247 research outputs found

    Evolution II - from the Main Sequence Through Core Helium Burning, M Equals 3M Sun Masses

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    Evolution of three solar mass star from main sequence to red gian

    On the very long term evolutionary behavior of hydrogen-accreting Low-Mass CO white dwarfs

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    Hydrogen-rich matter has been added to a CO white dwarf of initial mass 0.516 \msun at the rates 10810^{-8} and 2×1082\times 10^{-8} \msun \yrm1, and results are compared with those for a white dwarf of the same initial mass which accretes pure helium at the same rates. For the chosen accretion rates, hydrogen burns in a series of recurrent mild flashes and the ashes of hydrogen burning build up a helium layer at the base of which a He flash eventually occurs. In previous studies involving accretion at higher rates and including initially more massive WDs, the diffusion of energy inward from the H shell-flashing region contributes to the increase in the temperature at the base of the helium layer, and the mass of the helium layer when the He flash begins is significantly smaller than in a comparison model accreting pure helium; the He shell flash is not strong enough to develop into a supernova explosion. In contrast, for the conditions adopted here, the temperature at the base of the He layer becomes gradually independent of the deposition of energy by H shell flashes, and the mass of the He layer when the He flash occurs is a function only of the accretion rate, independent of the hydrogen content of the accreted matter. When the He flash takes place, due to the high degeneracy at the base of the He layer, temperatures in the flashing zone will rise without a corresponding increase in pressure, nuclear burning will continue until nuclear statistical equilibrium is achieved; the model will become a supernova, but not of the classical type Ia variety.Comment: 14 pages and 3 Postscript figures, Accepted for publication on ApJ Letter

    Morphological Properties of PPNs: Mid-IR and HST Imaging Surveys

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    We will review our mid-infrared and HST imaging surveys of the circumstellar dust shells of proto-planetary nebulae. While optical imaging indirectly probes the dust distribution via dust-scattered starlight, mid-IR imaging directly maps the distribution of warm dust grains. Both imaging surveys revealed preferencially axisymmetric nature of PPN dust shells, suggesting that axisymmetry in planetary nebulae sets in by the end of the asymptotic giant branch phase, most likely by axisymmetric superwind mass loss. Moreover, both surveys yielded two morphological classes which have one-to-one correspondence between the two surveys, indicating that the optical depth of circumstellar dust shells plays an equally important role as the inclination angle in determining the morphology of the PPN shells.Comment: 6 pages + 8 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the conference, "Post-AGB Objects (proto-planetary nebulae) as a Phase of Stellar Evolution", Torun, Poland, July 5-7, 2000, eds. R. Szczerba, R. Tylenda, and S.K. Gorny. Figures have been degraded to minimize the total file siz

    Stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis of Post-AGB Stars

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    I discuss recent new models of post-Asymptotic Giant Branch stellar evolution. These models aim to clarify the evolutionary origin and status of a variety of hydrogen-deficient post-AGB stars such as central stars of planetary nebulae of Wolf-Rayet spectral type, PG1159 stars or Sakurai's object. Starting with AGB models with overshoot such stars can evolve through one of four distinct channels. Each of these channels has typical abundance patterns depending on the relative timing of the departure from the AGB and the occurrence of the last thermal pulse. I discuss the responsible mechanisms and observational counterparts.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, conference paper, workshop "Post-AGB objects (proto-planetary nebulae) as a phase of stellar evolution", Jul 5-7, 2000, Torun, Poland, to appear in Ap&S

    The population of close double white dwarfs in the Galaxy

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    We present a new model for the Galactic population of close double white dwarfs. The model accounts for the suggestion of the avoidance of a substantial spiral-in during mass transfer between a giant and a main-sequence star of comparable mass and for detailed cooling models. It agrees well with the observations of the local sample of white dwarfs if the initial binary fraction is close to 50% and an ad hoc assumption is made that white dwarfs with mass less than about 0.3 solar mass cool faster than the models suggest. About 1000 white dwarfs brighter than V=15 have to be surveyed for detection of a pair which has total mass greater than the Chandrasekhar mass and will merge within 10 Gyr.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Proc. ``The influence of binaries on stellar population studies'', Brussels, August 2000 (Kluwer, D. Vanbeveren ed.

    Hydrogen-Accreting Carbon-Oxygen White Dwarfs of Low Mass: Thermal and Chemical Behavior of Burning Shells

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    Numerical experiments have been performed to investigate the thermal behavior of a cooled down white dwarf of initial mass M_{\rm WD} = 0.516 M_{\sun} which accretes hydrogen-rich matter with Z = 0.02 at the rate M˙=108\dot{M}=10^{-8} \msun \yrm1, typical for a recurrent hydrogen shell flash regime. The evolution of the main physical quantities of a model during a pulse cycle is examined in detail. From selected models in the mass range MWD=0.52÷0.68M_{\rm WD} = 0.52\div 0.68 \msunend, we derive the borders in the MWDM_{\rm WD} - M˙\dot{M} plane of the steady state accretion regime when hydrogen is burned at a constant rate as rapidly as it is accreted. The physical properties during a hydrogen shell flash in white dwarfs accreting hydrogen-rich matter with metallicities Z = 0.001 and Z = 0.0001 are also studied. For a fixed accretion rate, a decrease in the metallicity of the accreted matter leads to an increase in the thickness of the hydrogen-rich layer at outburst and a decrease in the hydrogen-burning shell efficiency. In the MWDM_{\rm WD}-M˙\dot{M} plane, the borders of the steady state accretion band are critically dependent on the metallicity of the accreted matter: on decreasing the metallicity, the band is shifted to lower accretion rates and its width in M˙\dot{M} is reduced.Comment: 31 pages and 10 Postscript figures; Accepted for publication on Ap

    Carbon-Oxygen White Dwarfs Accreting CO-Rich Matter I: A Comparison Between Rotating and Non-Rotating Models

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    We investigate the lifting effect of rotation on the thermal evolution of CO WDs accreting CO-rich matter. We find that rotation induces the cooling of the accreting star so that the delivered gravitational energy causes a greater expansion with respect to the standard non-rotating case. The increase in the surface radius produces a decrease in the surface value of the critical angular velocity and, therefore, the accreting WD becomes gravitationally unbound (Roche instability). This occurrence is due to an increase in the total angular momentum of the accreting WD and depends critically on the amount of specific angular momentum deposited by the accreted matter. If the specific angular momentum of the accreted matter is equal to that of the outer layers of the accreting structure, the Roche instability occurs well before the accreting WD can attain the physical conditions for C-burning. If the values of both initial angular velocity and accretion rate are small, we find that the accreting WD undergoes a secular instability when its total mass approaches 1.4 Msun. At this stage, the ratio between the rotational and the gravitational binding energy of the WD becomes of the order of 0.1, so that the star must deform by adopting an elliptical shape. In this case, since the angular velocity of the WD is as large as 1 rad/s, the anisotropic mass distribution induces the loss of rotational energy and angular momentum via GWR. We find that, independent of the braking efficiency, the WD contracts and achieves the physical conditions suitable for explosive C-burning at the center so that a type Ia supernova event is produced.Comment: 39 pages, 22 eps-figures; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    High-resolution spectroscopy of the R Coronae Borealis and Other Hydrogen Deficient Stars

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    High-resolution spectroscopy is a very important tool for studying stellar physics, perhaps, particularly so for such enigmatic objects like the R Coronae Borealis and related Hydrogen deficient stars that produce carbon dust in addition to their peculiar abundances. Examples of how high-resolution spectroscopy is used in the study of these stars to address the two major puzzles are presented: (i) How are such rare H-deficient stars created? and (ii) How and where are the obscuring soot clouds produced around the R Coronae Borealis stars?Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 201

    Element Abundance Determination in Hot Evolved Stars

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    The hydrogen-deficiency in extremely hot post-AGB stars of spectral class PG1159 is probably caused by a (very) late helium-shell flash or a AGB final thermal pulse that consumes the hydrogen envelope, exposing the usually-hidden intershell region. Thus, the photospheric element abundances of these stars allow us to draw conclusions about details of nuclear burning and mixing processes in the precursor AGB stars. We compare predicted element abundances to those determined by quantitative spectral analyses performed with advanced non-LTE model atmospheres. A good qualitative and quantitative agreement is found for many species (He, C, N, O, Ne, F, Si, Ar) but discrepancies for others (P, S, Fe) point at shortcomings in stellar evolution models for AGB stars. Almost all of the chemical trace elements in these hot stars can only be identified in the UV spectral range. The Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and the Hubble Space Telescope played a crucial role for this research.Comment: To appear in: Recent Advances in Spectroscopy: Theoretical, Astrophysical, and Experimental Perspectives, Proceedings, Jan 28 - 31, 2009, Kodaikanal, India (Springer

    Synthesis of the elements in stars: forty years of progress

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    Forty years ago Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler, and Hoyle combined what we would now call fragmentary evidence from nuclear physics, stellar evolution and the abundances of elements and isotopes in the solar system as well as a few stars into a synthesis of remarkable ingenuity. Their review provided a foundation for forty years of research in all of the aspects of low energy nuclear experiments and theory, stellar modeling over a wide range of mass and composition, and abundance studies of many hundreds of stars, many of which have shown distinct evidence of the processes suggested by B2FH. In this review we summarize progress in each of these fields with emphasis on the most recent developments