223 research outputs found

    How I diagnose and treat splenic lymphomas.

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    The incidental finding of an isolated splenomegaly during clinical assessment of patients evaluated for unrelated causes has become increasingly frequent because of the widespread use of imaging. Therefore, the challenging approach to the differential diagnosis of spleen disorders has emerged as a rather common issue of clinical practice. A true diagnostic dilemma hides in distinguishing pathologic conditions primarily involving the spleen from those in which splenomegaly presents as an epiphenomenon of hepatic or systemic diseases. Among the causes of isolated splenomegaly, lymphoid malignancies account for a relevant, yet probably underestimated, number of cases. Splenic lymphomas constitute a wide and heterogeneous array of diseases, whose clinical behavior spans from indolent to highly aggressive. Such a clinical heterogeneity is paralleled by the high degree of biologic variation in the lymphoid populations from which they originate. Nevertheless, the presenting clinical, laboratory, and pathologic features of these diseases often display significant overlaps. In this manuscript, we present our approach to the diagnosis and treatment of these rare lymphomas, whose complexity has been so far determined by the lack of prospectively validated prognostic systems, treatment strategies, and response criteria

    Pseudotemporal ordering of spatial lymphoid tissue microenvironment profiles trails Unclassified DLBCL at the periphery of the follicle

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    : We have established a pseudotemporal ordering for the transcriptional signatures of distinct microregions within reactive lymphoid tissues, namely germinal center dark zones (DZ), germinal center light zones (LZ), and peri-follicular areas (Peri). By utilizing this pseudotime trajectory derived from the functional microenvironments of DZ, LZ, and Peri, we have ordered the transcriptomes of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma cases. The apex of the resulting pseudotemporal trajectory, which is characterized by enrichment of molecular programs fronted by TNFR signaling and inhibitory immune checkpoint overexpression, intercepts a discrete peri-follicular biology. This observation is associated with DLBCL cases that are enriched in the Unclassified/type-3 COO category, raising questions about the potential extra-GC microenvironment imprint of this peculiar group of cases. This report offers a thought-provoking perspective on the relationship between transcriptional profiling of functional lymphoid tissue microenvironments and the evolving concept of the cell of origin in Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphomas

    Weekly administration of vincristine, cyclophosphamide, mitoxantrone and bleomycin (VEMB) in the treatment of elderly aggressive non Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    Background and Objective. Aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of VEMB, a short-lasting therapeutic regimen (50 days) which alternates two myelotoxic drugs (cyclophosphamide and mitoxantrone) every week with two less hematologically toxic drugs (vincristine and bleomycin) in the treatment of aggressive NHL in the elderly (over 70). Design and Methods. Between November 1994 and March 1996, 37 patients aged more than 70 years, with highly or moderately malignant NHL (according to the Working Formulation) have been enrolled into the study. The stage of the disease ranged between II and IV according to Ann Arbor. Mean age was 77 years; 14 patients (38%) had stage IV; 19 patients (51%) had LDH higher than normal; 26 patients (70%) had extranodal and 9 patients (24%) had bulky disease at time of diagnosis. Results. Sixty-two percent of patients achieved a complete and 22% a partial remission. Non-responders amounted to 5%. Four patients (11%) died during the therapy; Nine patients (24%) experienced grade III-IV neutropenia. The most frequently observed event was mild neurotoxicity (43% of cases). The overall survival rate at 30 months was 55%. DFS at 24 months was 66%. Interpretation and Conclusions. VEMB is a therapeutic regimen whose efficacy is comparable to that of the other derived MACOP-B therapeutic regimens used in the elderly NHL. It has proved to have a good feasibility, though the number of toxic deaths should not be neglected

    Vinblastine, bleomycin, and methotrexate chemotherapy plus irradiation for patients with early-stage, favorable Hodgkin lymphoma - The experience of the gruppo italiano studio linfomi

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    BACKGROUND. The acknowledged effectiveness of vinblastine, bleomycin, and methotrexate (VBM) chemotherapy in patients with early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma has been associated with conflicting toxicity reports. METHODS. One hundred forty-three patients were evaluated clinically and had favorable Stage IA or IIA Hodgkin lymphoma. Ninety-three patients were treated with the standard VBM schedule combined with extended-field radiotherapy (EFRT), leaving the choice of the therapeutic sequence free. Fifty subsequent patients were treated with a slightly modified VBM schedule (VbMp) combined with RT limited to involved fields (IF-RT) and delivered only after the end of chemotherapy. In the VbMp schedule, intervals between cycles were 21 days instead of 28 days, bleomycin doses were reduced, small doses of prednisone were given orally, and the interval before RT was prolonged. RESULTS. Clinical response was complete in 96% of patients who were treated with VBM plus EF-RT and in 94% of patients who were treated with VbMp plus IF-RT. Recurrence rates were nearly identical (12% and 11%, respectively) over necessarily different follow-up (91 months and 33 months, respectively). Hematologic toxicity was tolerable in both trials, and pulmonary side effects were moderate in the first trial and negligible in the second. On the whole, treatment was tolerated better when RT followed chemotherapy. CONCLUSIONS. The VBM regimen was confirmed to be effective in patients with early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma. Administration of all cycles before RT improved tolerance; pulmonary toxicity probably is mitigated further by reduced bleomycin doses, mild prednisone therapy, and a more prolonged resting interval before RT. A slightly higher recurrence rate was expectable in the VBM plus IF-RT trial despite the actual intensification of vinblastine and methotrexate

    Hodgkin's disease presenting below the diaphragm. The experience of the Gruppo Italiano Studio Linfomi (GISL)

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    Background and Objective. Infradiaphragmatic Hodgkin\ub4s disease is rare, making up 5-12% of cases in clinical stages I and II; consequently, several questions concerning prognosis and treatment strategy remain to be answered. The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical and prognostic characteristics and outcome of his condition. Methods. A series of 282 patients with CS I-II Hodgkin\ub4s disease (HD) was investigated. In 31 patients the disease was confined below the diaphragm (BDHD), and in the remaining above the diaphragm (ADHD). The presenting features and outcomes were compared in the two groups. Results. The BDHD group was older (p < 0.0002), had a higher frequency of males (p < 0.08) and a different histological subtype group distribution (p < 0.0001). Stage II BDHD patients had a worse overall survival rate (OS) than stage II ADHD patients (68.8% vs 86.6% at 8 years, p < 0.01) if age is not considered; patients with more than 40 years of age, in fact, had the same survival rates as those with ADHD. BDHD patients with intra-abdominal disease alone had worse prognostic factors and OS (p = 0.12) than patients with inguinal-femoral nodes. Interpretation and Conclusions. Although BDHD patients present distinct features, they have the same OS and relapse-free survival rate as age-adjusted ADHD patients. According to our experience patients with stage I peripheral BDHD respond well to radiotherapy-based regimens. Those with stage II and or intra-abdominal disease are more challenging; chemotherapy or a combined therapy seem to be more suitable approaches for these patients

    Long-term results from MOPPEBVCAD chemotherapy with optional limited radiotherapy in advanced Hodgkin's disease

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    The purpose was to verify the 5-year results of the MOPPEBVCAD chemotherapy regimen with limited radiotherapy in relation to the promising preliminary data. Mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisone, epidoxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, lomustine, melphalan, and vindesine were delivered according to a schedule derived through hybridization, intensification, and shortening of the corresponding alternating CAD/MOPP/ABV regimen. Radiotherapy was restricted to sites of bulky involvement or to areas that responded incompletely to chemotherapy. This multicenter, controlled, nonrandomized trial involved 145 eligible patients. Radiotherapy was administered to 47 patients, 46 of whom were in complete remission after chemotherapy. Remissions were complete in 137 patients (94%), partial in 4 (3%), and null in the remaining 4. Tumor-specific, overall, relapse-free, and failure-free survival at 5 years were 0.89, 0.86, 0.82, and 0.78, respectively. Hematologic toxicity was considerable, whereas nonhematologic side effects were fully acceptable. Most of the unfavorable prognostic factors lost their clinical weight. Only age and lymphocyte depletion histologic type were statistically correlated with major follow up endpoints; performance status and bone marrow involvement were subordinate to age. Seven patients developed a second cancer (including 3 myelodysplasias). MOPPEBVCAD with selected radiotherapy is a highly effective regimen in advanced Hodgkin\ub4s disease. Early and late toxicity are no more severe than what would be expected with other alternating or hybrid regimens. A comparison with ABVD, which is currently considered the standard regimen for advanced Hodgkin\ub4s disease, is needed

    ABVD plus radiotherapy versus EVE plus radiotherapy in unfavorable stage IA and IIA Hodgkin's lymphoma: results from an Intergruppo Italiano Linfomi randomized study.

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    BACKGROUND: In 1997, the Intergruppo Italiano Linfomi started a randomized trial to evaluate, in unfavorable stage IA and IIA Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) patients, the efficacy and toxicity of the low toxic epirubicin, vinblastine and etoposide (EVE) regimen followed by involved field radiotherapy in comparison to the gold standard doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine (ABVD) regimen followed by the same radiotherapy program. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients should be younger than 65 years with unfavorable stage IA and IIA HL (i.e. stage IA or IIA with bulky disease and/or subdiaphragmatic disease, erythrocyte sedimentation rate higher than 40, extranodal (E) involvement, hilar involvement and more than three involved lymph node areas). RESULTS: Ninety-two patients were allocated to the ABVD arm and 89 to the EVE arm. Complete remission (CR) rates at the end of treatment program [chemotherapy (CT) + RT] were 93% and 92% for ABVD and EVE arms, respectively (P = NS). The 5-year relapse-free survival (RFS) rate was 95% for ABVD and 78% for EVE (P < 0.05). As a consequence of the different relapse rate, the 5-year failure-free survival (FFS) rate was significantly better for ABVD (90%) than for EVE (73%) arm (P < 0.05). No differences in terms of overall survival (OS) were observed for the two study arms. CONCLUSIONS: In unfavorable stage IA and IIA HL patients, no differences were observed between ABVD and EVE arms in terms of CR rate and OS. EVE CT, however, was significantly worse than ABVD in terms of RFS and FFS and cannot be recommended as initial treatment for HL

    Bone marrow stem cell damage after three different chemotherapy regimens for advanced Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the apoptotic damage to bone marrow cells caused by three chemotherapy regimens for advanced Hodgkin's lymphoma, ABVD, COPPEBVCAD and BEACOPP, which were randomly administered in the HD 2000 GISL trial. Bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMCs) stained with anti-CD34 antibody and Annexin V, were evaluated by flow cytometry before starting chemotherapy, 30 days after completing chemotherapy and after 6 months. Results are expressed as the percentages of BMMCs positive to anti-CD34, to Annexin V or to both. Fourteen patients treated with ABVD, 11 with COPPEBVCAD and 13 with BEACOPP were evaluated before and 30 days after treatment. Late assessments were made in 6, 7 and 8 of them, respectively. No differences were found among the pretherapeutic flow cytometry findings in relation to the staging characteristics (marrow involvement included). All the regimens increased the apoptotic fraction of the whole mononuclear bone marrow cells (COPPEBVCAD did so significantly) and increased the CD34+ compartment (with significant early differences after ABVD and BEACOPP, tending to late persistence for ABVD, only). All the regimens increased the apoptotic CD34+ cells within the whole BMMC population (significantly after BEACOPP), although with a general trend to decrease in their percentage within the CD34+ compartment over time, even after the most dose-dense regimens. Based on the variations induced in the apoptotic fraction of all mononuclear and CD34+ cells, ABVD was the least toxic regimen and COPPEBVCAD the most toxic one

    Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified (PTCL-U): a new prognostic model from a retrospective multicentric clinical study

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    To assess the prognosis of peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified, we retrospectively analyzed 385 cases fulfilling the criteria defined by the World Health Organization classification. Factors associated with a worse overall survival (OS) in a univariate analysis were age older than 60 years (P=.0002), equal to or more than 2 extranodal sites (P=.0002), lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) value at normal levels or above (P<.0001), performance status (PS) equal to or more than 2 (Pless than or equal to.0001), stage III or higher (P=.0001), and bone marrow involvement (P=.0001). Multivariate analysis showed that age (relative risk, 1.732; 95% CI, 1.300-2.309; P<.0001), PS (relative risk, 1.719; 95% CI, 1.269-2.327, P<.0001), LDH level (relative risk, 1.905; 95% CI, 1.415-2.564; P<.0001), and bone marrow involvement (relative risk, 1.454; 95% CI, 1.045-2.023; P=.026) were factors independently predictive for survival. Using these 4 variables we constructed a new prognostic model that singled out 4 groups at different risk: group 1, no adverse factors, with 5-year and 10-year OS of 62.3% and 54.9%, respectively; group 2, one factor, with a 5-year and 10-year OS of 52.9% and 38.8%, respectively; group 3, 2 factors, with 5-year and 10-year OS of 32.9% and 18.0%, respectively; group 4,3 or 4 factors, with a 5-year and 10-year OS of 18.3 and 12.6%, respectively (Pless than or equal to.0001; log-rank, 66.79)
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