12 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Termiteria and Surrounding Soil Properties in the University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria

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    Variations in the properties of termitaria and their surrounding soil properties within the University of Agriculture Makurdi were investigated using routine soil analysis protocol. Parameters such as texture, pH, cationic exchange capacity (CEC), organic carbon (OC), available phosphorus (AP) and total nitrogen (TN) were determined alongside with the elemental (Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, Cd, Pb, Na, K, Ca, Mg and Al) analysis. There were clear disparity in the texture (clay content), pH level, AP and TN within the mound and in the environs. Similarly, elemental analysis shows significant variability of the elements among sites ranging from 0.02-196 mg/kg and 0.01-172 mg/kg for the termitaria and surrounding soils, respectively. The predominant analyte is Al, which is the most abundant element in the earth crust. The results show that trace elements such as Mn and Fe, are significantly higher in the termite mounds compared to the surrounding soils. Therefore, we recommended that farming should be carried out very close to the termitaria soils since these elements were essential to plants and animals.Keywords: AAS, Heavy metals, Makurdi, Soils, Termite

    Heavy Metals Levels in Fish Samples from North Central Nigerian Rivers

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    Most aquatic organisms are capable of accumulating heavy metals to concentrations much higher than those present in water and sediments in their environment. In this piece of work, the concentrations of heavy metals were determined in fish organs of Albula vulpe and Tilapia zilli obtained from rivers in six different states within the North-Central metropolitan area using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The results showed that the liver of Tilapia zilli has the highest level of heavy metals with the concentration of Mn as 435.1mg/kg and the gills have the lowest concentration of Cd as 0.3mg/kg. Also the liver of Albula vulpe have the highest concentration with Mn as 292.6mg/kg and the muscles have the lowest concentration with Pb as <LOD. The trend for heavy metal accumulation is Mn>Cr>Pb>Cd>Ni in Albula vulpe and Mn>Cr>Pb>Ni>Cd in all the organs of Tilapia zilli. This indicates that the fish samples could be used to monitor Mn and Cr pollution levels in the North-Central Rivers.Keywords: Albula Vulpe, Heavy metal, North Central Nigeria, Tilapia Zilli, Rive

    Analysis of Organochlorine Residues in River Benue at Makurdi using Gas Chromatography coupled with Electron Capture Detector

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    Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) concentrations along the Benue River at NASME and at Benue Brewery were studied during both wet and dry seasons. A total of 12 water samples were collected and determinations were made. Gas chromatography/electron capture detector was used for OCPs analysis. In these analyses, aldrin, α- BHC, β-BHC, δ-BHC, chlorothalonil, dieldrin, endosulphan I, endosulphan II, endrin, endosulphan sulphate, heptachlor B, heptachlor epoxide, lambda cyhalothrin, lindane, permethrin, P’P-DDT, P,P’ DDD were widely distributed at the various locations. α- BHC has the least average concentration of 0.00643 ppm while permethrin has the highest average concentration (2.2506 ppm).The results portrayed by these research suggests some intolerable levels of pesticides concentrations at some locations.Keywords: Electron capture detector, Gas Chromatography, Liquid-liquid extraction, Nigeria, Organochlorine, River Benu