172 research outputs found

    Non-linear collisionless plasma wakes of small particles

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    The wake behind a spherical particle smaller than the Debye length ( De) in owing plasma is calculated using a particle-in-cell code. The results with di erent magnitudes of charge reveal substantial non-linear e ects down to values that for a oating particle would correspond to a particle radius approximately 102 De. The peak potential in the oscillatory wake structure is strongly suppressed by non-linearity, never exceeding approximately 0:4 times the unperturbed ion energy. By contrast, the density peak arising from ion focusing can be many times the ambient. Strong heating of the ions occurs in the non-linear regime. Direct ion absorption by the particle is not important for the far wake unless the radius exceeds 101 De, and is therefore never signi cant (for the far wake) in the linear regime. Reasonable agreement with full-scale linear-response calculations are obtained in the linear regime. The wake wavelength is con rmed and an explanation, in terms of the conical potential structure, is proposed for experimentally- observed oblique alignment of di erent-sized grains

    Forces on a small grain in the nonlinear plasma wake of another

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    The transverse force on a spherical charged grain lying in the plasma wake of another grain is analyzed to assess the importance of ion-drag perturbation, in addition to the wake-potential-gradient. The ion-drag perturbation is intrinsically one order smaller than the wake-potential force in the ratio of grain size (rp) to Debye length (lambdaDe). So ion-drag perturbation is important only in nonlinear wakes. Rigorous particle-in-cell calculations of the force are performed in the nonlinear regime with two interacting grains. It is found that even for quite large grains, rp/lambdaDe=0.1, the force is dominated by the wake-potential gradient. The wake-potential structure can then help explain the preferred alignment of floating dust grains.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF/DOE Grant DE-FG02-06ER54982

    Particle in cell calculation of plasma force on a small grain in a non-uniform collisional sheath

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    The plasma force on grains of specified charge and height in a collisional DC plasma sheath is calculated using the multidimensional particle in cell code COPTIC. The background ion velocity distribution functions for the unperturbed sheath vary substantially with collisionality. The grain force is found to agree quite well with a combination of background electric-field force plus ion drag force. However, the drag force must take account of the non-Maxwellian (and spatially varying) ion distribution function, and the collisional drag enhancement. It is shown how to translate the dimensionless results into practical equilibrium including other forces such as gravity.United States. Dept. of Energy (National Science Foundation (U.S.). Grant DE-FG02-06ER54982

    Kinetic Electron and Ion Instability of the Lunar Wake Simulated at Physical Mass Ratio

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    The solar wind wake behind the moon is studied with 1D electrostatic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations using a physical ion to electron mass ratio (unlike prior investigations); the simulations also apply more generally to supersonic flow of dense magnetized plasma past non-magnetic objects. A hybrid electrostatic Boltzmann electron treatment is first used to investigate the ion stability in the absence of kinetic electron effects, showing that the ions are two-stream unstable for downstream wake distances (in lunar radii) greater than about three times the solar wind Mach number. Simulations with PIC electrons are then used to show that kinetic electron effects can lead to disruption of the ion beams at least three times closer to the moon than in the hybrid simulations. This disruption occurs as the result of a novel wake phenomenon: the non-linear growth of electron holes spawned from a narrow dimple in the electron velocity distribution. Most of the holes arising from the dimple are small and quickly leave the wake, approximately following the unperturbed electron phase-space trajectories, but some holes originating near the center of the wake remain and grow large enough to trigger disruption of the ion beams. Non-linear kinetic-electron effects are therefore essential to a comprehensive understanding of the 1D electrostatic stability of such wakes, and possible observational signatures in ARTEMIS data from the lunar wake are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Forces on a spherical conducting particle in E x B fields

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    The forces acting on a spherical conducting particle in a transversely flowing magnetized plasma are calculated in the entire range of magnetization and Debye length, using the particle code SCEPTIC3D (Patacchini and Hutchinson 2010 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 52 035005, 2011 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 53 025005). In short Debye length (i.e. high density) plasmas, both the ion-drag and Lorentz force arising from currents circulating inside the dust show strong components antiparallel to the convective electric field, suggesting that a free dust particle should gyrate faster than what predicted by its Larmor frequency. In intermediate to large Debye length conditions, by a downstream depletion effect already reported in unmagnetized strongly collisional regimes, the ion-drag in the direction of transverse flow can become negative. The internal Lorentz force, however, remains in the flow direction, and large enough in magnitude so that no spontaneous dust motion should occur.National Science Foundation (U.S.)United States. Dept. of Energy (grant DE-FG02-06ER54891

    Continuum-plasma solution surrounding nonemitting spherical bodies

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    The classical problem of the interaction of a nonemitting spherical body with a zero mean-free-path continuum plasma is solved numerically in the full range of physically allowed free parameters (electron Debye length to body radius ratio, ion to electron temperature ratio, and body bias), and analytically in rigorously defined asymptotic regimes (weak and strong bias, weak and strong shielding, thin and thick sheath). Results include current-voltage characteristics as well as floating potential and capacitance, for both continuum and collisionless electrons. Our numerical computations show that for most combinations of physical parameters, there exists a closest asymptotic regime whose analytic solutions are accurate to 15% or better

    Spherical probes at ion saturation in E × B fields

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    The ion saturation current to a spherical probe in the entire range of ion magnetization is computed with SCEPTIC3D, a newthree-dimensional version of the kinetic code SCEPTIC designed to study transverse plasma flows. Results are compared with prior two-dimensional calculations valid in the magneticfree regime (Hutchinson 2002 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44 1953), and with recent semi-analytic solutions to the strongly magnetized transverse Mach probe problem (Patacchini and Hutchinson 2009 Phys. Rev. E 80 036403). At intermediate magnetization (ion Larmor radius close to the probe radius) the plasma density profiles show a complex three-dimensional structure that SCEPTIC3D can fully resolve, and, contrary to intuition, the ion current peaks provided the ion temperature is low enough. Our results are conveniently condensed in a single factor M[subscript c], function of ion temperature and magnetic field only, providing the theoretical calibration for a transverse Mach probe with four electrodes placed at 45â—¦ to the magnetic field in a plane of flow and magnetic field

    A ‘Tripadvisor’ for disability? Social enterprise and ‘digital disruption’ in Australia

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    We explore how social enterprises can use platform technologies to plug ‘informational gaps’ in the provision of disability services. Such gaps are made more apparent by policies promoting self-directed care as a means of giving service users more choice and control. We use a case study of a start-up social enterprise seeking to provide a TripAdvisor style service to examine the potential for social innovation to ‘disrupt’ current models of service. The case study suggests that any disruptive effects of such changes are not due to new digital technology per se, nor to novel platform business models, but rather rest in the manner in which the moral orders which justify current patterns of social disablement can be challenged by social innovation

    20 years of research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak

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    The object of this review is to summarize the achievements of research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak [Hutchinson et al., Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994) and Marmar, Fusion Sci. Technol. 51, 261 (2007)] and to place that research in the context of the quest for practical fusion energy. C-Mod is a compact, high-field tokamak, whose unique design and operating parameters have produced a wealth of new and important results since it began operation in 1993, contributing data that extends tests of critical physical models into new parameter ranges and into new regimes. Using only high-power radio frequency (RF) waves for heating and current drive with innovative launching structures, C-Mod operates routinely at reactor level power densities and achieves plasma pressures higher than any other toroidal confinement device. C-Mod spearheaded the development of the vertical-target divertor and has always operated with high-Z metal plasma facing components—approaches subsequently adopted for ITER. C-Mod has made ground-breaking discoveries in divertor physics and plasma-material interactions at reactor-like power and particle fluxes and elucidated the critical role of cross-field transport in divertor operation, edge flows and the tokamak density limit. C-Mod developed the I-mode and the Enhanced Dα H-mode regimes, which have high performance without large edge localized modes and with pedestal transport self-regulated by short-wavelength electromagnetic waves. C-Mod has carried out pioneering studies of intrinsic rotation and demonstrated that self-generated flow shear can be strong enough in some cases to significantly modify transport. C-Mod made the first quantitative link between the pedestal temperature and the H-mode's performance, showing that the observed self-similar temperature profiles were consistent with critical-gradient-length theories and followed up with quantitative tests of nonlinear gyrokinetic models. RF research highlights include direct experimental observation of ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) mode-conversion, ICRF flow drive, demonstration of lower-hybrid current drive at ITER-like densities and fields and, using a set of novel diagnostics, extensive validation of advanced RF codes. Disruption studies on C-Mod provided the first observation of non-axisymmetric halo currents and non-axisymmetric radiation in mitigated disruptions. A summary of important achievements and discoveries are included.United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-FC02-99ER54512)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-FG03-94ER-54241)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-AC02-78ET- 51013)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-AC02-09CH11466)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-FG02-95ER54309)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-AC02-05CH11231)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-AC52-07NA27344)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-FG02- 97ER54392)United States. Dept. of Energy (Cooperative Agreement DE-SC00-02060
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