108 research outputs found

    The origin of ultra-compact binaries

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    The origin of ultra-compact binaries composed of a neutron star and a low-mass (about 0.06 solar mass) white dwarf is considered. Taking account of the systemic losses of mass and angular momentum, it was found that a serious difficulty exists in the scenarios which involve tidal captures of a normal star (a main sequence star or a red giant) by a neutron star. This difficulty can be avoided if a red giant star is captured by a massive white dwarf (M is approx. greater than 1.2 solar masses), which becomes a neutron star through the accretion induced collapse

    What did I learn in Boise? A 2014 sabbatical report

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    2014年度に海外課外研修期間を得た筆者の 1 年間のアイダホ州ボイシにおける生活の記録である。初めて米国(海外)で生活を始める際の困難や失敗、英語(学習)について、研修・研究先である Boise State University での経験が記されている。 Boise State University では主に Athletic Training Program での経験と Broncos のアスリート達へ鍼治療を行えるようになった経緯について触れている。海外の生活で得られるものは困難も含めて楽しく、自身に大きな成長をもたらしてくれることを筆者も実感できた。この文章が今後海外への留学を目指す学生達の背中を押すことができれば幸いである

    Analysis of trunk rotation during baseball batting with lumbar disc degeneration

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    Lower back pain (LBP) is common among baseball players, and the occurrence of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration is high. The dynamic load on the lumbar spine due to the postures and movements characteristic of baseball is suspected of aggravating LBP caused by degeneration, but the difference in batting action between players with and without degeneration is not known. The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in batting motion in the presence and absence of lumbar disc degeneration (LDD). The subjects were 18 male baseball players belonging to the University League Division I: seven with disc degeneration and 11 without. The motion task analyzed tee batting. The items examined were the angles of rotation of shoulder, pelvis, hip, and twisting motion; rotation angular velocity; time to maximum angular velocity; and muscle activity potentials of the bilateral latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, multifidus, external oblique, internal oblique, rectus abdominis, and gluteus medius muscles; at each stage of batting action. There were significant differences between the shoulder and pelvis in rotation angle, time to maximum angular velocity, and muscle activity in the presence and absence of LDD, and in the time to maximum angular velocity between the shoulder and pelvis. We infer that these differences are characteristic of batting motion due to LDD

    Kinetics of cerebral blood flow in the moderate and heavy exercise intensity domains estimated using the transcranial Doppler method

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinetics of cerebral blood flow (CBF) in conjunction with cardiopulmonary response during constant-work rate cycling exercise of moderate and heavy intensities. Methods: Seven subjects (6 males and 1 female; age, 25.4 ± 7.7 yr; height, 171.9 ± 4.3 cm; body mass, 67.7 ± 11.4 kg) participated in the present study. The subjects completed incremental cycle ergometer test to assess VO2peak, the gas exchange threshold (GET), and the respiratory compensation threshold (RCT). Secondary, the subjects performed two sets of constant workload of exercise bouts (10 min) by cycle ergometer corresponding to the level of 10% below GET (moderate intensity) and RCT (heavy intensity). Respiratory gas analysis and the middle cerebral blood flow mean velocity (MCA Vmean) were measured simultaneously using the transcranial Doppler (TCD) method. PaCO2 was estimated (ePaCO2) using PETCO2 and VT. We assumed that MCA Vmean could be used as an index of the global CBF. Results: VO2 and ePaCO2 remained stable after the onset at moderate intensity whereas VO2 increased throughout the trail and ePaCO2 decreased after the onset at heavy intensity. The percentage change from baseline for MCA Vmean (ΔMCA Vmean) increased within 2 min to a peak value within 2 min by 32.8 ± 9.1% and 31.8 ± 11.8% at moderate and heavy intensity, respectively. In the heavy-intensity exercise ΔMCA Vmean decreased further below the response to moderate exercise as time progressed prior to the recovery phase (trials × time: F = 3.84, P < 0.05). Conclusion: The different kinetics of MCA Vmean between moderate and heavy-intensity exercise was identified during a constant work rate cycling exercise. We found that in heavy-intensity trials, the relationship between ePaCO2 and MCA Vmean was different to that at moderate intensity during the recovery phase

    Cerebrovascular response to CO2 during moderate-intensity exercise measured by performing transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography

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    Previous studies demonstrated that cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes during dynamic exercise and a physiological basis for this observation may be explained by the tight control of CBF by arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO?). This study examined whether the steady state of the middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (MCAVmean) and PaCO?could be observed during constant work rate cycling exercise and to investigate the cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) to CO?. Seven young volunteers performed a 10-min exercise session with constant workload using a cycle ergometer, with intensities corresponding to the level below the lactate threshold. Respiratory gas analysis and MCAVmean were measured simultaneously using the transcranial Doppler (TCD) method. PaCO?was estimated (ePaCO?) using the end-tidal pressure of CO?(PETCO?) and the tidal volume (VT). On-transient phase II of VO?and the corresponding responses of MCAVmean and ePaCO? were investigated simultaneously with the monoexponential model. Since the responses in ΔMCAVmean or ePaCO?had the overshoot phase within 3min in some cases, analysis for the fitted curves of the monoexponential model was performed during the first 5 min as well as during the total 10 min. CVR to CO?during the dynamic cyclic exercise was 5.33 % mmHg-1 and 4.78 % mmHg?1 in the 5-min and the 10-min analysis, respectively. In the 5-min and the 10-min analysis, CVR to CO?significantly correlated with the exercise intensity during the 10-min bout (r2 = 0.89 and 0.75, respectively). During the on-transient phase of dynamic exercise, CBF would be influenced by PaCO?and other factors such as the neuronal activation and cardiac output would also be involved in changing CBF

    Electromyographic and Kinematic Trunk Analysis of Boxing during a Dominate Straight Punch

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the surface electro myogram of trunk muscle activity and the three-dimensional kinematics of the trunk between experienced and novice boxers during straight punch with the rear arm. Fifteen university-age males participated in the study. Participants were ranked as experienced (n=8) or novice (n=7). The straight punch was broken into three phases as Preliminary Movements (PM), Thrown Punch (TP), and Returned Punch (RP). The surface electro myogram captured the activity of the rectus abdominis, external oblique, deltoid, and rectus femoris on the dominant side and the internal oblique-transversus abdominis (IO-TrA) and multifidus on both sides. Three-dimensional motion analysis was performed to calculate the horizontal angle of the Acromial line, the ASIS line and the Greater Trochanter of the femur (GT) line. Results of the surface electro myogram of the IO-TrA on the non-dominant side of the novice group during the PM phase were significantly higher than those of the experienced (p<0.05). Similarly, the IO-TrA of the dominant side of the novice during the TP phase were significantly higher than that of the experienced (p<0.05). In motion analysis, the ASIS line and the GT line were significantly greater in the experienced group compared with the novice (p<0.05). The novice group did not allow the entire trunk to rotate, but rather twisted the thoracolumbar vertebrae to throw the punch. Trunk rotation, not trunk twist, is important to the execution of the straight punch

    Androgen replacement therapy for cancer-related symptoms in male advanced cancer patients : study protocol for a randomised prospective trial (ARTFORM study)

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    Recent studies reveal that hypogonadism with low serum androgen levels is associated with advanced cancer and induction of most cancer-related symptoms.We designed an ARTFORM study to evaluate the efficacy of androgen replacement therapy in male advanced cancer patients. The ARTFORM study is an investigatorinitiated, randomised controlled trial comparing intramuscle injection of testosterone enanthate with non-administration in male advanced cancer patients with non-curative locally advanced or metastatic lesions. Serum total and free testosterone levels are measured and patients with low testosterone level are randomised. The primary endpoint is the difference in validated health-related quality of life questionnaires at week 12. Trial registration of the ARTFORM study is assigned to University hospital Medical Information Network, Center identifier UMIN 000010939

    Notes of the Teaching practice on the Japanese language education (5) : For the time to come

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    本研究は, より優れた中等教育授業者を育成する国語科教育実習のあり方を求めて, 実習現場で生起している出来事の記述, 分析, 考察を行い, それを通じて, ①中等国語科教員養成プログラム(学部教育+附属実習)の教育内容の体系化, ②中等国語科教育実習指導体制の確立, にかかわる提言を試みることを目的としている。 2009年度は, 単元及び教材と授業の具体に即した記述, 分析を積み重ねてより実践的なモデルを構築していく研究の3年次として, 「古典」単元の実習授業を取り上げた。 古典単元における実習生の躓きで顕著なことは, 単元構想段階での単元の主題に対する思索不足であることが, 本年度「古典単元」の諸記録シートの分析を通じて明らかになった。従って, 実習生のこの問題点を考察の俎上に上せ, 単元の主題に対する思索不足の原因を明らかにした。また, 「古典単元における授業力獲得のための課題と指導のポイント」として, 上記の課題に対する働きかけを, 実習活動の諸局面に即して記述した。さらに, 実習生の変化変容の内実をよく指し示す具体例を取り上げ分析・考察した

    Notes of the Teaching practice on the Japanese language education (2)

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    Notes of the teaching practice on the Japanese language education (2)

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