (L.) Merrill] varieties

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    The study was conducted at Teaching and Research Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Bayero University, Kano (Lat 11059`N, Long 8025`E and 466m above sea level), during 2016 rainy season, to determine the variability, heritability and correlation among the soybean varieties. The treatments consist of eight soybean varieties, laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and replicated four times; varieties were evaluated for fifteen characters to determine variability, estimate heritability and correlation. Analysis of variance revealed significant difference (P>0.01<0.05) with respect to four characters and highly significant (P≤0.01) four seven characters. The results indicated the presence of substantial variability among the varieties. GCV, PCV, ECV and heritability estimates ranges from 0.000039-169.18, 0.000066-187.55, 0.000053-122.28 and 0-100% respectively, the high Genotypic Coefficient of Variation (GCV), Phenotypic Coefficient of Variation (PCV) and Environmental Coefficient of Variation (ECV) observed in this study indicated the existence of variability and selection can be done. Whereas high estimate of broad Sense heritability for the tested parameters indicated that these characters were highly heritable and selection can be imposed. Significant phenotypic correlation for GWha and FWha with FWP respectively revealed that, these characters were primarily influenced by their direct contribution to higher yield. It is therefore recommended for an effective selection of those characters could be adopted for cultivar improvement and hybridization program and more research is needed to validate the findings.Keywords: Genetic, Heritability , Soybean, Variabilit

    Genetic studies of agronomic and kernel quality traits in white maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines

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    Field experiments were conducted at National Horticultural Research Institute, Bagauda (11°33´N; 8°23´E) in the Sudan Savannah and Institute for Agricultural Research, Samaru (11011´N; 07038’E) in the Northern Guinea Savanna ecological zones of Nigeria. The experiments were conducted between July-October, 2014 rainy season to estimates mean squares for general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability( SCA) and interaction between general combining ability and location (GCA x location) and specific combining ability and location Interactions ( SCA x location) for agronomic traits and kernel quality traits. The study comprised of 15 hybrid lines, 6 parental lines along with 4 checks which were laid out in partially balanced lattice design with three replications. Analysis of variance revealed significant (P≤ 0.01) GCA for days to maturity (27.74), ear length (8.85cm) , ear diameter (22.25cm), plant height (1501.60cm), field weight (1.70kg), moisture content at harvest (16.48%) and yield (10947553.16 kgha-1) indicating the additive gene action contributing the expression of these traits. The mean squares due to SCA were highly significant (P≤ 0.01) for days to maturity (7.49), ear length (10.06cm), ear diameter (26.96cm) and moisture content at harvest (6.78%) indicating the preponderance of non-additive gene action in the expression of these traits. The mean squares for GCA× location and SCA× location were not significant for all traits except percent whole kernel which shows highly significant GCA × location interaction (2077.97%) and this indicated that, different parental genotypes behaved differently with respect to this trait under different location.Keywords: Agronomic traits, Genetic, General Combining Ability, Inbred lines, Kernel Quality and Specific Combining Abilit

    Adansonia digitata (Baobab) fruit pulp as substrate for Bacillus Endoglucanase production

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    In recent years the cost of carbon source for microbial enzymes production has necessitated a drive towards cheaper and sustainable sources. In this study, Adansonia digitata (Baobab) fruit pulp was utilized as substrate for Bacillus endoglucanase production and the effects of varying temperature, pH, incubation period, inoculum size and substrate concentration on endoglucanase production were investigated. The cellulolytic activity of the isolates was screened base on halo of clearance on Carboxymethyl  cellulose agar, while the endoglucanase activity of the selected Bacillus species was monitored using 3, 5 - dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method. Out of 4 Bacillus species screened, only Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus subtitis showed cellulolytic activity with B. amyloliquefaciens having the highest activity of 20.0 mm. Therefore B. amyloliquefaciens was selected  for studies on the effect of fermentation conditions on endoglucanase activity. The maximum yield of endoglucanase was produced at temperature of 55 oC, pH 2, 1% inoculum size and 1% substrate concentration for 4 days incubation period. The results of this study  suggest that Adansonia digitata fruit pulp can be harnessed at low concentration for large scale endoglucanase production by Bacillus, and the endoglucanase produced by B. amyloliquefaciens could be a thermostable enzyme with novel characteristics suitable for application in biofuel and textile industry

    Effects of four pre-sowing treatment methods (double phase) on the germination of the seeds of Afzelia africana Sm. ex Pers

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    The study investigated the effects of four pre-treatment methods on the germination response of the seeds of Afzelia africana (Sm. ex Pers) in the savannah ecozones of Nigeria. The experiment was carried out in two phases. Phase I involved; 50% concentrated sulphuric acid for 10 minutes, hot water at 100ºC for 3 minutes, cold water at room temperature for 24 hours, Mechanical scarification (rubbing on abrasive concrete surface). Phase II of the experiment was carried out based on the result of phase I. Mechanical scarification, which performed best among the treatments used in the first phase, was closely examined. The various mechanical scarifications used were rubbing the seeds on abrasive concrete surface to the length of 1mm into the seed coat, 2mm, 3mm and 4mm. The experimental layout used was Completely Randomized Design. For phase I, mechanical scarification had 25% germination rate and had the highest germination compared to other treatments. Due to the performance of mechanical scarification in phase I, varying mechanical scarification treatments were further investigated in phase II of the experiment. The result of the analysis of variance indicated a significant difference between the varying mechanical scarification treatments (p≤0.05). Separation of the means showed that 1mm mechanical scarification treatment differed significantly from all other treatments. 1mm mechanical scarification treatment gave an average germination of 50% and early emergence of 9 days. Therefore, 1mm mechanical scarification treatment was regarded as the best mechanical scarification treatment for the germination of Afzelia africana seeds.Keywords: pre-treatment, dormancy, germination, Afzelia african

    Experimental Analysis of Several Variables Influencing Formed Thickness in Two-Point Incremental Forming Process

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    In the current paper, an experimental analysis on Al-sheet (AA 1050) with thickness 0.9 mm to reveal the effect of relevant forming factors on the formed thickness in two-point incremental forming (TPIF) process has been conducted. The formed thickness of pyramid-like shapes was analyzed by studying seven variables: die geometry, tool diameter, tool path, stepover, tool shape, lubricant and slope angle. The proposed analysis utilizes Box-Behnken design of experiment (BBD), main effects plot (MEP) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for sake of studying the influences of the seven forming factors on the resulted thickness. The results of these analyses have indicated that the most significant factor affecting the formed thickness is the die geometry followed by tool shape, lubricant and stepover respectively for both slope angles of the pyramid. In addition, it has been found that the other variables have also significant effects on the formed thickness at both slopes of the pyramids produced

    Determination of onset, cessation of rains and hydrological growing season in Dadin Kowa and Gombe for agricultural planning

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    This study determined the onset, cessation of rains and length growing season (HGS) in the Sahel Sudan of northeastern Nigeria. Two stations were selected for the study; Gombe town in Gombe LGA and Dadin Kowa in Yamaltu Deba LGA of Gombe State. Daily rainfall data was obtained from NIMETS and Upper Benue River Basin, Dadin Kowa, Gombe State. The rainfall cumulative model was adopted for this study. The first step of the method was to derive the daily rainfall that occured at each five-day interval in a year. A rainy day in this study is a day with zero point two five millimeters that occured within twenty-four hours. This is followed by computing the total of the five-day period. Finally, when the cumulative rainfall total is plotted against time through the year, the first point of maximum positive curvature on the graph corresponds to the time of rainfall onset, while the last point of maximum negative curvature corresponds to rainfall cessation. The difference between the onset and cessation in days is hydrological growing season (LGS). Result shows that onset dates for Gombe town and Dadin Kowa are 25 and 30 May, with a variability of +10 and +15 days, respectively. While cessation dates, is 12 October, for Gombe town and Dadin Kowa with a variability of + 10 days. The hydrological growing seasons is 140 days with a variability of + 10 days for Gombe town and 137 days with a variability of + 15 days for Dadin Kowa. A radar diagram was used to compare onset, cessation and length of growing season in the two locations temporally from 2001 to 2017. Results revealed that onset and length of growing season followed same trend with Gombe town having the dominant late onset while Dadin Kowa had the longest length of rainy season between 2001 and 2017. In terms of cessation from 2001 to 2017, Dadin Kowa on the average had late cessation. The results of this study would be useful to farmers and other stakeholders in planning agricultural calendars.Keywords: Onset, Cessation, Hydrological Growing Season (HGS) and radar diagra

    Effect of experimental Trypanosoma congolense infection on serum profiles of lipid and cholesterol in pack donkeys

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    The effect of experimental Trypanosoma congolense (T. congolense) infection on serum concentrations of lipids in donkeys was investigated. To establish the infection, four apparently healthy pack donkeys were, each, intravenously inoculated with blood (1 ml) from an infected donor donkey containing 1 x 106 T. congolense organisms. Following this, 5 ml of blood was collected from each of the experimental animals, starting from day zero and then every other day throughout the experimental period and used for haematological and serum biochemical analyses. Levels of triglyceride, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol) in the serum were measured over a 28-day experimental period, using commercial test kits. The infection with T. congolense caused significant (P<0.05) decreases in serum concentrations of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in the experimental animals. Decreases were also observed in the serum concentrations of triglyceride and HDL-cholesterol but were not significant (P>0.05). With the indispensable roles of lipids as integral parts of cell membrane structures and in other metabolic processes in the mammalian hosts, it could be inferred that T. congolense infection-induced alterations in serum concentrations of lipids might be contributory pathophysiological mechanisms of some of the reported disorders in trypanosome-infected animals.Keywords: Donkey, Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterolTrypanosoma congolens
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