545 research outputs found

    A possible quantic motivation of the structure of quantum group

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    Following a suggestion of A. Connes (see [Co] {\S} I.1), we build up a (first) simple natural structure of a no finitely generated braided non-commutative Hopf algebra, suggested by elementary quantum mechanics

    Learner Corpus Research Meets Chinese as a Second Language Acquisition: Achievements and Challenges

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    The article sheds light on Chinese Learner Corpus Research (CLCR), emphasizing advances and lacks in this field. First, the paper describes the potentials of learner corpora in the investigation of learner language. The specificity of learner corpus data compared to learner data in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) studies will be also analyzed. Second, it provides an overview of Chinese learner corpus-based research and reviews existing L2 Chinese learner corpora. The paper highlights the lack of L2 Chinese learner corpora collecting data from Italian learners and discuss the challenges and the needs of compiling L2 Chinese corpora to conduct studies on the acquisition of L2 Chinese by learners whose L1 is other than English or an Asian language. This issue is addressed by taking into account recent projects integrating the LCR methodology with L2 Chinese studies for Italian-speaking learners. Finally, the paper encourages a concrete integration between the application of the methodological framework of LCR and the implementation of the theoretical interpretation of data of SLA research in the design of Chinese acquisitional studies

    Evaluation of post-license advanced driver training in Italy

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    Post-license advanced driver training addresses different categories of road users such as: novice drivers, professional drivers, company employers and recidivists. These training courses can be carried out on-track or on the road. On-track courses allow participants to gain knowledge on driving physics and experience limits in a safe road environment. On-road courses are more focused on hazard perception and situation awareness. Although extensive research has been done in this field, knowledge of the effects of these courses on road accident risk remains unclear. Previous evaluation of on-track courses did not always show a positive effect on crash rate. For example, post-license training focused on mastery of driving skills can lead to an increase of accident risk, especially on young males. However, research identified several factors that may enhance the effectiveness of driving training. In Europe a new framework for driver education and training has been proposed based on a safe driver hierarchical model (the GADGET model) and the development of a strategy for continuous learning. According to this framework, an evaluation study of on-track post-license advanced driver training has been undertaken in Italy with the main goal of assessing the safety effects of these courses and identifying training aspects to be improved. Besides crash rate, the study aims at assessing also driver behavior, knowledge of risks, self-evaluation and training quality. This paper presents the results of the possible effects of advanced driver training on driving behavior, considering in particular the number and type of violations. For each driver, data on age, gender and driving violations history were extracted from the platform and the national violations database. Three cases were addressed through a before-after analysis with control group. Case 1 considers all drivers who attended an ADT course. Case 2 aimed at understanding the effects of the courses on a specific target group: the traffic violators. Case 3 is similar to Case 2, however the control group was selected in a way that drivers characteristics and the violation rate was similar to the violation rate of the treatment group in the before period. The significance of the differences highlighted was assessed through appropriate statistical tests (i.e. paired t-test and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test). The study showed in general a higher propensity to commit traffic violations after attending an ADT course. These results are in contrast to what expected and show the necessity to diversify the training classes according to the different needs of participant

    La «ragione» del seguire una regola: un’esposizione divulgativa del paradosso di Kripke-Wittgenstein

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    Il paradosso di cui si vuol qui dare una semplice introduzione prosastica, si inserisce nella più ampia e complessa problematica che sta alla base della nozione di regola (linguistica, matematica, etc.) e quella di seguire una regola. Una discussione divulgativa ed euristica di questo paradosso permetterà, tra le altre cose, di poter conseguire una maggiore chiarezza concettuale sull’origine, l’identità, la natura e la motivazione delle regole formali, prime fra tutte quelle aritmetiche, nonché di rivedere criticamente alcune precognizioni che noi tutti abbiamo della nozione di razionalità. Nonostante sia stato elaborato in ambito prettamente filosofico, l’esposizione divulgativa che di questo paradosso viene fornita in questa rassegna vorrebbe cercare anche di lambire altri contesti disciplinari non filosofici, in primis quello psicopedagogico, al fine di stimolare anzitutto l’interesse critico e riflessivo dei discenti, per esempio nei riguardi delle regole matematiche

    Mathematical thought in the light of Matte Blanco’s work

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    Taking into account some basic epistemological considerations on psychoanalysis by Ignacio Matte Blanco, it is possible to deduce some first simple remarks on certain logical aspects of schizophrenic reasoning. Further remarks on mathematical thought are also made in the light of what established, taking into account the comparison with the schizophrenia pattern
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