284 research outputs found


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    Although a number of authors have tried to investigate different aspects of insurance industry, there is still little research done and evidence on the performance effect of diversification in either life or non-life insurance industry. This is especially true for the Croatian insurance industry. Therefore, the authors of this article find it valuable to investigate the relationship between product diversification and performance. In testing this relationship we employ different methods of financial performance and diversification assessment

    Inconsistency in Consumer Preferences: Some Interesting Insights

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    AbstractTraditional theory of preferences assumes that a consumer should be able to rank different alternatives according to the satisfaction or utility they provide. However, empirical findings originated by psychologists in 1970s and later revaluated by economists show some controversial results. A phenomenon that occurs when individual's choice (as a direct indicator of individual's preferences) between two alternatives is inconsistent with the way an individual ranks ā€œsellingā€ price of these alternatives (where price serves as an indirect indicator of his preferences) becomes known as a preference reversals. This research aims to shed a new light on the respective subject by revealing potential differences among individualsā€™ choice depending on their characteristics. In that manner the research provides an insight into individualsā€™ preferences depending on their gender and household income. Furthermore, in this experiment individuals were asked to express their attitude toward risk, hence it was considered interesting to confront the way the individuals perceive themselves with the way they actually act

    Radna bibliografija radova o Gorjanima pisanih na hrvatskom jeziku

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    Bez pretenzija da izradi cjelovitu bibliografiju radova o Gorjanima autor donosi radnu verziju bibliografije, i to radova pisanih na hrvatskom jeziku. Ova napomena čini se nužnom stoga Å”to je o Gorjanima, a napose obitelji Gorjanski, dosta radova napisano i na mađarskom jeziku

    BiljeŔka o Bibliji

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    Biblija o katehizaciji djece

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    Pitanje konkurentnosti oduvijek je bilo važno pitanje izvozno orijentiranih nacionalnih gospodarstava. Danas je ovo pitanje posebno važno zbog sveopćeg trenda globalizacije, s jedne strane, te uvjetovanosti određenih političkih i gospodarskih grupacija, s druge strane. TržiÅ”te EU je najvažnije hrvatsko izvozno tržiÅ”te. Na EU odlazi čak oko 70% hrvatskog izvoza. Međutim, na njemu je konkurencija sve jača, budući da su unutar EU ukinute trgovinske barijere. Da bi se hrvatski proizvodi održali na tržiÅ”tu EU, hrvatsko gospodarstvo treba odgovoriti na zahtjeve tako velikog i zahtjevnog tržiÅ”ta, posebice glede činjenice da se sa svakom trećom zemljom sklapaju posebni trgovinski aranžmani. U radu se problematizira pitanje mogućnosti i načina konkurentnosti proizvoda tranzicijskih zemalja odnosno hrvatskih proizvoda na tržiÅ”tu EU


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    SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2), a novel virus of the beta coronavirus group RNA viruses, is responsible for a zoonotic disease named COVID-19 (coronavirus disease from 2019). The main receptor through which the virus enters the host cell is angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), known as a multifunctional protein. ACE2 expression has been found in oral and nasal mucosa, lungs, adipose tissue, heart, brain, kidneys, vascular tissue, stomach, liver. Upon entry of the virus into the target host cells, two processes are initiated, the hostā€™s immune response and the infl ammatory cascade. As immune (innate and adaptive) and infl ammatory responses change throughout life both qualitatively and quantitatively, both processes are responsible for varying degrees of disease severity depending on the patientā€™s age. Short-time experience with SARS-CoV-2 infection has shown that: (i) children and adolescents develop the disease with mild symptoms, mainly on upper respiratory airways; (ii) the disease has a more severe course in adult patients with associated chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and renal diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, etc.; and (iii) the most severe, often fatal disease occurs in the elderly, due to more pronounced processes of immunosenescence and infl amm-aging.RSARS-CoV-2 (engl. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2), novi virus iz skupine RNA betakoronavirusa, odgovoran je za zoonotsku bolest nazvanu COVID-19 (bolest uzrokovana koronavirusom iz 2019.). Glavni receptor pomoću kojega virus ulazi u stanicu domaćina je angiotenzin konvertirajući enzim 2 (ACE2), poznat kao multifunkcionalni protein. Receptor ACE2 prisutan je u oralnoj i nosnoj sluznici, plućima, masnom tkivu, srcu, mozgu, bubrezima, vaskularnom tkivu, želucu, jetri. Nakon ulaska virusa u ciljne stanice domaćina pokreću se dva procesa, imunosni odgovor domaćina i upalna kaskada. Budući da se imunosni (urođeni i stečeni) i upalni odgovori tijekom života mijenjaju u kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom smislu, oba procesa su odgovorna za različit stupanj ozbiljnosti bolesti, ovisno o pacijentovoj dobi. Kratkotrajno iskustvo s infekcijom uzrokovanom virusom SARS-CoV-2 pokazalo je da: (i) djeca i adolescenti razvijaju bolest s blagim simptomima, uglavnom na gornjim diÅ”nim putevima; (ii) bolest ima teži tijek u odraslih bolesnika s pridruženim kroničnim bolestima kao Å”to su kardiovaskularne i bubrežne bolesti, kronične respiratorne bolesti, dijabetes i sl.; (iii) najteži, često fatalni oblik pojavljuje se u starijih osoba zbog izraženijih procesa imunosenescencije i upale pri starenju
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