5,393 research outputs found

    The mediation between participative leadership and employee exploratory innovation: Examining intermediate knowledge mechanisms

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.We examine mediation effects of coworker knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity on the participative leadership–employee exploratory innovation relationship in R&D units of Taiwanese technology firms. Deploying a time-lagged questionnaire method implemented over four business quarters, data is generated from 1600 paired samples (managers and employees) in R&D units of Taiwanese technology firms. The structural equation modeling results reveal that (1) participative leadership is positively related to employee exploratory innovation; (2) coworker knowledge and (3) absorptive capacity partially mediate the relationship between participative leadership and employee exploratory innovation independently; and, (4) coworker knowledge sharing in combination with absorptive capacity partially mediates this relationship. The results extend previous research on participative leadership and innovation by demonstrating that participative leadership is related to employee exploratory innovation (Lee and Meyer-Doyle, 2017; Mom et al., 2009).Results also confirm that participative leadership drives employee exploratory innovation through employee absorptive capacity. This reinforces the need highlighted by Lane et al. (2006) to investigate the role of absorptive capacity at the individual-level. Collectively, while participative leadership is important for employee exploratory innovation it is the knowledge mechanisms existing and interacting at the employee-level that are central to generating increased employee exploratory innovation from this leadership approach

    Bipairing and the Stripe Phase in 4-Leg Ladders

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    Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) calculations on 4-leg t-J and Hubbard ladders have found a phase exhibiting "stripes" at intermediate doping. Such behavior can be viewed as generalized Friedel oscillations, with wavelength equal to the inverse hole density, induced by the open boundary conditions. So far, this phase has not been understood using the conventional weak coupling bosonization approach. Based on studies from a general bosonization proof, finite size spectrum, an improved analysis of weak coupling renormalization group equations and the decoupled 2-leg ladders limit, we here find new types of phases of 4-leg ladders which exhibit "stripes". They also inevitably exhibit "bipairing", meaning that there is a gap to add 1 or 2 electrons (but not 4) and that both single electron and electron pair correlation functions decay exponentially while correlation functions of charge 4 operators exhibit power-law decay. Whether or not bipairing occurs in the stripe phase found in DMRG is an important open question.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure

    Boundary effects in the critical scaling of entanglement entropy in 1D systems

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    We present exact diagonalization and density matrix renormalization group results for the entanglement entropy of critical spin-1/2 XXZ chains. We find that open boundary conditions induce an alternating term in both the energy density and the entanglement entropy which are approximately proportional, decaying away from the boundary with a power-law. The power varies with anisotropy along the XXZ critical line and is corrected by a logarithmic factor, which we calculate analytically, at the isotropic point. A heuristic resonating valence bond explanation is suggested

    Dressed-quarks and the Roper resonance

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    A Dyson-Schwinger equation calculation of the light hadron spectrum, which correlates the masses of meson and baryon ground- and excited-states within a single framework, produces a description of the Roper resonance that corresponds closely with conclusions drawn recently by EBAC. Namely, the Roper is a particular type of radial excitation of the nucleon's dressed-quark core augmented by a material meson cloud component. There are, in addition, some surprises.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of "NSTAR2011 - The 8th International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons," Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, Virginia USA, 17-20 May 201
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