3 research outputs found

    Avaliação in vivo da qualidade protéica do champignon do Brasil (Agaricusbrasiliensis Wasser et al.) In vivo protein quality evaluation of champignon do Brasil (Agaricus brasiliensis Wasser et al.)

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    OBJETIVO: O trabalho aqui descrito trata da avaliação de uma dieta experimental contendo Champingnon do Brasil (Agaricus brasiliensis) como fonte de proteína em um modelo experimental de ratos. MÉTODOS: Para este propósito, foram selecionados 24 ratos Wistar machos, recém desmamados (21 dias) divididos em 3 grupos de 8 animais cada, que foram alimentados com uma dieta padrão de caseína, ou com uma dieta experimental de proteína de Agaricus brasiliensis ambas contendo 10% de proteína e isoenergéticas ou ainda, com uma dieta com muito baixo teor de proteína. O ensaio biológico foi realizado em 28 dias, ao longo dos quais se determinou a concentração de nitrogênio na urina e nas fezes, além dos cálculos do Quociente de Eficiência Alimentar (ganho de peso dividido pelo consumo de dieta), do Quociente de Eficiência Protéica (ganho de peso dividido pelo consumo de proteína), da Razão Protéica Líquida (ganho de peso corrigido dividido pelo consumo de proteína) e da Digestibilidade Verdadeira. RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstraram que quando o Champignon do Brasil foi utilizado como fonte exclusiva de proteína na dieta, os índices de qualidade protéica apresentaram-se baixos (Quociente de Eficiência Alimentar=0,08, Quociente de Eficiência Protéica=0,92 e Razão Protéica Líquida=3,00), quando comparados com a dieta padrão caseína (Quociente de Eficiência Alimentar=0,30, Quociente de Eficiência Protéica=3,05 e Razão Protéica Líquida=4,21). Os índices obtidos para o grupo Agaricus mostraram-se comparáveis àqueles apresentados por alguns tipos de proteína vegetal e podem ser explicados por sua limitação em aminoácidos essenciais, notadamente a lisina e a leucina, respectivamente primeiro e segundo aminoácido limitante. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados apontam para a utilização da proteína do Agaricus brasiliensis como uma boa fonte para complementação protéica, quando combinada com outras culturas vegetais comuns na dieta típica brasileira.<br>OBJECTIVE: The present work describes the biological evaluation of an experimental diet containing Champingnon do Brasil (Agaricus brasiliensis) as the main protein source for a rat experimental model. METHODS: For this purpose, 24 21-day-old male Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups of 8 animals each and were fed with a standard casein diet or an experimental Agaricus diet both with 10% protein and isoenergetic or a very low protein diet. A biological assay was done for 28 days by determining the concentration of nitrogen in the urine and stools and calculating the Food Efficiency Ratio (weight gain divided by food intake), Protein Efficiency Ratio (weight gain divided by protein intake), Net Protein Ratio (corrected weight gain divided by protein intake) and True Digestibility. RESULTS: The results showed that when Champignon do Brasil was used as the only source of protein in the diet, the Protein Quality indices were low (Food Efficiency Ratio=0.08, Protein Efficiency Ratio=0.92 and Net Protein Ratio=3.00) when compared with the standard casein diet (Food Efficiency Ratio=0.30, Protein Efficiency Ratio=3.05 and Net Protein Ratio=4.21). The indices obtained for Agaricus were comparable to some plant protein sources and can be explained by the first and second limiting amino acids, lysine and leucine, respectively. CONCLUSION: The data show that Agaricus brasiliensis is a good source of protein when combined with other vegetables that are common in the typical Brazilian diet

    An integrative review of systematic reviews related to the management of breathlessness in respiratory illnesses

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    Background: breathlessness is a debilitating and distressing symptom in a wide variety of diseases and still a difficult symptom to manage. An integrative review of systematic reviews of non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions for breathlessness in non-malignant disease was undertaken to identify the current state of clinical understanding of the management of breathlessness and highlight promising interventions that merit further investigation.Methods: systematic reviews were identified via electronic databases between July 2007 and September 2009. Reviews were included within the study if they reported research on adult participants using either a measure of breathlessness or some other measure of respiratory symptoms.Results: in total 219 systematic reviews were identified and 153 included within the final review, of these 59 addressed non-pharmacological interventions and 94 addressed pharmacological interventions. The reviews covered in excess of 2000 trials. The majority of systematic reviews were conducted on interventions for asthma and COPD, and mainly focussed upon a small number of pharmacological interventions such as corticosteroids and bronchodilators, including beta-agonists. In contrast, other conditions involving breathlessness have received little or no attention and studies continue to focus upon pharmacological approaches. Moreover, although there are a number of non-pharmacological studies that have shown some promise, particularly for COPD, their conclusions are limited by a lack of good quality evidence from RCTs, small sample sizes and limited replication.Conclusions: more research should focus in the future on the management of breathlessness in respiratory diseases other than asthma and COPD. In addition, pharmacological treatments do not completely manage breathlessness and have an added burden of side effects. It is therefore important to focus more research on promising non-pharmacological intervention