14 research outputs found

    What drives community dynamics?

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    The search for general mechanisms of community assembly is a major focus of community ecology. The common practice so far has been to examine alternative assembly theories using dichotomist approaches of the form neutrality versus niche, or compensatory dynamics versus environmental forcing. In reality, all these mechanisms will be operating, albeit with different strengths. While there have been different approaches to community structure and dynamics, including neutrality and niche differentiation, less work has gone into separating out the temporal variation in species abundances into relative contributions from different components. Here we use a refined statistical machinery to decompose temporal fluctuations in species abundances into contributions from environmental stochasticity and inter-/intraspecific interactions, to see which ones dominate. We apply the methodology to community data from a range of taxa. Our results show that communities are largely driven by environmental fluctuations, and that member populations are, to different extents, regulated through intraspecific interactions, the effects of interspecific interactions remaining broadly minor. By decomposing the temporal variation in this way, we have been able to show directly what has been previously inferred indirectly: compensatory dynamics are in fact largely outweighed by environmental forcing, and the latter tends to synchronize the population dynamics

    Estimating chaos in an insect population

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    A seasonal switch in compass orientation in a high-flying migrant moth

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    Most individual insect migrants have only a short time ‘window’ for migration (just a few nights) and comparatively slow airspeeds. Thus, to achieve long-range displacement into temporary breeding habitats, migrants must hitch a ride on fast-moving, high-altitude winds [1]. We recently demonstrated that the migratory noctuid moth Autographa gamma has evolved a compass mechanism which facilitates the successful return of autumn migrants from the United Kingdom to their winter ranges further south via the selection of favourable high-altitude winds [2]; this was the first convincing evidence of such a mechanism in insects that migrate predominantly at high altitudes. As pointed out in a commentary on that work [3], the question of whether or not a similar mechanism promotes northwards migration of such insects during the spring remained unanswered — we do not know if there is a reversal of the migrants' preferred compass orientation according to season. Here, studying A. gamma once again, we report the first evidence that a nocturnal migrant moth controls the direction of both its spring (‘forward’) and autumn (‘return’) high-altitude migrations, and that it also optimises its flight-altitude and compensates for cross-wind drift in a similar manner in both direction

    High-altitude migration of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella to the U.K.: a study using radar, aerial netting and ground trapping

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    1. The high-altitude wind-borne migration of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella in the U.K. in 2000 was investigated (a) by direct monitoring of insect flight by vertical-looking radar and by aerial netting, and (b) through evidence of temporal variation in P. xylostella abundance deduced from a network of light traps. 2. Migrating P. xylostella were identified by a unique combination of size and shape data derived from the continuously operating vertical-looking radar. 3. Radar-detected migratory overflights correlated significantly with associated peaks in abundance of P. xylostella estimated by catches in a U.K.-wide light trap network; however the correlation was stronger when light trap catches were lagged by 1 day. 4. The first notable catches of P. xylostella in the U.K. occurred in early May, and were accompanied by migrations over the radar from the east. 5. Radar data and back-tracking indicated that a major wind-borne migration of P. xylostella from The Netherlands to southern England took place in early May, and that this was responsible for the establishment of the U.K. population. 6. The origin of early-season P. xylostella occurring in Britain is discussed

    Invertebrate biodiversity in maize following withdrawal of triazine herbicides

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    Responses of key invertebrates within Farm Scale Evaluations (FSEs) of maize reflected advantageous effects for weeds under genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) management. Triazine herbicides constitute the main weed control in current conventional systems, but will be withdrawn under future EU guidelines. Here, we reappraise FSE data to predict effects of this withdrawal on invertebrate biodiversity under alternative management scenarios. Invertebrate indicators showed remarkably consistent and sensitive responses to weed abundance. Their numbers were consistently reduced by atrazine used prior to seedling emergence, but at reduced levels compared to similar observations for weeds. Large treatment effects were, therefore, maintained for invertebrates when comparing other conventional herbicide treatments with GMHT, despite reduced differences in weed abundance. In particular, benefits of GMHT remained under comparisons with best estimates of future conventional management without triazines. Pitfall trapped Collembola, seed-feeding carabids and a linyphiid spider followed closely trends for weeds and may, therefore, prove useful for modelling wider biodiversity effects of herbicides. Weaker responses to triazines applied later in the season, at times closer to the activity and capture of invertebrates, suggest an absence of substantial direct effects. Contrary responses for some suction-sampled Collembola and the carabid Loricera pilicornis were probably caused by a direct deleterious effect of triazines

    A novel approach to the use of genetically modified herbicide tolerant crops for environmental benefit.

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    The proposed introduction of genetically modified herbicide tolerant (GMHT) crops, with claims of improved weed control, has prompted fears about possible environmental impacts of their widespread adoption, particularly on arable weeds, insects and associated farmland birds. In response to this, we have developed a novel weed-management system for GMHT sugar beet, based on band spraying, which exploits the flexibility offered by the broad-spectrum partner herbicides. Here, we show the results from two series of field experiments which, taken together, demonstrate that, by using this system, crops can be managed for enhanced weed and insect biomass without compromising yield, thus potentially offering food and shelter to farmland birds and other wildlife. These results could be applicable widely to other row crops, and indicate that creative use of GMHT technology could be a powerful tool for developing more sustainable farming systems in the future