77 research outputs found


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    In the operation of the broadcasting transmitter, during a lightning storm, comes to frequent surge arrester failures in the switchgear of the broadcasting transmitter and along the 10 kV supply cable (surge arresters in the cable section boxes). Analysis of lightning strokes to the broadcasting transmitter is given in the paper. EMTP simulation of surge arresters loading was conducted. The energy overload of surge arresters is due to lightning flash with more than one lightning strokes or more lightning flashes in short time. Recommendations were also given for improvement of existing surge protection and reduction the number of surge arresters failures


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    Geografsko-informacijski sustav (Geographical Information System – GIS) omogućava organizaciju prostornih podataka kroz tematske slojeve. Na temelju tako organiziranih podataka moguće je izvoditi prostorne analize. GIS ima relativno široku primjenu u suvremenoj digitalnoj kartografiji. Pomorski je katastar sustav organiziranih podataka o moru, morskom dnu i podzemlju, uz podatke o pravima i interesima u različitim dijelovima mora. Razvoj pomorskog katastra u djelokrugu je obalnih država, i one ga razvijaju i organiziraju prema svojim potrebama, interesima, te financijskim i tehničkim mogućnostima. Podaci su temelj svakoga pomorskog katastra, a njihova organizacija u tematskim slojevima GIS-a omogućuje korisnicima da prate dinamiku promjena stanja poradi donošenja odluka o optimalnom gospodarenju morskim i podmorskim resursima. U radu se predlaže model razvoja pomorskog katastra u GIS okružju na općoj razini

    Human dignity in the context of prison privatization

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    This paper discusses the legal nature of human dignity as well as whether and in what manner it merits consideration in the prison privatization decision-making process. The first chapter grasps the complexity of the legal concept of human dignity by analyzing how it is approached - its status, roles and content - in notable international and domestic regulations, soft law, sociological and legal theories. The second chapter discusses the qualitative characteristics of the decision to privatize prisons and argues that it is primarily legal (constitutional) in nature, the importance of agent identity and its effect on conceptual permissibility of prison privatization based on the rationale theory of conceptual limitation to privatizing prisons by Dorfman and Harel, and finally, presents the institutional and human rights aspects of prison privatization as discussed by Barak-Erez and Feeley following the 2009 constitutional review decision of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel which held prison privatization to be unconstitutional. The conclusion attempts to formulate an acceptable legal definition of human dignity, gives a summary of author's opinions, and assesses the influence of presented argumentation on recommendation of prison privatization as long-term or short-term solution for addressing human rights violations with overcrowding as underlying cause

    Identifying Network Topology Using Travelling Wave Reflections of the Test Signal

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    State estimation is an important part of control functions and power system management. Correct insight and interpretation of the network topology are a crucial step of any state estimator. In order to improve state estimators accuracy and speed, a new approach of determining network topology is presented. Presented method is based on reflection measurement of the injected test signal from the impedance discontinuities dependent on the topological state at a particular site in the network. Correct interpretation of the measured reflected signal gives possibility to determine the topological state at the reflection site. This article describes the methodology for topological recognition, while algorithm verification is done by using several cases of topology determination on the example of the test network. The results are given in graphical form showing simulated and expected reflection signal. Matching of simulated and expected reflected signal has proved the correctness of the topological recognition algorithm

    Analysis of Current Threats to Ships from 2019 to 2022 in Selected Regions

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    International maritime security is of paramount importance to the maritime sector, particularly seafarers. The perception and importance of maritime security have evolved and are the subject of ongoing analysis. The concept of maritime security is closely linked to potential threats that may pose a danger to crews, ships, or the cargoes they carry. These threats are also subject to change over time. Different types of threats can have different implications for maritime security. Currently, the greatest threats to the world merchant fleet come from pirate attacks, armed robbery, terrorism, and military operations in certain maritime regions. These threats vary in nature, frequency, and motivation in different parts of the world, and so there are certain areas that are particularly vulnerable to such threats. This paper provides an analysis of maritime security from the perspective of piracy, armed robbery, and maritime terrorism by analysing individual attacks in different regions from 2019 to 2022. Each reported attack is broken down into various characteristics. Recurring characteristics in different and unrelated attacks are observed. This results in a pattern from which specific recommendations characteristic of individual regions are derived. The recommendations are subject to the dynamics of changes in international maritime security and should be actively modified and adapted accordingly

    Increase of Combat Eff ectiveness of Warships with the Introduction into Operation of WECDIS

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    This paper analyses the possibility of increasing combat eff ectiveness of warships with the introduction into operation of Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information System (WECDIS) on board ships. This navigation computer information system, which complies with the rules of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and NATO STANAG 4564 (Standard Agreement 4564) helps the navigational offi cer in his daily work. Navigational offi cer has the ability to use diff erent tools and information necessary for the protection and effi cient use of a warship. The emergence of new technologies in the fi eld of warfare is in the most aspects of naval operations computerised and digitalised with the intent to build, display and allow manipulation with the Recognised Maritime Picture (RMP). It is therefore surprising that a lot of Navies are still navigating using only paper charts although the advantages and effi ciency provided by the WECDIS, if used correctly, are signifi cant. In the fi rst part of the paper WECDIS is analysed as a navigational system used on warships with all the advantages and disadvantages recognised during its use in navigation. In the second part an increase of the combat eff ectiveness of warships during execution of diff erent warfare operation is analysed

    Organizational and Legal Aspects of International Hydrographic Activity

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    Hydrographic activity has a strong international character. Products of hydrographic organizations are used for different purposes in the maritime industry, which is international in its very nature. That is the reason why it has been necessary on the international level to develop legislation that would give the industry an international character and frame. International conventions that regulate hydrographic activity are the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the Convention on the International Hydrographic Organization. National regulations have great significance for the development of hydrographic activities. Although they are part of national law, such regulations indicate acceptance of the standards of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and compatibility of products of national hydrographic organizations with accepted international standards. This paper analyses the international conventions which regulate hydrographic activity. It provides an overview of national legislation of important legal systems and Republic of Croatia concerning hydrographic activity. Changes to the Convention on International Hydrographic Organization are proposed

    Comparison of Hydrographic Survey Data with Crowdsourced Bathymetry Data

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    A hydrographic survey is a standardized procedure for collecting data for the production of nautical charts and publications. It is a lengthy and costly procedure, so the survey is carried out depending on the capabilities of hydrographic organizations. It is known that relatively large parts of the world’s oceans are very poorly covered by hydrographic surveys. To increase the amount of data collected, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has introduced the concept of crowdsourced bathymetry (CSB). Under the CSB concept, all vessels meeting certain minimum technical requirements (carrying a global navigation satellite system and a single beam echo sounder) can participate in voluntary bathymetric data collection. The paper analyzes the method of collecting bathymetric data from CSB. The depth data collected as part of the CSB are compared with official data displayed on electronic navigational charts (ENC) in the United States of America. Four sea areas were selected in which 104 depths were compared at the same positions, and categorization was also made according to the criterion of navigational importance, i.e., the category zones of confidence (CATZOC). By comparing the official depth data from the hydrographic survey with the depth data collected from public sources for the same positions, their mutual relationships were established, from which it can be concluded that the CSB data, despite its limitations, is a very valuable supplement to the existing official data