22 research outputs found

    Desmodus rotundus and Artibeus spp. bats might present distinct rabies virus lineages

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    In Brazil, bats have been assigned an increasing importance in public health as they are important rabies reservoirs. Phylogenetic studies have shown that rabies virus (RABV) strains from frugivorous bats Artibeus spp. are closely associated to those from the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus, but little is known about the molecular diversity of RABV in Artibeus spp. The N and G genes of RABV isolated from Artibeus spp. and cattle infected by D. rotundus were sequenced, and phylogenetic trees were constructed. The N gene nucleotides tree showed three clusters: one for D. rotundus and two for Artibeus spp. Regarding putative N amino acid-trees, two clusters were formed, one for D. rotundus and another for Artibeus spp. RABV G gene phylogeny supported the distinction between D. rotundus and Artibeus spp. strains. These results show the intricate host relationship of RABV's evolutionary history, and are invaluable for the determination of RABV infection sources. (C) 2012 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.CAPESCAPESCNPqCNP

    Desmodus rotundus and Artibeus spp. bats might present distinct rabies virus lineages

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    In Brazil, bats have been assigned an increasing importance in public health as they are important rabies reservoirs. Phylogenetic studies have shown that rabies virus (RABV) strains from frugivorous bats Artibeus spp. are closely associated to those from the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus, but little is known about the molecular diversity of RABV in Artibeus spp. The N and G genes of RABV isolated from Artibeus spp. and cattle infected by D. rotundus were sequenced, and phylogenetic trees were constructed. The N gene nucleotides tree showed three clusters: one for D. rotundus and two for Artibeus spp. Regarding putative N amino acid-trees, two clusters were formed, one for D. rotundus and another for Artibeus spp. RABV G gene phylogeny supported the distinction between D. rotundus and Artibeus spp. strains. These results show the intricate host relationship of RABV's evolutionary history, and are invaluable for the determination of RABV infection sources

    Desmodus rotundus and Artibeus spp. bats might present distinct rabies virus lineages

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    In Brazil, bats have been assigned an increasing importance in public health as they are important rabies reservoirs. Phylogenetic studies have shown that rabies virus (RABV) strains from frugivorous bats Artibeus spp. are closely associated to those from the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus, but little is known about the molecular diversity of RABV in Artibeus spp. The N and G genes of RABV isolated from Artibeus spp. and cattle infected by D. rotundus were sequenced, and phylogenetic trees were constructed. The N gene nucleotides tree showed three clusters: one for D. rotundus and two for Artibeus spp. Regarding putative N amino acid-trees, two clusters were formed, one for D. rotundus and another for Artibeus spp. RABV G gene phylogeny supported the distinction between D. rotundus and Artibeus spp. strains. These results show the intricate host relationship of RABV's evolutionary history, and are invaluable for the determination of RABV infection sources. (C) 2012 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.CAPESCAPESCNPqCNP

    Diagnosis of rabies and Eastern and Western Equine Viral Encephalitides in equids by multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR technique

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    Várias zoonoses virais acometem equídeos causando quadros neurológicos, entre as quais a raiva e as encefalites equinas do Leste (EEE) e Oeste (WEE). O diagnóstico clínico geralmente não é conclusivo, o que torna imprescindível o diagnóstico laboratorial. Dados do Laboratório de Diagnóstico de Raiva do Instituto Pasteur de São Paulo, entre os anos 2000 e 2010, mostram que aproximadamente 75% das amostras enviadas foram negativas para raiva, ressaltando a relevância da realização de um diagnóstico diferencial para as encefalites equinas causadas por alfavírus. Os objetivos do estudo foram testar a adequação do uso de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR para o diagnóstico de raiva, EEE e WEE em amostras de sistema nervoso central de equídeos e realizar uma análise de custo das reações de cada técnica. Foram utilizados os primers 21G, 304 e 504 dirigidos ao gene N do vírus da raiva, e os primers cM3W, M2W, nEEE e nWEE dirigidos ao gene NSP1 dos vírus da EEE e WEE. Procedeu-se a um estudo preliminar dos primers e de seu uso em uma hemi-nested RT-PCR, avaliando a temperatura ótima de anelamento, a sensibilidade e especificidade analíticas e a reprodutibilidade da técnica em amostras de campo positivas para raiva e para EEE. A partir do protocolo estabelecido na reação de hemi-nested RT-PCR, realizaram-se variações de concentração de reagentes no protocolo para a reação de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR. Após o estabelecimento do protocolo para esta reação, os mesmos testes para verificação da sensibilidade e especificidade analíticas e da reprodutibilidade foram realizados, comparando-se os resultados com os obtidos pela hemi-nested RT-PCR. No teste de limiar de detecção, a sensibilidade analítica foi semelhante para as duas técnicas, obtendo-se 10&#45;1,7 para os três vírus padrão CVS, EEEV e WEEV. No teste de limiar de detecção utilizando uma amostra com os três vírus verificou-se uma alta especificidade dos primers, sendo que na reação de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR foi possível detectar simultaneamente os três vírus padrão. Não houve diferença nas proporções de amostras detectadas como positivas para raiva obtidas pelas duas técnicas, analisando-se pelo teste exato de Fisher (P=1,0000). No entando, para amostras de campo positivas para EEE, a proporção de amostras detectadas como positivas pela hemi-nested RT-PCR foi maior do que a proporção obtida pela multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR (P<0,0001). Apesar de não ter sido possível o uso de amostras de campo positivas para WEE nesse estudo, os resultados sugerem que seria possível a detecção pela multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR. Estes dados sugerem que a técnica de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR poderia ser aplicada para detecção de raiva e WEE, mas com limitações para a detecção de EEE. Pela análise de custo dos reagentes, o valor de uma reação de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR é semelhante ao de uma hemi-nested RT-PCR, podendo representar uma economia de pelo menos 49,17%.Several viral zoonoses affect the equids causing neurological diseases, including rabies and Eastern and Western equine encephalitides (EEE and WEE). Clinical diagnosis is often not conclusive, in a way that laboratory diagnosis is essential. Data from the Laboratory of Rabies Diagnosis at the Pasteur Institute of São Paulo, between 2000 and 2010, demonstrate that approximately 75% of submitted equid samples were negative for rabies, emphasizing the importance of achieving a differential diagnosis for equine encephalitis caused by alphaviruses. The aims of this study were to test the suitability of using multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR for the diagnosis of rabies, EEE and WEE in equids central nervous system samples and to perform a cost analysis of the reactions of each technique. We used the primers 21G, 304 and 504 directed to the N gene of rabies virus, and the primers cM3W, M2W, nEEE and nWEE directed the NSP1 gene of WEE and EEE viruses. A preliminary study of the primers was carried out, as well as their use in a hemi-nested RT-PCR, evaluating the optimal annealing temperature, the analytical sensitivity and specificity and the reproducibility of the technique in positive field samples for rabies and EEE. From the protocol established for the hemi-nested RT-PCR, variations in reagents concentrations for the multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR protocol were perfomed. After establishing the protocol for this reaction, the same tests to verify the analytical sensitivity and specificity and reproducibility were performed and the results compared to those obtained by hemi-nested RT-PCR. In the detection threshold test, the analytical sensitivity was similar for both techniques, resulting in 10&#45;1.7 for the three virus standard CVS, and EEEV WEEV. In the detection threshold test using a sample with the three viruses, a high specificity of the primers was verified and the multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR was able to detect the three viruses simultaneously. There was no difference in the proportions of samples detected as positive for rabies obtained by both techniques, according to the Fisher exact test (P = 1.0000). However, for EEE positive field samples, the proportion of samples detected as positive by the hemi-nested RT-PCR was higher than the proportion obtained by multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR (P <0.0001). Although it was not possible to use WEE positive field samples in this study, the results suggest that its detection would be possible by multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR. Thus, data suggest that the multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR technique could be applied to detect rabies and WEE, but with limitations for the EEE detection. For the analysis of reagent costs, the cost of one multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR is similar to one hemi-nested RT-PCR, and may represent a saving of 49,17% at least

    Diagnosis of rabies and Eastern and Western Equine Viral Encephalitides in equids by multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR technique

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    Várias zoonoses virais acometem equídeos causando quadros neurológicos, entre as quais a raiva e as encefalites equinas do Leste (EEE) e Oeste (WEE). O diagnóstico clínico geralmente não é conclusivo, o que torna imprescindível o diagnóstico laboratorial. Dados do Laboratório de Diagnóstico de Raiva do Instituto Pasteur de São Paulo, entre os anos 2000 e 2010, mostram que aproximadamente 75% das amostras enviadas foram negativas para raiva, ressaltando a relevância da realização de um diagnóstico diferencial para as encefalites equinas causadas por alfavírus. Os objetivos do estudo foram testar a adequação do uso de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR para o diagnóstico de raiva, EEE e WEE em amostras de sistema nervoso central de equídeos e realizar uma análise de custo das reações de cada técnica. Foram utilizados os primers 21G, 304 e 504 dirigidos ao gene N do vírus da raiva, e os primers cM3W, M2W, nEEE e nWEE dirigidos ao gene NSP1 dos vírus da EEE e WEE. Procedeu-se a um estudo preliminar dos primers e de seu uso em uma hemi-nested RT-PCR, avaliando a temperatura ótima de anelamento, a sensibilidade e especificidade analíticas e a reprodutibilidade da técnica em amostras de campo positivas para raiva e para EEE. A partir do protocolo estabelecido na reação de hemi-nested RT-PCR, realizaram-se variações de concentração de reagentes no protocolo para a reação de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR. Após o estabelecimento do protocolo para esta reação, os mesmos testes para verificação da sensibilidade e especificidade analíticas e da reprodutibilidade foram realizados, comparando-se os resultados com os obtidos pela hemi-nested RT-PCR. No teste de limiar de detecção, a sensibilidade analítica foi semelhante para as duas técnicas, obtendo-se 10&#45;1,7 para os três vírus padrão CVS, EEEV e WEEV. No teste de limiar de detecção utilizando uma amostra com os três vírus verificou-se uma alta especificidade dos primers, sendo que na reação de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR foi possível detectar simultaneamente os três vírus padrão. Não houve diferença nas proporções de amostras detectadas como positivas para raiva obtidas pelas duas técnicas, analisando-se pelo teste exato de Fisher (P=1,0000). No entando, para amostras de campo positivas para EEE, a proporção de amostras detectadas como positivas pela hemi-nested RT-PCR foi maior do que a proporção obtida pela multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR (P<0,0001). Apesar de não ter sido possível o uso de amostras de campo positivas para WEE nesse estudo, os resultados sugerem que seria possível a detecção pela multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR. Estes dados sugerem que a técnica de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR poderia ser aplicada para detecção de raiva e WEE, mas com limitações para a detecção de EEE. Pela análise de custo dos reagentes, o valor de uma reação de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR é semelhante ao de uma hemi-nested RT-PCR, podendo representar uma economia de pelo menos 49,17%.Several viral zoonoses affect the equids causing neurological diseases, including rabies and Eastern and Western equine encephalitides (EEE and WEE). Clinical diagnosis is often not conclusive, in a way that laboratory diagnosis is essential. Data from the Laboratory of Rabies Diagnosis at the Pasteur Institute of São Paulo, between 2000 and 2010, demonstrate that approximately 75% of submitted equid samples were negative for rabies, emphasizing the importance of achieving a differential diagnosis for equine encephalitis caused by alphaviruses. The aims of this study were to test the suitability of using multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR for the diagnosis of rabies, EEE and WEE in equids central nervous system samples and to perform a cost analysis of the reactions of each technique. We used the primers 21G, 304 and 504 directed to the N gene of rabies virus, and the primers cM3W, M2W, nEEE and nWEE directed the NSP1 gene of WEE and EEE viruses. A preliminary study of the primers was carried out, as well as their use in a hemi-nested RT-PCR, evaluating the optimal annealing temperature, the analytical sensitivity and specificity and the reproducibility of the technique in positive field samples for rabies and EEE. From the protocol established for the hemi-nested RT-PCR, variations in reagents concentrations for the multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR protocol were perfomed. After establishing the protocol for this reaction, the same tests to verify the analytical sensitivity and specificity and reproducibility were performed and the results compared to those obtained by hemi-nested RT-PCR. In the detection threshold test, the analytical sensitivity was similar for both techniques, resulting in 10&#45;1.7 for the three virus standard CVS, and EEEV WEEV. In the detection threshold test using a sample with the three viruses, a high specificity of the primers was verified and the multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR was able to detect the three viruses simultaneously. There was no difference in the proportions of samples detected as positive for rabies obtained by both techniques, according to the Fisher exact test (P = 1.0000). However, for EEE positive field samples, the proportion of samples detected as positive by the hemi-nested RT-PCR was higher than the proportion obtained by multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR (P <0.0001). Although it was not possible to use WEE positive field samples in this study, the results suggest that its detection would be possible by multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR. Thus, data suggest that the multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR technique could be applied to detect rabies and WEE, but with limitations for the EEE detection. For the analysis of reagent costs, the cost of one multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR is similar to one hemi-nested RT-PCR, and may represent a saving of 49,17% at least

    Rabies virus search in wild mammals from a private natural reserve from Ribeirão Grande, São Paulo

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    No Brasil e em alguns países da América Latina, a incidência de raiva transmitida por animais domésticos tem diminuído enquanto tem aumentado em animais silvestres. Durante os últimos anos, no Brasil, a raiva tem sido diagnosticada em morcegos hematófagos ou não, primatas não-humanos, cachorros-do-mato, quatis, guaxinins, capivaras, cervos, gambás e outras espécies silvestres. O presente estudo foi realizado em parceria com biólogos, pesquisadores na área de monitoramento de fauna silvestre, e o objetivo foi pesquisar a presença do vírus rábico em mamíferos silvestres de vida livre, provenientes de uma reserva natural particular, localizado no município de Ribeirão Grande, São Paulo, região que já foi alvo de raiva nos últimos anos. Durante o período de 2002 a 2004, 104 amostras de cérebro de animais capturados foram enviadas para diagnóstico no Laboratório de Raiva da UNESP de Araçatuba, SP, acondicionadas em pipetas plásticas do tipo Pasteur individuais. Os animais pertenciam a três ordens, Chiroptera (47,1%), Rodentia (46,2%) e Marsupialia (6,7%), sendo de diferentes idades e sexos. As amostras foram submetidas ao teste de imunofluorescência direta e inoculação intracerebral em camundongos e todas apresentaram resultado negativo para a raiva. Segundo dados da Coordenação do Programa de Controle da Raiva do Estado de São Paulo a raiva é endêmica na região estudada e a porcentagem de positividade em morcegos nos últimos dez anos é de 1,8%. Embora dos diagnósticos tenham sido negativos neste estudo, não é possível afirmar que o vírus rábico não circula naquela propriedadeIn Brazil and some Latin American countries, the incidence of rabies transmitted by domestic animals has decreased while it has been increasing in wild animals. During the last few years rabies has been diagnosed in hematophagous or nonhematophagous bats, nonhuman primates, crab-eating foxes, coatis, raccoons, capybaras, deers, skunks and some other species. The present study was carried out with biologists, researchers in wild fauna monitoring and the objective was to search the presence of the rabies virus in wildlife mammals from a private natural reserve, in Ribeirão Grande city, SP, region that was target of rabies in the last few years. During 2002 to 2004, 104 brain samples of captured animals were sent for diagnosis to UNESP Rabies Laboratory from Araçatuba, SP, conditioned in individuals Pasteur plastic pipettes. The animals belonged to three different orders, Chiroptera (47,1%), Rodentia (46,2%) and Marsupialia (6,7%), and to different ages and sex. The samples were submitted to direct fluorescent antibody test and mouse inoculation test and all samples resulted negative for rabies. According to data of the Rabies Control Program Coordination from São Paulo State, rabies is endemic in the studied region and the percentage of positive cases in bats during the last 10 years was 1,8%. Although all diagnosis were negative in this study, it is not possible to affirm that the rabies virus do not circulate in that propert

    Alphacoronavirus in urban Molossidae and Phyllostomidae bats, Brazil

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    Abstract Background Bats have been implicated as the main reservoir of coronavirus (CoV). Thus the role of these hosts on the evolution and spread of CoVs currently deserve the attention of emerging diseases surveillance programs. On the view of the interest on and importance of CoVs in bats the occurrence and molecular characterization of CoV were conducted in bats from Brazil. Findings Three hundred five enteric contents of 29 bat species were tested using a panCoV nested RT-PCR. Nine specimens were positive and eight was suitable for RdRp gene sequencing. RdRp gene phylogeny showed that all CoVs strains from this study cluster in Alphacoronavirus genus, with one Molossidae and one Phlyllostomidae-CoV specific groups. Phylogenetic analyses of two S gene sequences showed a large diversity within the Alphacoronavirus genus. Conclusions This study indicated a CoV-to-host specificity and draws attention for CoV detection in Cynomops sp, a potential new reservoir. The phylogenetic analyses indicate that diversity of CoV in bats is higher than previously known

    Rabia transmitida por murciélagos en Brasil

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    Frente al desafío que la rabia representa para la industria pecuaria y la salud pública en América Latina, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo hacer una revisión de literatura amplia y crítica sobre la epidemiología de la rabia transmitida por murciélagos en Brasil. El tema es abordado inicialmente desde una perspectiva histórica hasta la caracterización molecular de aislamientos del virus, para finalmente contrastar con la situación de otros países de las Américas. La información referente a Brasil es presentada de manera separada debido a la gran abundancia de especies de murciélagos de diversos hábitos alimenticios, implicadas en la transmisión del virus de la rabia y las complejas relaciones entre los ciclos epidemiológicos revelados por estudios de tipificación antigénica y análisis filogenético, lo  cual ha permitido reconocer con más nitidez, la importancia de los quirópteros como reservorios y transmisores de esta enfermedad.  Este nuevo escenario epidemiológico exige reexaminar las medidas de control aplicadas hasta el momento, desde un abordaje multidisciplinar, así como cooperación intersectorial y participación por parte de la comunidad.

    Murciélagos hematófagos como reservorios de la rabia

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    La rabia continua siendo un desafío para las autoridades de salud pública y una limitante para la industria ganadera en América Latina. Caninos silvestres y domésticos, así como murciélagos hematófagos son las principales especies transmisoras y reservorios de la enfermedad. Actualmente, se observa variaciones en el perfil epidemiológico de la rabia, donde la especie de murciélago hematófago Desmodus rotundus se constituye en la principal especie transmisora. A lo largo del tiempo se ha acumulado conocimiento sobre la ecología, biología y comportamiento de esta especie y sobre la historia natural de la rabia, lo cual debe conducir a una continua evolución de los métodos de control poblacional de D. rotundus, prevención y técnicas de diagnóstico. Aún se desconoce la relación ecológica de esta especie con otras hematófagas y no hematófagas, y queda mucho por mejorar en los sistemas de notificación y vigilancia epidemiológica, así como crear una mayor conciencia entre los ganaderos ante el tema. La comprensión del impacto que las modificaciones ambientales inducidas por el hombre ejercen sobre la dinámica de infección del virus de la rabia en los murciélagos debe ser motivo de investigaciones posteriores. Esto requerirá la combinación de estudios de campo con modelos matemáticos y nuevas herramientas diagnósticas. La presente revisión pretende presentar los aspectos más relevantes sobre el rol de los murciélagos hematófagos como reservorios y transmisores del virus de la rabi