9 research outputs found

    Occurrence of phytoplasma associated with sugarcane yellow leaf syndrome in three regions of São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Uma doença conhecida como síndrome do amarelecimento foliar da cana-de-açúcar ou amarelinho causou danos expressivos à cultura no estado de São Paulo, na década de noventa. A síndrome também foi registrada em outros países e investigações sobre a etiologia evidenciaram a associação da doença com vírus e fitoplasma, de forma isolada ou simultânea. A doença é potencialmente importante e ocorre endemicamente no estado paulista, por esta razão o presente estudo buscou demonstrar a ocorrência do fitoplasma em três tradicionais regiões produtoras de cana, localizadas no estado de São Paulo, através da detecção molecular deste agente em plantas naturalmente infectadas. Para isto, plantas sintomáticas das variedades SP71-6163, SP71-6180 e SP89-1115 foram amostradas em Piracicaba, Jaú e Ribeirão Preto e a partir do tecido foliar foi extraído o DNA total. PCR duplo foi processado com os "primers" P1/Tint-16F2n/R2 e os produtos foram analisados por eletroforese em gel de agarose. Amplificações de fragmentos de DNA de 1,2 kb evidenciaram a presença de fitoplasma em 36% das plantas sintomáticas e revelaram a sua ocorrência nas três regiões amostradas. Os resultados demonstraram a associação do fitoplasma com a doença e a importância de se manter uma atenta vigilância nos campos e viveiros, bem como buscar genótipos com bom nível de resistência nos programas de melhoramento.Sugarcane yellow leaf syndrome caused serious damage to crops in the São Paulo State, Brazil, in the 1990's. The syndrome was also reported in other countries and investigations into the etiology revealed an association between the disease and virus and/or phytoplasma. The disease is potentially important and occurs endemically in that State, and for this reason the present study was conducted in order to demonstrate the occurrence of phytoplasma in three traditional sugarcane-producing areas, in São Paulo State, through molecular detection from naturally infected plants. Symptomatic plants belonging to varieties SP71-6163, SP71-6180 and SP89-1115 were sampled from Piracicaba, Jaú and Ribeirão Preto, and total DNA was extracted from foliar tissues. Nested PCR was conducted with primer pairs P1/Tint-16F2n/R2, and the amplified products were analyzed by electrophoresis on agarose gels. Amplified DNA fragments of 1.2 kb evidenced the presence of phytoplasma in 36% of symptomatic plants and revealed its occurrence in all sampled regions. The results demonstrated that phytoplasma is associated with the disease and that it is important to keep a safe inspection of nurseries and monitoring plants in the field, as well as to select sugarcane genotypes with a good level of resistance in breeding programs.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal Nível Superior - CAPE

    Summer squash: a new host of phytoplasm belonging to the 16SrIII group

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    Em um plantio comercial localizado no Vale do Ribeira, no estado de São Paulo, foram observadas plantas de abobrinha-de-moita (Cucurbita pepo L.) apresentando superbrotamento de ramos, malformação da parte aérea e folhas disformes e enrugadas. Através de PCR foi demonstrada a presença de fitoplasma associado aos tecidos doentes. Um fitoplasma do grupo 16SrIII foi identificado por PCR e pela análise de RFLP, conduzida com cinco enzimas de restrição. A presente comunicação se constitui no primeiro relato da presença de um fitoplasma do grupo 16SrIII em abobrinha-de-moita no Brasil.In a commercial field located in the Vale do Ribeira, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, plants of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) exhibiting witches' broom and leaf deformation were observed. PCR assays demonstrated the presence of phytoplasma associated with diseased tissues. A phytoplasma belonging to the 16SrIII group was identified by PCR and RFLP analysis performed with five restriction enzymes. The present note is the first report of the presence of phytoplasma representative of the 16SrIII group in summer squash in Brazil

    Molecular evidence of phytoplasma associated with witches' broom on passion fruit in five Brazilian States

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    Fitoplasmas são procariotos sem parede celular e habitantes de floema, associados a doenças que ocorrem em diversas espécies cultivadas. O maracujazeiro é uma espécie tipicamente tropical, bastante explorada no território brasileiro. Dentre os fatores que podem trazer danos à cultura estão as doenças e, entre elas, o superbrotamento. A doença tem sido registrada somente no Brasil e, não raro, pode causar danos relevantes e se constituir em fator limitante da produção. É uma doença associada a fitoplasma e foi descrita pela primeira vez nos estados do Rio de Janeiro e Pernambuco, na década de oitenta. Nos anos de 2005 e 2006, plantas sintomáticas originárias de algumas áreas dos estados de São Paulo, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Sergipe e Bahia foram analisadas, suspeitas de estarem infectadas por fitoplasma. A amplificação de um fragmento de DNA de 1,2kb, obtida por "nested" PCR com os primers 16mF2/mR1 e 16F2n/R2, revelou a presença de fitoplasma nos tecidos das plantas sintomáticas amostradas em todas as regiões. A detecção molecular do agente permitiu confirmar a diagnose feita com base nos sintomas; demonstrar a associação constante entre planta doente e fitoplasma, complementando trabalhos anteriores baseados em microscopia eletrônica; além de evidenciar, atualmente, a presença deste agente nos estados da Bahia, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Sergipe e São Paulo.Phytoplasmas are cell wall-less prokaryotes and phloem-inhabitants associated with diseases that affect several crops. Passion fruit is a tropical plant species cultivated in various Brazilian regions. Diseases are among the factors that may cause damage to this crop, and witches' broom is a very important one. This disease, associated with a phytoplasma, has been reported only in Brazil, where it was described in Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco States at the beginning of the 1980's. In 2005-2006, symptomatic plants suspected of phytoplasma infection were sampled in areas located in São Paulo, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Sergipe and Bahia. Amplification of DNA fragments of 1.2kb from nested PCR primed by the pairs 16mF2/mR1 and 16F2n/R2 revealed the presence of phytoplasma in the tissue of plants from all sampled regions. Molecular detection of the agent allowed confirmation of the diagnosis based on the symptomatology; demonstrated the strong association between diseased plants and a phytoplasma, confirming previous investigations based on electron microscopy; and revealed the present occurrence of the agent in the States of Bahia, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Sergipe, and São Paulo

    Molecular evidence of phytoplasma associated with witches` broom on passion fruit in five Brazilian States

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    Phytoplasmas are cell wall-less prokaryotes and phloem-inhabitants associated with diseases that affect several crops. Passion fruit is a tropical plant species cultivated in various Brazilian regions. Diseases are among the factors that may cause damage to this crop, and witches` broom is a very important one. This disease, associated with a phytoplasma, has been reported only in Brazil, where it was described in Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco States at the beginning of the 1980`s. In 2005-2006, symptomatic plants Suspected of phytoplasma infection were sampled in areas located in Sao Paulo, Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Sergipe and Bahia. Amplification of DNA fragments of 1.2kb from nested PCR primed by the pairs 16mF2/mR1 and 16F2n/R2 revealed the presence of phytoplasma in the tissue of plants from all sampled regions. Molecular detection of the agent allowed confirmation of the diagnosis based on the symptomatology; demonstrated the strong association between diseased plants and a phytoplasma, confirming previous investigations based on electron microscopy;, and revealed the present occurrence of the agent in the States of Bahia, Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Sergipe, and Sao Paulo

    Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of a Group 16SrI-B Phytoplasma Associated with Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Syndrome in Brazil

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    Yellow leaf syndrome was a serious problem in the beginning of the 1990s in Brazil, when yield losses were estimated to be around 50%. The disease is currently endemic, but it is considered potentially important. Previous studies have revealed only the presence of a luteovirus associated with the disease in Brazil. We report that a phytoplasma of 16SrI-B is also associated with this disease. This is the first demonstration of the presence of a group 16SrI-B phytoplasma in association with sugarcane yellow leaf in Brazil