368 research outputs found

    Characteristics of high quality ZnO thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition

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    This paper show that under optimized deposition condition, films can be grown having a full width at half maximum (FWHM) value of the (002) x-ray diffraction (XRD) line a factor of 4 smaller than the previously published results using PLD and among the best reported so far by any technique. Under optimized conditions, c-axis oriented ZnO films having a FWHM value of the (002) XRD reflection line less than 15°, electrical resistivities around 5 × 10-2 Ω cm and optical transmittance higher than 85% in the visible region of the spectrum were obtained. Refractive index was around 1.98 and the Eg = 3.26 eV, values characteristic of very high quality ZnO thin films

    Growth of ZnO thin films on GaAs by pulsed laser deposition

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    ZnO thin films have been grown on GaAs substrates using the pulsed laser deposition technique with or without a photodeposited SiO2 buffer layer. The presence of the SiO2 layer has a beneficial effect on the crystalline quality of the grown ZnO films. Highly c-axis oriented ZnO films having a full width at half maximum value of the (002) X-ray diffraction line of less than 0.13 ° have been grown on such buffer layers at a substrate temperature of only 350 °C

    Effects of laser wavelength and fluence on the growth of ZnO thin films by pulsed laser deposition

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    Transparent, electrically conductive and c-axis oriented ZnO thin films have been grown by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique on silicon and Corning glass substrates employing either a KrF excimer laser (¿ = 248 nm) or a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser (¿ = 532 nm). The crystalline structure, surface morphology, optical and electrical properties of the deposited films were found to depend not only on the substrate temperature and oxygen partial pressure, but also on the irradiation conditions. The quality of the ZnO layers grown by the shorter wavelength laser was always better than that of the layers grown by the longer wavelength, under otherwise identical deposition conditions. This behaviour was qualitatively accounted for by the results of the numerical solution of a one-dimensional heat diffusion equation which indicated a strong superheating effect of the melted target material for the case of frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser irradiations. By optimizing the deposition conditions we have grown, employing the KrF laser, very smooth c-axis oriented ZnO films having a full-width at half-maximum value of the (002) X-ray diffraction value less than 0.16° and optical transmittance around 85% in the visible region of the spectrum at a substrate temperature of only 300°C


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    Composition dependence of electronic structure and optical properties of Hf1-xSixOy gate dielectrics

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    Copyright © 2008 American Institute of Physics. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditionsComposition-dependent electronic structure and optical properties of Hf1−xSixOy 0.1 x 0.6 gate dielectrics on Si at 450 °C grown by UV-photo-induced chemical vapor deposition UV-CVD have been investigated via x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and spectroscopy ellipsometry SE . By means of the chemical shifts in the Hf 4f, Si 2p, and O 1s spectra, the Hf–O–Si bondings in the as-deposited films have been confirmed. Analyses of composition-dependent band alignment of Hf1−xSixOy / Si gate stacks have shown that the valence band VB offset Ev demonstrates little change; however, the values of conduction band offset Ec increase with the increase in the silicon atomic composition, resulting from the increase in the separation between oxygen 2p orbital VB state and antibonding d states intermixed of Hf and Si. Analysis by SE, based on the Tauc–Lorentz model, has indicated that decreases in the optical dielectric constant and increase in band gap have been observed as a function of silicon contents. Changes in the complex dielectric functions and band gap Eg related to the silicon concentration in the films are discussed systematically. From the band offset and band gap viewpoint, these results suggest that Hf1−xSixOy films provide sufficient tunneling barriers for electrons and holes, making them promising candidates as alternative gate dielectrics.National Natural Science Foundation of China and Royal Society U.K

    The Management and Use of Social Network Sites in a Government Department

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    In this paper we report findings from a study of social network site use in a UK Government department. We have investigated this from a managerial, organisational perspective. We found at the study site that there are already several social network technologies in use, and that these: misalign with and problematize organisational boundaries; blur boundaries between working and social lives; present differing opportunities for control; have different visibilities; have overlapping functionality with each other and with other information technologies; that they evolve and change over time; and that their uptake is conditioned by existing infrastructure and availability. We find the organisational complexity that social technologies are often hoped to cut across is, in reality, something that shapes their uptake and use. We argue the idea of a single, central social network site for supporting cooperative work within an organisation will hit the same problems as any effort of centralisation in organisations. We argue that while there is still plenty of scope for design and innovation in this area, an important challenge now is in supporting organisations in managing what can best be referred to as a social network site 'ecosystem'.Comment: Accepted for publication in JCSCW (The Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work

    Combinations of idelalisib with rituximab and/or bendamustine in patients with recurrent indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Key Points Combining phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase δ inhibition with rituximab, bendamustine, or both is feasible and active in relapsed iNHL. The safety of novel combinations should be proven in phase 3 trials before adoption in clinical practice.</jats:p

    Chebyshev matrix product state approach for spectral functions

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    We show that recursively generated Chebyshev expansions offer numerically efficient representations for calculating zero-temperature spectral functions of one-dimensional lattice models using matrix product state (MPS) methods. The main features of this Chebychev matrix product state (CheMPS) approach are: (i) it achieves uniform resolution over the spectral function's entire spectral width; (ii) it can exploit the fact that the latter can be much smaller than the model's many-body bandwidth; (iii) it offers a well-controlled broadening scheme; (iv) it is based on a succession of Chebychev vectors |t_n>, (v) whose entanglement entropies were found to remain bounded with increasing recursion order n for all cases analyzed here; (vi) it distributes the total entanglement entropy that accumulates with increasing n over the set of Chebyshev vectors |t_n>. We present zero-temperature CheMPS results for the structure factor of spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains and perform a detailed finite-size analysis. Making comparisons to three benchmark methods, we find that CheMPS (1) yields results comparable in quality to those of correction vector DMRG, at dramatically reduced numerical cost; (2) agrees well with Bethe Ansatz results for an infinite system, within the limitations expected for numerics on finite systems; (3) can also be applied in the time domain, where it has potential to serve as a viable alternative to time-dependent DMRG (in particular at finite temperatures). Finally, we present a detailed error analysis of CheMPS for the case of the noninteracting resonant level model.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure
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