63 research outputs found

    Regional microglia are transcriptionally distinct but similarly exacerbate neurodegeneration in a culture model of Parkinson\u27s disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) is characterized by selective degeneration of dopaminergic (DA) neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SN) while neighboring ventral tegmental area (VTA) DA neurons are relatively spared. Mechanisms underlying the selective protection of the VTA and susceptibility of the SN are still mostly unknown. Here, we demonstrate the importance of balance between astrocytes and microglia in the susceptibility of SN DA neurons to the PD mimetic toxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP METHODS: Previously established methods were used to isolate astrocytes and microglia from the cortex (CTX), SN, and VTA, as well as embryonic midbrain DA neurons from the SN and VTA. The transcriptional profile of isolated microglia was examined for 21 canonical pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines by qRT-PCR with and without MPP RESULTS: We found that regionally isolated microglia (SN, VTA, CTX) exhibit basal differences in their cytokine profiles and that activation of these microglia with MPP CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the balance of astrocytes and microglia within the midbrain is a key factor underlying the selective vulnerability of SN DA neurons seen in PD pathogenesis and that VTA astrocytes mediate protection of DA neurons which can be countered by greater numbers of deleterious microglia

    Human amniotic fluid stem cells do not differentiate into dopamine neurons in vitro or after transplantation in vivo.

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    Although embryonic stem (ES) cells can generate dopamine (DA) neurons that are potentially useful as a cell replacement therapy in Parkinson\u27s disease (PD), associated ethical and practical concerns remain major stumbling blocks to their eventual use in humans. In this study, we examined human amniotic fluid stem (hAFS) cells derived from routine amniocenteses for their potential to give rise to DA neurons in vitro and following transplantation into the 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rat brain. We show that undifferentiated hAFS cells constitutively expressed mRNAs and proteins typical of stem cells but also cell derivatives of all three germ layers, including neural progenitors/neurons (nestin, beta-tubulin III, neurofilament). Additionally, these cells expressed mRNAs of an immature DA phenotype (Lmx1a, Pitx-3, Nurr1, Aldh1a1) but not the corresponding proteins. Importantly, treatment with DA differentiation factors using a variety of protocols did not further promote the development of fully differentiated DA neurons from hAFS cells. Thus, Lmx1a, Aldh1a1, AADC, TH, and DAT proteins were not detected in hAFS cells in culture or after transplantation into the PD rat brain. Moreover, by 3 weeks after implantation, there were no surviving AFS cells in the graft, likely as a result of an acute immunorejection response, as evidenced by the abundant presence of CD11+ macrophage/microglia and reactive GFAP+ astrocytes in the host brain. Taken together, these results suggest that further studies will be needed to improve differentiation procedures in culture and to prolong cell survival in vivo if hAFS cells are to be useful as replacement cells in PD

    Tracking transplanted bone marrow stem cells and their effects in the rat MCAO stroke model.

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    In this study, rat bone marrow stromal stem cells (BMSCs) were tracked after IV administration to rats with experimental stroke caused by middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). In addition, the effects of BMSC treatment on blood cell composition, brain glia and sensorimotor behavior was studied and compared to that which occurred spontaneously during the normal recovery process after stroke. We found that the vast majority of radiolabeled or fluorescently labeled BMSCs traveled to and remained in peripheral organs (lungs, spleen, liver) 3 days after IV injection in the MCAO rat. Once in the circulation, BMSCs also produced rapid alterations in host blood cell composition, increasing both neutrophil and total white blood cell count by 6 hours post-injection. In contrast, few injected BMSCs traveled to the brain and almost none endured there long term. Nonetheless, BMSC treatment produced dramatic changes in the number and activation of brain astroglia and microglia, particularly in the region of the infarct. These cellular changes were correlated with a marked improvement in performance on tests of sensory and motor function as compared to the partial recovery of function seen in PBS-injected control rats. We conclude that the notable recovery in function observed after systemic administration of BMSCs to MCAO rats is likely due to the cellular changes in blood and/or brain cell number, activation state and their cytokine/growth factor products

    Neurogenesis is enhanced by stroke in multiple new stem cell niches along the ventricular system at sites of high BBB permeability

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    AbstractPrevious studies have established the subventricular (SVZ) and subgranular (SGZ) zones as sites of neurogenesis in the adult forebrain (Doetsch et al., 1999a; Doetsch, 2003a). Work from our laboratory further indicated that midline structures known as circumventricular organs (CVOs) also serve as adult neural stem cell (NSC) niches (Bennett et al., 2009, 2010). In the quiescent rat brain, NSC proliferation remains low in all of these sites. Therefore, we recently examined whether ischemic stroke injury (MCAO) or sustained intraventricular infusion of the mitogen bFGF could trigger an up-regulation in NSC proliferation, inducing neurogenesis and gliogenesis. Our data show that both stroke and bFGF induce a dramatic and long-lasting (14day) rise in the proliferation (BrdU+) of nestin+Sox2+GFAP+ NSCs capable of differentiating into Olig2+ glial progenitors, GFAP+nestin-astrocyte progenitors and Dcx+ neurons in the SVZ and CVOs. Moreover, because of the upsurge in NSC number, it was possible to detect for the first time several novel stem cell niches along the third (3V) and fourth (4V) ventricles. Importantly, a common feature of all brain niches was a rich vasculature with a blood–brain-barrier (BBB) that was highly permeable to systemically injected sodium fluorescein. These data indicate that stem cell niches are more extensive than once believed and exist at multiple sites along the entire ventricular system, consistent with the potential for widespread neurogenesis and gliogenesis in the adult brain, particularly after injury. We further suggest that because of their leaky BBB, stem cell niches are well-positioned to respond to systemic injury-related cues which may be important for stem-cell mediated brain repair

    Absence of Chordin-like 1 Aids Motor Recovery in a Mouse Model of Stroke

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    Chordin-like 1 (Chrdl1) is an astrocyte-secreted protein that regulates synaptic maturation, and limits plasticity via GluA2-containing AMPA receptors (AMPARs). It was demonstrated that Chrdl1 expression is very heterogeneous throughout the brain, and it is enriched in astrocytes in cortical layers 2/3, with peak expression in the visual cortex at postnatal day 14. In response to ischemic stroke, Chrdl1 is upregulated during the acute and sub-acute phases in the peri-infarct region, potentially hindering recovery after stroke. Here, we used photothrombosis to model ischemic stroke in the motor cortex of adult male and female mice. In this study, we demonstrate that elimination of Chrdl1 in a global knock-out mouse reduces apoptotic cell death at early post-stroke stages and prevents ischemia-driven synaptic loss of AMPA receptors at later time points, all contributing to faster motor recovery. This suggests that synapse-regulating astrocyte-secreted proteins such as Chrdl1 have therapeutic potential to aid functional recovery after an ischemic injury

    Facial grimace testing as an assay of neuropathic pain-related behavior in a mouse model of cervical spinal cord injury.

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    A major portion of individuals affected by traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) experience one or more types of chronic neuropathic pain (NP), which is often intractable to currently available treatments. The availability of reliable behavioral assays in pre-clinical models of SCI-induced NP is therefore critical to assess the efficacy of new potential therapies. Commonly used assays to evaluate NP-related behavior in rodents, such as Hargreaves thermal and von Frey mechanical testing, rely on the withdrawal response to an evoked stimulus. However, other assays that test spontaneous/non-evoked NP-related behavior or supraspinal aspects of NP would be highly useful for a more comprehensive assessment of NP following SCI. The Mouse Grimace Scale (MGS) is a tool to assess spontaneous, supraspinal pain-like behaviors in mice; however, the assay has not been characterized in a mouse model of SCI-induced chronic NP, despite the critical importance of mouse genetics as an experimental tool. We found that beginning 2 weeks after cervical contusion, SCI mice exhibited increased facial grimace features compared to laminectomy-only control mice, and this grimace phenotype persisted to the chronic time point of 5 weeks post-injury. We also found a significant relationship between facial grimace score and the evoked forepaw withdrawal response in both the Hargreaves and von Frey tests at 5 weeks post-injury when both laminectomy-only and SCI mice were included in the analysis. However, within only the SCI group, there was no correlation between grimace score and Hargreaves or von Frey responses. These results indicate both that facial grimace analysis can be used as an assay of spontaneous NP-related behavior in the mouse model of SCI and that the information provided by the MGS may be different than that provided by evoked tests of sensory function

    GUCY2C Signaling Limits Dopaminergic Neuron Vulnerability to Toxic Insults

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction and reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation within the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) are central drivers of dopaminergic (DA) neuron death in Parkinson\u27s disease (PD). Guanylyl cyclases and their second messenger cyclic (c)GMP support mitochondrial function, protecting against ROS and promoting cell survival in several tissues. However, the role of the guanylyl cyclase-cGMP axis in defining the vulnerability of DA neurons in the SNpc in PD remains unclear, in part due to the challenge of manipulating cGMP levels selectively in midbrain DA neurons. In that context, guanylyl cyclase C (GUCY2C), a receptor primarily expressed by intestinal epithelial cells, was discovered recently in midbrain DA neurons. Here, we demonstrate that GUCY2C promotes mitochondrial function, reducing oxidative stress and protecting DA neurons from degeneration in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl- 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) mouse model. GUCY2C is overexpressed in the SNpc in PD patients and in mice treated with MPTP, possibly reflecting a protective response to oxidative stress. Moreover, cGMP signaling protects against oxidative stress, mitochondrial impairment, and cell death in cultured DA neurons. These observations reveal a previously unexpected role for the GUCY2C-cGMP signaling axis in controlling mitochondrial dysfunction and toxicity in SNpc DA neurons, highlighting the therapeutic potential of targeting DA neuron GUCY2C to prevent neurodegeneration in PD

    Sphenopalatine ganglion stimulation upregulates transport of temozolomide across the blood-brain barrier

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    Sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) stimulation has been shown to reversibly alter blood-brainbarrier (BBB) permeability. It is widely used for the treatment of cluster headaches in Europe and iswell tolerated in humans. The therapeutic potential for SPG stimulation in other central nervoussystem (CNS) diseases has yet to be explored. Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) remains one of themost difficult primary CNS neoplasms to treat, with an average survival of approximately 18 months atthe time of diagnosis. Since 2004, the gold standard of treatment for GBM in the United States includessurgery followed by treatment with temozolomide (TMZ) and radiation. We sought to determine ifSPG stimulation could increase chemotherapy concentrations in rodent brains with an intact BBB.Here, we show a statistically significant (p=0.0006), five-fold upregulation of TMZ crossing the BBBand reaching brain parenchyma in rats receiving low-frequency (LF, 10 Hz) SPG stimulation. All themeasurements were performed using a highly sensitive liquid chromatography mass spectrometry(LCMS) method that was developed for quantitation of TMZ in plasma and brain tissue. Our treatmentparadigm shows novel delivery route by which we could more effectively and safely deliver TMZ ina targeted manner, to minimize systemic toxicity and maximize action at the target tissue

    N-Acetyl Cysteine May Support Dopamine Neurons in Parkinson\u27s Disease: Preliminary Clinical and Cell Line Data.

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    BACKGOUND: The purpose of this study was to assess the biological and clinical effects of n-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) in Parkinson\u27s disease (PD). METHODS: The overarching goal of this pilot study was to generate additional data about potentially protective properties of NAC in PD, using an in vitro and in vivo approach. In preparation for the clinical study we performed a cell tissue culture study with human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived midbrain dopamine (mDA) neurons that were treated with rotenone as a model for PD. The primary outcome in the cell tissue cultures was the number of cells that survived the insult with the neurotoxin rotenone. In the clinical study, patients continued their standard of care and were randomized to receive either daily NAC or were a waitlist control. Patients were evaluated before and after 3 months of receiving the NAC with DaTscan to measure dopamine transporter (DAT) binding and the Unified Parkinson\u27s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) to measure clinical symptoms. RESULTS: The cell line study showed that NAC exposure resulted in significantly more mDA neurons surviving after exposure to rotenone compared to no NAC, consistent with the protective effects of NAC previously observed. The clinical study showed significantly increased DAT binding in the caudate and putamen (mean increase ranging from 4.4% to 7.8%; p CONCLUSIONS: The results of this preliminary study demonstrate for the first time a potential direct effect of NAC on the dopamine system in PD patients, and this observation may be associated with positive clinical effects. A large-scale clinical trial to test the therapeutic efficacy of NAC in this population and to better elucidate the mechanism of action is warranted. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02445651
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