6 research outputs found

    Role of the Old and New Institutional Framework in Combating the Resource Curse in Kazakhstan

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan äkilliseen, resurssivetoiseen korkeasuhdanteeseen liittyviä kysymyksiä. Valtavien öljyvarojen ja muiden luonnonvarojen saatavuus ja niiden hyödyntämisestä syntyneet lisätulot (rent) voivat haitata taloudellista kasvua ja poliittista kehitystä valtiossa, jonka instituutiot ovat hauraita, tai post-sosialistisessa valtiossa. Kazakhstan on eräs esimerkki useita vuosia jatkuneesta resurssivetoisesta noususuhdanteesta ja suhdanteen poliittisista ja taloudellisista tuloksista. Taloudellisesta kasvusta tuli oikeutus poliittisen kilpailun puutteeseen ja valtaresurssien keskittämiseen. Näin ollen post-sosialistinen transitio resursseiltaan rikkaassa valtiossa on ongelmallista, jos instituutiot eivät kehity vastaavasti.This work describes the issues of suddent resource boom in post Soviet country. Availibility of huge oil and other natural resources and rent extracted from them may impede economic growth and political development in case of fragile institutions in the developing or post Soviet country. Kazakhstan is one of the examples where this resource boom was going on for several year bringing certain political and economic outcomes where economic growth bacem a justification for absence of political competition and concetration pf power

    Kazakh Famine 1928-1932

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    Between 1928 to 1932 a great famine took place in parts of the Soviet Union due to the forced collectivization policy by the Bolsheviks. Some historians accuse Joseph Stalin of purposefully targeting people and others blame the famine on poor management, policy errors, and local misunderstanding of the general idea in making reforms in agriculture. This paper attempts to give the reader a better understanding of what happened in Kazakhstan when collectivization brought massive human losses and the end of Kazakh nomadism as a way of lif

    Role of the Old and New Institutional Framework in Combating the Resource Curse in Kazakhstan

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan äkilliseen, resurssivetoiseen korkeasuhdanteeseen liittyviä kysymyksiä. Valtavien öljyvarojen ja muiden luonnonvarojen saatavuus ja niiden hyödyntämisestä syntyneet lisätulot (rent) voivat haitata taloudellista kasvua ja poliittista kehitystä valtiossa, jonka instituutiot ovat hauraita, tai post-sosialistisessa valtiossa. Kazakhstan on eräs esimerkki useita vuosia jatkuneesta resurssivetoisesta noususuhdanteesta ja suhdanteen poliittisista ja taloudellisista tuloksista. Taloudellisesta kasvusta tuli oikeutus poliittisen kilpailun puutteeseen ja valtaresurssien keskittämiseen. Näin ollen post-sosialistinen transitio resursseiltaan rikkaassa valtiossa on ongelmallista, jos instituutiot eivät kehity vastaavasti.This work describes the issues of suddent resource boom in post Soviet country. Availibility of huge oil and other natural resources and rent extracted from them may impede economic growth and political development in case of fragile institutions in the developing or post Soviet country. Kazakhstan is one of the examples where this resource boom was going on for several year bringing certain political and economic outcomes where economic growth bacem a justification for absence of political competition and concetration pf power

    Trust in scientists and their role in society across 67 countries

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    Scientific information is crucial for evidence-based decision-making. Public trust in science can help decision-makers act based on the best available evidence, especially during crises such as climate change or the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in recent years the epistemic authority of science has been challenged, causing concerns about low public trust in scientists. Here we interrogated these concerns with a pre-registered 67-country survey of 71,417 respondents on all inhabited continents and find that in most countries, a majority of the public trust scientists and think that scientists should be more engaged in policymaking. We further show that there is a discrepancy between the public’s perceived and desired priorities of scientific research. Moreover, we find variations between and within countries, which we explain with individual-and country-level variables,including political orientation. While these results do not show widespread lack of trust in scientists, we cannot discount the concern that lack of trust in scientists by even a small minority may affect considerations of scientific evidence in policymaking. These findings have implications for scientists and policymakers seeking to maintain and increase trust in scientists

    Trust in scientists and their role in society across 67 countries

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    Scientific information is crucial for evidence-based decision-making. Public trust in science can help decision-makers act based on the best available evidence, especially during crises such as climate change or the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in recent years the epistemic authority of science has been challenged, causing concerns about low public trust in scientists. Here we interrogated these concerns with a pre-registered 67-country survey of 71,417 respondents on all inhabited continents and find that in most countries, a majority of the public trust scientists and think that scientists should be more engaged in policymaking. We further show that there is a discrepancy between the public’s perceived and desired priorities of scientific research. Moreover, we find variations between and within countries, which we explain with individual-and country-level variables,including political orientation. While these results do not show widespread lack of trust in scientists, we cannot discount the concern that lack of trust in scientists by even a small minority may affect considerations of scientific evidence in policymaking. These findings have implications for scientists and policymakers seeking to maintain and increase trust in scientists