223 research outputs found

    シャカイジン ニオケル ドウイツセイ チイ ト シンリテキ ストレス ハンノウ トノ カンレン

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    The purpose of the present study is to examine a status distribution of the working people and to clarify the relationship of psychological stress response with life style, the type and position of occupation and developmental state of ego-identity The subjects are 347 working people such as salesclrk, office worker, the teaching staff of school and researching staff of the company. The iterns of the questionnaire are age,sex,educational qualification,life style both in child hood and in the present. We also used identity-achievement scale and PSRS(psychological stress response scale) by Niimi et.al. (1990). From the result obtained by identity-achievement scale, subjects were categoliged the following 6 groups: Identity Achievement Status(IAS), Identity Achievement-Forclosure Intermadiate status(AF), Identity Foreclosure Status(FS), Moratorium Status(MS), Identity Diffusion-Moratorium status(DM) and Identitity Diffusion Status(DS). The main results are as follows:(1) DM represented about 45% in 20-30 age group and 39% in 31-40 age group. (2) DS that may related with the apathetic symdrome, was about 8% in the two age groups. (3) The level of psychological stress response was related significantly with the type of occupation and its position, and identity status. The mean value of psychological stress response was highest on IDS. (4) There was no significant correlation between life style in child hood(about 10 years old) and the level of psychological stress level, although in our previous studies with students of junior high school and university, the correlation between the two parameters was significant

    The Effects of Inbreeding on Embryonic Development in Japanese Quail

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    近交の結果が日本ウズラの胚発剤に及ぼす影響を明らかにするために,きょうだい交配によって近交3世代に達した日本ウズラを用いて孵卵後33・48時間の中胚葉体節数並びに孵卵後4日から16日までの胚重量について,ランダム交配群との対比において検討を加えた. 得られた結果は以下の通りである. 1)孵卵後33時間の胚の平均中胚葉体節数はきょうだい交配群において8.7±3.22,ランダム交配群において9.8±2.48であり,この差は統計的に有意であった(P<0.001). また,孵卵後48時間の胚の平均中胚葉体節数はきょうだい交配群において22.4±2.20,ランダム交配群において23.0±2.17であり,両群間の差は有意でなかった. 2)孵卵後33時間の胚の中胚葉体節数の頻度分布について検討した結果,きょうだい交配群の胚はランダム交配群の胚に比べて体節数の少ない方へ分布が広がり,分布の型において-0.46と有意な負の歪度がみとめられた(P<0.05). 3)孵卵後33時間の胚の中胚葉体節数の変異について検討した結果,きょうだい交配群における家系内のバラツキがランダム交配群に比較して大きいことが認められた. 4)孵卵後4日から16日までの胚の生重量・乾燥重量について,きょうだい交配群はランダム交配群に比べいずれの日令においても胚重量が劣っていることが明らかにされた. 5)胚の日令に対する増体量の回帰係数と胚重量の回帰式から,きょうだい交配群とランダム交配群との間の成長型について比較検討した結果,成長型では両群間に差は認められなかった

    A case of spontaneous parasitic myoma in a patient without a history of myomectomy treated laparoscopically

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    Parasitic myoma (PM) is a rare disease in which multiple leiomyomas are intraperitoneally formed. Recently, an increasing number of cases due to specimen morcellation during minimally invasive surgery has been reported. We present the first case of a PM identified intraoperatively during laparoscopic hysterectomy. A 40-year-old Japanese multiparous woman presented to our hospital with heavy menstrual bleeding. She had no history of previous surgery. Magnetic resonance imaging showed uterine myomas. As the patient did not wish for further pregnancy, she underwent oral gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist therapy followed by a total laparoscopic hysterectomy. Intraoperatively, we identified a thumb-sized tumor on the left side of the peritoneum. Histopathological examination showed evidence of benign leiomyoma

    The Effects of Inbreeding on the Egg Production Rate in Japanese Quail

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    本研究は,近交退化現象を明らかにする目的で,日本ウズラを用い,きょうだい交配によって近交世代を進めた場合の産卵率について近交群と無作為交配群とで比較検討した. 本研究に用いた日本ウズラは,当研究室において無作為交配によって維持した閉鎖集団を起源とする近交群と無作為交配群である. 産卵率は連続32日間にわたって検討した. 得られた結果は要約すると以下の通りである. 1.近交群と無作為交配群における産卵率について比較した結果,近交群では2世代目で急激な低下がみられ,4世代目まで低い値が維持された. 両群間には1世代目を除くすべての世代で有意差が認められた. 2.近交群と無作為交配群における産卵率の範囲と産卵率の範囲に含まれる維持家系数について検討した結果,近交群では無作為交配群に比較して,産卵率の高い家系数は少なくなり,一方,産卵率の低い家系数は多くなった. 3.産卵率の退化現象について回帰の面から検討した結果,産卵率は退化の傾向がみられた. 近交係数10%増加するごとに,3.80%低下することが示された. 4.以上の結果から,近交による産卵率の低下は,ホモ接合体の増加に伴う雌ウズラでの生殖機能の低下に起因したものと考えられる

    The Effects of Inbreeding on Body Weight, Age at Sexual Maturity and Egg Weight in Japanese Quail

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    本研究は,近親交配の継続によって発現する近交退化現象を明らかにする目的で,日本ウズラを用い,きょうだい交配によって近交世代を進めた場合の体重,性成熟日齢,卵重について近交群と無作為交配群とで比較検討した. なお,本研究に用いた日本ウズラは,岡山大学農学部家畜育種学教室で無作為交配によって維持してきた集団を基礎として得られた近交群と無作為交配群である. 体重は艀化時,艀北後2,4,6,10週齢時に,卵重は13週齢時に測定した. 得られた結果は以下の通りである. 1.近交に伴う系統数と家系数の推移について検討した結果,近交群では,1世代目16系統36家系で出発したが,4世代目では3系統14家系となり,近交に伴い系統数と家系数が急激に低下した. これに対して,近交群では,毎世代40家系を維持した. 2.近交群と無作為交配群における体重,性成熟日齢,卵重について比較検討した結果,近交群では,無作為交配群に比較していずれの形質も劣る傾向が認められた. 特に,雄と雌の4週齢と6週齢時体重は,いずれの世代においても両群間に有意な差が認められた. 3.体重,性成熟日齢,卵重の退化現象について回帰の面から検討した結果,いずれの形質も退化の傾向がみられた. 近交係数10%増加あたりの回帰係数に有意差が認められたのは雌の6週齢時体重であった. 近交係数10%増加するごとに,雌の6週齢時体重は3.27g減少することが示された. 性成熟日齢は,雄では0.67日,雌では0.96日遅延し,卵重は0.21g減少することが示された. 4.以上の結果から,近交に伴う体重,性成熟日齢,卵重の退化は,ヘテロ接合体の減少に伴うホモ接合体の増加に起因したものと考えられた

    Upgraded millimeter-wave interferometer for measuring the electron density during the beam extraction in the negative ion source

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    The upgraded millimeter-wave interferometer with the frequency of 70 GHz is installed on a large-scaled negative ion source. Measurable line-averaged electron density is from 2×1015to 3×1018m−3in front of the plasma grid. Several improvements such as the change to shorter wavelength probing with low noise, the installation of special ordered horn antenna, the signal modulation for a high accuracy digital phase detection, the insertion of insulator, and so on, are carried out for the measurement during the beam extraction by applying high voltage. The line-averaged electron density is successfully measured and it is found that it increases linearly with the arc power and drops suddenly at the beam extraction

    Anti-inflammatory effects of cold atmospheric plasma irradiation on the THP-1 human acute monocytic leukemia cell line.

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    Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) has been studied and clinically applied to treat chronic wounds, cancer, periodontitis, and other diseases. CAP exerts cytotoxic, bactericidal, cell-proliferative, and anti-inflammatory effects on living tissues by generating reactive species. Therefore, CAP holds promise as a treatment for diseases involving chronic inflammation and bacterial infections. However, the cellular mechanisms underlying these anti-inflammatory effects of CAP are still unclear. Thus, this study aimed to elucidate the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of CAP in vitro. The human acute monocytic leukemia cell line, THP-1, was stimulated with lipopolysaccharide and irradiated with CAP, and the cytotoxic effects of CAP were evaluated. Time-course differentiation of gene expression was analyzed, and key transcription factors were identified via transcriptome analysis. Additionally, the nuclear localization of the CAP-induced transcription factor was examined using western blotting. The results indicated that CAP showed no cytotoxic effects after less than 70 s of irradiation and significantly inhibited interleukin 6 (IL6) expression after more than 40 s of irradiation. Transcriptome analysis revealed many differentially expressed genes (DEGs) following CAP irradiation at all time points. Cluster analysis classified the DEGs into four distinct groups, each with time-dependent characteristics. Gene ontology and gene set enrichment analyses revealed CAP-induced suppression of IL6 production, other inflammatory responses, and the expression of genes related to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II. Transcription factor analysis suggested that nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2), which suppresses intracellular oxidative stress, is the most activated transcription factor. Contrarily, regulatory factor X5, which regulates MHC class II expression, is the most suppressed transcription factor. Western blotting revealed the nuclear localization of NRF2 following CAP irradiation. These data suggest that CAP suppresses the inflammatory response, possibly by promoting NRF2 nuclear translocation