79 research outputs found

    Vitamin D intake in Australian adults and the modeled effects of milk and breakfast cereal fortification

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    Objective: Vitamin D intake from foods or supplements is a safe and attractive means to improve vitamin D status of populations. The aim of this study was to help identify population subgroups that would benefit most from efforts to increase intake. To do so, we investigated which personal characteristics are associated with vitamin D intake in an Australian population and modeled possible effects of expanded food fortification practices. Methods: We investigated vitamin D intake in a population-based random sample of 785 adults, using a validated food frequency questionnaire, and assessed associations with personal and behavioral characteristics. We identified vitamin D food sources and modeled the hypothetical effects of blanket fortification of milk and breakfast cereals. Results: Average total vitamin D intake was 4.4 (±4.0) μg/g and below adequate intake for most participants in all age and sex subgroups. Higher intake was associated with being female, having a serious medical condition, energy intake below the median, and vitamin D supplement use (all P < 0.05). The "meat, fish, and eggs" food group contributed most to total vitamin D intake (51%), followed by dairy products and related foods (43%). If all milk and breakfast cereals were to be fortified with vitamin D, the average intake of vitamin D from foods would increase from 3.6 (±2.4) μg/d to 6.3 (±3.2) μg/d, with similar increases in all age and sex subgroups. Conclusions: Vitamin D intake in Australia is generally below recommended levels, and few personal characteristics help to identify subgroups with low intake. Blanket vitamin D fortification of milk and breakfast cereals would substantially increase average vitamin D intake in Australian adults of all ages

    Mental health and diet quality after primary treatment for ovarian cancer

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    Aims: To investigate anxiety and depression after primary treatment for ovarian cancer in relation to diet quality and intake. Methods: In a cohort of women with ovarian cancer in Australia, levels of anxiety and depression (normal, subclinical, and clinical) were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale at 9 months post-diagnosis. Dietary intake was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire at 12 months post-diagnosis and scored using the Healthy Eating Index 2015. Multinomial logistic regression and bivariate analyses were used to investigate relationships between levels of anxiety and depression and subsequent diet quality and intake of food groups. Results: Of 595 women, anxiety and depression were identified among 128 (21%) and 80 (13%) women, respectively. Compared to women without anxiety or depression, women with subclinical anxiety (odds ratio = 0.49, 95% confidence interval: 0.25–0.98) and those with clinical depression (odds ratio = 0.25, 95% confidence interval: 0.07–0.93) were less likely to score in the highest quartile for diet quality. Separate adjustment for age, education, employment, disease stage, body mass index, and smoking status did not attenuate these associations. In bivariate analyses, women with subclinical anxiety were more likely to report higher intakes of sweet foods. Those with clinical depression were more likely to report lower intakes of orange vegetables and wholegrains, higher intakes of sweetened beverages, and not consume alcohol or soya foods. Conclusions: Anxiety or depression after primary treatment for ovarian cancer may be associated with poorer diet quality. Efforts to improve diet quality post-treatment should consider support for mental health

    Dietary phyto-oestrogens and the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers: findings from two Australian case–control studies

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    Phyto-oestrogens have been suggested to have a protective effect on hormone-sensitive cancers. However, few studies have investigated the association between dietary phyto-oestrogens and gynaecological cancers. In the present study, we analysed data from two population-based case-control studies of ovarian (1366 cases and 1414 controls) and endometrial (1288 cases and 1435 controls) cancers. Dietary intake information was obtained using a 135-item FFQ, and phyto-oestrogen intake was estimated using published food composition databases. Unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted OR and 95 % CI. In multivariable analyses, there was a suggestive pattern of inverse associations between increasing intakes of total phyto-oestrogens, isoflavones and enterolignans and the risk of ovarian cancer. However, the results only reached statistical significance for the lignan compounds matairesinol and lariciresinol, where the OR for the highest v. the lowest intake category was 0.72 (95 % CI 0.54, 0.96; P for trend = 0.02) for matairesinol and 0.72 (95 % CI 0.55, 0.96; P for trend = 0.03) for lariciresinol. When the risk of ovarian cancer was assessed by subtype, there was an indication that increasing intakes of phyto-oestrogens may be associated with a decreased risk of mucinous (cases n 158) ovarian tumours (OR for the highest v. the lowest intake category: 0.47 (95 % CI 0.24, 0.93); P for trend = 0.04). However, there were no significant associations with other histological subtypes. In contrast, dietary phyto-oestrogens (total or any subclass) were unrelated to the risk of endometrial cancer cases overall or by subtype

    Decisions to consent for autopsy after stillbirth: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women’s experiences

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    Abstract Background: The stillbirth rate for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants is twice that for non-Indigenous infants. Autopsy is the gold standard for fetal investigation, however, parental consent is low. There is little research investigating the drivers of parents’ decision-making for autopsy after stillbirth. Aims: The current study explored the reasons why Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women did or did not give permission to autopsy after stillbirth. Materials and Methods: Five Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was conducted within a phenomenological framework. Results: Five themes were identified as reasons for giving permission – to find out why baby died; confirm diagnosis; understand future risk; help others; and doubt about maternal causes. Four themes were identified as reasons for declining permission – not asked in a sensitive manner; not enough time to think; distress about the autopsy procedure; and unwilling to agree. There was a lack of acceptability of the lengthy timeframe for the availability of autopsy results as families usually wait between three and nine months. This lengthy waiting period negatively impacted upon families’ health and wellbeing. Conclusions: It is important for health professionals to understand the factors that parents consider when giving permission for autopsy after stillbirth. It is hoped that an increase in autopsy rate will enhance the understanding of the causes of stillbirth and ultimately decrease the stillbirth rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families

    Dietary antioxidant intake and the risk of developing Barrett’s oesophagus and oesophageal adenocarcinoma

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    Background: We investigated in a cohort study, for the first time using 7-day food diaries (7-DFDs), for age-dependent inverse associations with antioxidants, which have anti-carcinogenic properties, and development of Barrett’s oesophagus (BO) and oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC). Methods: A total of 24,068 well individuals completed 7-DFDs and donated blood. Vitamins C and E, carotenes, zinc and selenium intakes, and plasma vitamin C were measured. Participants were monitored for 15 years for BO and OAC. Hazard ratios (HRs) were estimated for: quintiles of intake and in participants younger and >=65 years at recruitment, the midpoint of BO peak prevalence. Results: A total of 197 participants developed BO and 74 OAC. There were no significant associations between antioxidants and BO or OAC in the whole cohort or if >65 years at recruitment. In participants <65 years, for BO, there was an inverse trend across plasma vitamin C quintiles (trend HR = 0.82; 95% CI = 0.71–0.96, P = 0.01), OAC for plasma vitamin C (trend HR = 0.58; 95% CI = 0.37–0.92, P = 0.02) and for dietary vitamins C and E (trend HR = 0.71 95% CI = 0.51–0.99, P = 0.04 and trend HR = 0.70; 95% CI = 0.51–0.96; P = 0.03). Conclusions: Data supports a role for dietary antioxidants prevent BO and OAC, perhaps at the earlier stages of carcinogenesis