4 research outputs found

    Financing national policy on oral health in Brazil in the context of the Unified Health System

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    This article discusses the model of oral health care implemented in the Unified Health System of Brazil in the last decade. This model was conceived as a sub-sector policy that, over the years, has sought to improve the quality of life of the Brazilian population. Through a chronological line, the study presents the National Policy on Oral Health as a counter-hegemonic patient care model for the dentistry practices existing in the country before this policy was implemented. The reorganization of the levels of oral health care, the creation of reference facilities for secondary and tertiary care, through Centers of Dental Specialties and Regional Dental Prosthesis Laboratories, and the differential funding and decentralized management of financial resources were able to expand the actions of oral health for more than 90 million inhabitants. The evolution shown after the deployment of the National Oral Health Policy, as of 2004, demonstrates the greater integration of oral health care under the Unified Health System and provides feedback information to help this policy to continue to be prioritized by the Federal Government and receive more support from the state and local levels in the coming years

    Colegiado gestor: uma análise das possibilidades de autogestão em um hospital público Administration committee: analysis of the possibilities of self-management in a public hospital

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    O presente artigo analisa as possibilidades de autogestão no colegiado gestor de um hospital público no estado de São Paulo. O objetivo deste estudo é o de analisar essa experiência, identificando os arranjos coletivos forjados na perspectiva de espaços de autogestão. Como foco de análise, nos centramos na dinâmica de produção de subjetividades que perpassavam o colegiado gestor do hospital alvo da pesquisa. Optou-se pelo diário institucional e pela observação simples como métodos de investigação. O mapeamento dos processos no colegiado indicou a constituição de coletivos formados a partir de modelos centrados em experiências partilhadas de gestão, onde o desencadeamento de processos de co-responsabilização é capaz de promover um modo de gerenciar com espaço para a dinâmica de singularização. O artigo tece, ainda, considerações sobre alguns dos elementos que, constitutivos de movimentos de autogestão, estão presentes no conflito gerado nos processos de heterogestão.<br>This paper analyzes the possibilities for self-management through an Administration Committee in a public hospital in São Paulo State, examining this experience and identifying the collective arrangements established from the standpoint of self-managed areas. This analysis focuses on the production dynamics of subjective aspects that pass by the Administration Committee of the hospital under examination, using the daily records of the institution and simple observation as the research methods. Charting the Committee processes indicated the establishment of collective activities guided by models based on shared management experiences, where the introduction of processes assigning joint responsibility can promote a management style with room for the dynamics of singularization. This paper also comments on some elements constituting self-management movements that are apparent in the conflict triggered by hetero-management processes

    Gestão hospitalar no Sistema Único de Saúde: problemáticas de estudos em política, planejamento e gestão em saúde

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