1 research outputs found
Irfan Dwi Risnandar, 48114202.T, 2017, "the effect of diesel supply to the motor
work in MT. Madelin Expo ", Diploma Program IV, Teknika, Merchant
Marine Polytechnic Semarang, Supervisor I: F. Pambudi Widiatmaka,
ST., M.T. and Supervisor II: Winarno, S.ST., M.H
One reason for the lack of air rinse into the combustion chamber is the
result of the work of Turbocharger and Intercooler is not the maximum so that the
combustion in the cylinder did not get the corresponding combustion or
combustion is less than perfect. In normal circumstances turbocharger can
produce a pressure of 2.3 kg / cm2 and rinse intercooler air temperature 55 ° C at
room temperature 41oC machine and sea water temperature 30oC, whereas in
these circumstances the resulting pressure turbocharger down to 1.4 kg / cm2 and
temperature rinse intercooler rose to 63oC in the engine room temperature 41oC
and 30 C temperature of sea water.
Making this thesis is basically aimed to develop or pouring, thoughts, and
experience into written form concerning various problems that occurred onboard,
particularly those related to the lack of air supply rinse related to malfunctioning
of supporting devices like turbocharger and intercooler to the maximum, who
followed the evidence and facts that can be accounted, the making of this thesis
also has several general purpose and special purpose.
The research were conducted on the main engine will indirectly lead to
problems related to the main engine. So that through these studies the problems
that occur will be solved and results in a jawaban.Hasil of the study are expected
to be useful for officers machines or machinist, readers and friends also have
similar problems, to be used as guidance in order to obtain rinse optimum air in
the combustion process in diesel motors main.
Keywords: turbochager, intercooler, supporting device