244 research outputs found

    Athletes' perceptions of coaching effectiveness and athlete-related outcomes in rugby union: An investigation based on the coaching efficacy model

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    This study examined the relationships between athletes' perceptions of coaching effectiveness, based on the coaching efficacy model, and their effort, commitment, enjoyment, self-efficacy, and prosocial and antisocial behavior in rugby union. Participants were 166 adult male rugby-union players (M age = 26.5, SD = 8.5 years), who completed questionnaires measuring their perceptions of four dimensions of coaching effectiveness as well as their effort, commitment, enjoyment, self-efficacy, and prosocial and antisocial behavior. Regression analyses, controlling for rugby experience, revealed that athletes' perceptions of motivation effectiveness predicted effort, commitment, and enjoyment. Further, perceptions of technique effectiveness predicted self-efficacy, while perceptions of character-building effectiveness predicted prosocial behavior. None of the perceived coaching effectiveness dimensions were related to antisocial behavior. In conclusion, athletes' evaluations of their coach's ability to motivate, provide instruction, and instill an attitude of fair play in his athletes have important implications for the variables measured in this study

    Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health information: progress, pitfalls and prospects

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    Despite significant developments in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health information over the last 25 years, many challenges remain. There are still uncertainties about the accuracy of estimates of the summary measure of life expectancy, and methods to estimate changes in life expectancy over time are unreliable because of changing patterns of identification. Far too little use is made of the wealth of information that is available, and formal systems for systematically using that information are often vestigial to non-existent. Available information has focussed largely on traditional biomedical topics and too little on access to, expenditure on, and availability of services required to improve health outcomes, and on the underpinning issues of social and emotional wellbeing. It is of concern that statistical artefacts may have been misrepresented as indicating real progress in key health indices. Challenges and opportunities for the future include improving the accuracy of estimation of life expectancy, provision of community level data, information on the availability and effectiveness of health services, measurement of the underpinning issues of racism, culture and social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB), enhancing the interoperability of data systems, and capacity building and mechanisms for Indigenous data governance. There is little point in having information unless it is used, and formal mechanisms for making full use of information in a proper policy/planning cycle are urgently required

    Coaching efficacy and coaching effectiveness: examining their predictors and comparing coaches' and athletes' reports

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    Research on the conceptual model of coaching efficacy (Feltz, Chase, Moritz, & Sullivan, 1999) has increased dramatically over the past few years. Utilizing this model as the guiding framework, the current study examined: (a) coaching experience and sex as predictors of coaches' coaching efficacy; (b) sport experience, sex, and the match/mismatch in sex between coach and athlete as predictors of athletes' perceptions of their coach's effectiveness on the four coaching efficacy domains; and (c) whether coaches' reports of coaching efficacy and athletes' perceptions of coaching effectiveness differed. Coaches (N = 26) and their athletes (N = 291) from 8 individual and 7 team sports drawn from British university teams (N = 26) participated in the study. Coaches completed the Coaching Efficacy Scale (CES), while athletes evaluated their coach's effectiveness using an adapted version of the CES; coaches and athletes also responded to demographic questions. Results indicated that, in coaches, years of coaching experience positively predicted technique coaching efficacy, and males reported higher game strategy efficacy than females. In athletes, sport experience negatively predicted all perceived coaching effectiveness dimensions, and the mismatch in sex between athletes and their coach negatively predicted perceived motivation and character building coaching effectiveness. Finally, on average, coaches' ratings of coaching efficacy were significantly higher than their athletes' ratings of coaching effectiveness on A dimensions. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for coaching effectiveness

    Effective strategies to strengthen the mental health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

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    Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to draw on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) perspectives, theoretical understandings, and available evidence to answer questions about what is required to effectively address Indigenous people’s mental health and social and emotional wellbeing. Social and emotional wellbeing is a multifaceted concept. Although the term is often used to describe issues of ‘mental health’ and ‘mental illness’, it has a broader scope in that Indigenous culture takes a holistic view of health. It recognises the importance of connection to land, culture, spirituality, ancestry, family and community, how these connections have been shaped across generations, and the processes by which they affect individual wellbeing. It is a whole-of-life view, and it includes the interdependent relationships between families, communities, land, sea and spirit and the cyclical concept of life–death–life. Importantly, these concepts and understandings of maintaining and restoring health and social and emotional wellbeing differ markedly to those in many non-Indigenous-specific (or mainstream) programs that tend to emphasise an individual’s behavioural and emotional strengths and ability to adapt and cope with the challenges of life. This paper explores the central question of ‘what are culturally appropriate mental health and social and emotional wellbeing programs and services for Indigenous people, and how are these best delivered?’. It identifies Indigenous perspectives of what is required for service provision and program delivery that align with Indigenous beliefs, values, needs and priorities. It explores the evidence and consensus around the principles of best practice in Indigenous mental health programs and services. It discusses these principles of best practice with examples of programs and research that show how these values and perspectives can be achieved in program design and delivery. This paper seeks to provide an evidence-based, theoretically coherent discussion of the factors that influence the effective development, implementation and outcomes of initiatives to address Indigenous mental health and wellbeing issues. It seeks to assess whether the current investment in Indigenous people’s mental health is aligned with available evidence on what works. To this end, the paper reviews Australian literature and government health, mental health and social and emotional wellbeing policies and programs. The scope of programs and their criteria for inclusion in this paper are informed by the Key Result Area 4, Social and Emotional Wellbeing objectives, within the National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health 2003–13: Australian Government Implementation Plan 2007–2013. This paper acknowledges the holistic nature of health, mental health and wellbeing, and the effects of Australia’s colonial history and legacy on the contemporary state of Indigenous social and emotional wellbeing. It recognises that there is a complex relationship between social and emotional wellbeing, harmful substance misuse, suicide, and a range of social and economic factors. Although this paper encompasses the broad priorities identified within the key Indigenous mental health policies and frameworks, it does not provide a detailed discussion of programs and resources that, although relevant here, are covered in a number of existing Closing the Gap Clearinghouse resource sheets and issues papers (see Appendix 1). These interweavings and overlaps are not surprising given the complexity and interconnectedness of the issues and determinants that are being addressed to strengthen Indigenous mental health and wellbeing

    Cardiac rehabilitation in rural and remote areas of North Queensland: how well are we doing?

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    Objective: To address access to cardiac rehabilitation (CR) for people in R&R areas, this research aimed to investigate: (1) post discharge systems and support for people returning home from hospital following treatment for heart disease (HD). (2) propose changes to improve access to CR in R&R areas of NQ. Setting: Four focus communities in R&R areas of NQ. Participants: Focus communities’ health staff (resident/visiting) (57), community leaders (10) and community residents (44), discharged from hospital in past 5 years following treatment for heart disease (purposeful sampling). Design: A qualitative descriptive case study, with data collection via semi-structured interviews. Inductive/deductive thematic analysis was used to identify primary and secondary themes. Health service audit of selected communities. Results: Health services in the focus communities included multipurpose health services, and primary health care centres staffed by resident and visiting staff that included nurses, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers, medical officers, and allied health professionals. Post-discharge health care for people with HD was predominantly clinical. Barriers to CR included low referrals to community-based health professions by discharging hospitals; poorly defined referral pathways; lack of guidelines; inadequate understanding of holistic, multidisciplinary CR by health staff, community participants and leaders; limited centre-based CR services; lack of awareness, or acceptance of telephone support services. Conclusion: To address barriers identified for CR in R&R areas, health care systems’ revision, including development of referral pathways to local health professionals, CR guidelines and in-service education, is required to developing a model of care that focuses on self-management and education: Heart: Road to Health

    Indigenous Health – Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States - Laying Claim to a Future that Embraces Health for Us All.

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    Improving the health of all peoples has been a call across the globe for many decades and unfortunately remains relevant today, particularly given the large disparities in health status of peoples found around the world. Rather than differences in health, or health inequalities, we use a different term, health inequities. This is so as mere differences in health (or inequalities ) can be common in societies and do not necessarily reflect unfair social policies or practices. For example, natural ageing implies older people are more prone to illness. Yet, when differences are systematic, socially produced and unfair, these are considered health inequities. Certainly making judgments on what is systematic, socially produced and unfair, reflects value judgments and merit open debate. We are making explicit in this paper what our judgments are, and the basis for these judgment

    Cardiac rehabilitation services for people in rural and remote areas: an integrative literature review

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    Introduction: Morbidity and mortality from heart disease continues to be high in Australia with cardiac rehabilitation (CR) recognised as best practice for people with heart disease. CR is known to reduce mortality, reoccurrence of heart disease, hospital readmissions and costs, and to improve quality of life. Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (Australian First Peoples or Indigenous peoples) have a greater need for CR due to their higher burden of disease. However, CR referral, access and attendance remain low for all people who live in rural and remote areas. The aim of this integrative review was to identify barriers, enablers and pathways to CR for adults living independently in rural and remote areas of high-income countries, including Australia. Methods: Studies were identified through five online data bases, plus reference lists of the selected studies. The studies focused on barriers and enablers of CR for adults in rural and remote areas of Australia and other high-income countries, in English peer reviewed journals (2007-2016). A mix of qualitative, quantitative and mixed method studies were reviewed through a modified Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA), followed by a critical review and thematic analysis. Results: Sixteen studies were selected: seven qualitative, four quantitative and five mixed method. Five themes that influence CR attendance were identified: referral, health services pathways and planning; cultural and geographic factors necessitating alternative and flexible programs; professional roles and influence; knowing, valuing, and psychosocial factors; and financial costs - personal and health services. Factors identified that impact on referral and access to CR were hospital inpatient education programs on heart disease and risk factors; discharge processes including CR eligibility criteria and referral to ensure continuum and transition of care; need for improved accessibility of services, both geographically and through alternative programs, including home based with IT and/or telephone support Also, the need to ensure that health professionals understand, value and support CR; the impact of mental health, coping with change and competing priorities; costs including travel, medications and health professional consultations; as well as low levels of involvement of Australian First Peoples in their own care and poor cultural understanding by non-Australian First Peoples staff all negatively impact on CR access and attendance. Conclusion: This study found weak systems with low referral rates and poor access to CR in rural and remote areas. Underlying factors include lack of health professional and public support, often based on poor perception of benefits of CR, compounded by scarce and inflexible services. Low levels of involvement of Australian First Peoples, as well as a lack of cultural understanding by non-Australian First Peoples staff, is evident Overall, the findings demonstrate the need for improved models of referral and access, greater flexibility of programs and professional roles, with management support Further, increased education and involvement of Australian First Peoples, including Indigenous health workers taking a lead in their own people's care, supported by improved education and greater cultural awareness of non Australian First Peoples staff, is required

    Improving access to cardiac rehabilitation in rural and remote areas: a protocol for a community-based qualitative case study

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    Background/Aims Heart disease is the largest single cause of death and contributes to poor quality of life and high healthcare costs in Australia. There are higher rates of heart disease in rural and remote areas, with the highest rates in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Cardiac rehabilitation is known to improve health outcomes for people with heart disease but referral rates remain low (30.2% overall and 46% following acute coronary syndrome) in Australia. Further, access to cardiac rehabilitation in rural and remote areas is affected by there being few centre-based services, and poor use of home-based services. The aim of this protocol is to investigate: (i) understanding of cardiac rehabilitation by health staff, community leaders and community participants discharged from hospital following treatment for heart disease; (ii) access and support for cardiac rehabilitation in rural and remote areas via health service availability in each community. Methods A qualitative case study methodology, using an interpretive descriptive framework, will be used together with content analysis that will encompass identification of themes through a deductive/inductive process. Conclusions To improve access to services and health outcomes in rural and remote areas, a strong evidence base is essential. To achieve this, as well as having appropriate methodology, it is necessary to build relationships and trust with local communities and healthcare providers. This research protocol describes a qualitative community-based case study, together with processes to build sound relationships required for effective data collection through semi-structured interviews or focus groups. Each step of the pre-research planning data collection and analysis is described in detail for the guidance of future researchers
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