12 research outputs found


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    Interested by the inward relation of ’appearance-development’ between human being and the great music, the author aims to highlight part of this peculiar communication, which covers a unique spiritual manner of living thanks to the hidden message that sonorous art is able to put in act. Much more than the usual aesthetic experience, during an authentic listening to music, man is able to perceiving the „beyond”, a meta-physical „voice” to be deciphered in its in-depth meaning. The article focuses on the possibility of catching and understanding the fullness of music, by challenging human being to be aware of a complex metaphysical experience of life

    Music and musicology in the context of modern epistemology / Muzica şi muzicologia în contextul epistemologiei moderne

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    Abstract: In studiul ce urmează propunem o tratare a muzicii / muzicologiei în contextul noii teorii a cunoaşterii ştiinţifice. Or arta sonoră se raportează la principiile epistemologiei moderne la modul direct. Pe de o parte, muzica conţine în sine aceste principii conform naturii sale, pe de altă parte, aceste principii suni generate de structura „muzicală" a universului (lumii): legile muzicii stau la baza a tot ce există, şi invers, tot ce există îşi află reflectare în legile muzicii. „Lumea este o muzică", „viaţa este o muzică", „totul este muzică", au afirmat gânditorii tuturor timpurilor. Muzica, graţie sensului ei existenţial pentru fiinţa umană, urmează a fi reconceptualizată din punctul de vedere al viziunilor (paradigmelor) ştiinţifice moderne asupra lumii, existenţei, naturii, omului, conştiinţei umane. Articolul în cauză este o încercare de acest gen

    Primii paşi în ştiinţă

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    Abstract: În paginile acestei culegeri au fost aşezate lucrările studenţilor din ţară şi de peste hotare, prezentate la Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internaţională "Primul pas în ştiinţă". Congerinţa a fost consacrată aniversării a 60 de ani din ziua fundării Universităţii de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi

    Formarea gândirii transdisciplinare ca metaobiectiv educaţional universitar

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    Abstract: În articol se abordează obiectivul de formare a atitudinii transdisciplinare a studenţilor de la specialităţile de pedagogie muzicală din cadrul USAR

    Formarea muzicologică a profesorului de educaţie muzicală / The musicological formation of the teacher of music

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    Abstract: The musical-interpretative training (intrumental, vocal, conducting) as well as the general and special pshycopedagogic training, the teacher of musical education is contronted to the necessity of a good theoreico-musical formation – the basis of professional training of each musician. The traditional theoretic disciplines (Harmony, Forms, History of music, Contra-point) are called to realize this objective. At the same time they do not debate (in spite of this study subjects) musical phenomena will treat the general laws of the music art, expressed in the musicological terminology and not knowing it the professional competence of each specialist in the musical field stays defective. In the present material we propose a variant of the university curricula for the discipline Introduction in Musicology. The course consists of four chapters: I Musicology as Science.II Music Dimensions and their Musicologic Correspondents III. Music and Musicology bordering with other sciences. IV Elements of Historic Musicolog

    Tehnologii de elaborare a temelor pe acasă la educaţia muzicală : Ghid pentru profesori şi studenţi

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    Abstract: Actualul ghid se adresează atât studentului care parcurge calea de iniţiere în tainele meseriei de profesor de educaţie muzicală, cât şi profesorului familiarizat deja cu aparatul conceptual al disciplinei, posesor al unei anumite experienţe didactice. Ca structură, ghidul îşi propune o tratare generală a temelor pe acasă la educaţia muzicală, prezentându-se ca un instrument ce suplineşte clasificarea, forma şi conţinutul acestora. Partea practică a ghidului conţine un set de teme pe acasă cu caracter orientativ, clasificat pe ani de studii şi teme generale semestriale

    Calitatea formării specialiştilor în învăţământul superior: strategii, forme, metode. Vol. II

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    Abstract: Volumul include comunicările prezentate în cadrul Conferinţei Ştiinţifice Internaţionale “Calitatea formării specialiştilor în învăţământul superior: strategii, forme, metode”, consacrată aniversării a 60 de ani din ziua fundării Universităţii de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi. În această culegere şi-au publicat articolele mai mulţi cercetători din ţară şi de peste hotare, abordând în exclusivitate problema calităţii în formarea specialiştilor în învăţământul superior

    1. Spirituality of Music as a Factor of (Self) Instruction and of (Self) Education of Personality

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    The impetus for writing this article was the desire to “get to the bottom”, to “disentangle the essence” of what music education in terms of exploring the depth, the sacred sense of the relationship “man-music”, of the aspiration to examine this issue with the teacher's eyes - for all questions and all answers received contribute to the improvement of so-called education through music. In this article, the author expresses his position that, music education, by its essence, is far from the design made before, but in fact - far from the goal officially proclaimed. The music itself, as one of the most mysterious phenomena of this world. Its knowledge, its understanding, the assimilation and absorption of the cosmic and divine substance at the level of personal experience - this is music education in its highest sense. We consider them universal by nature and extent of aspects and levels of the spiritual, existential life of man in its deep forms. The author examines the experience acquired as a self-instruction (professionally) and self-education (personally) practice throughout life, in one of the highest areas of the human mind - in music. He had the chance to work especially in the field of music. He had the chance to experience music especially and he was able to devote his “self” to it


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    Conceived as “sageness of music”, “Musicosophia” is a concept of the reputed philosopher of music George Balan. In this essay, we stress the plural significance of this notion: a philosophical term upon music art, which is considered in its ultimate valences of educating the spirit of human being; no less, a musicological term that makes the listener to the music to becoming a real “third creator” of this art. We try to emphasize “musicosophia” as grounding the status and the peculiar position of the listener during the musical communication, by motivating its importance as a decisive factor in the existence and the cultural-social function of music art. At the same time, we are interested about the musical-educational dimension of this concept, with its particular principles and methods guiding toward the making of an active, awared, scrutinizing, and reflective music audition, allowing a deep receiving of the artistic message and a spiritual appropriating of the art of harmonious sounds. Eventually, we stop around the activity of the International Institute “Musicosophia”, of Sankt Peter, Germany

    Educaţia şi arta în era subiectivismului / Education and art in the subjectivism era

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    Abstract: The modern thinking from different spheres of science and practical life points to the necessity of promotion the knowledge concerning phenomenon as Subject individual , as unrepeatable being , the internal man as incorruptible entity, the intime universe with the resources of feelings, emotions, moods, experiences and aspirations. In the context of the contemporary provocation spiritual searching’s become more intensely in rational era. The convinction of valuing only one side of human ego, as Ratio used excessively in actual education becomes dangerously for human existance. It is necessary to applicate another side called to capitalized Emotio with its aspects: intuition, imagination, revelation and other processes of the right emisphere. It seems the objectivism era progresses into subjectivism era. One of the supreme aspects of ability formation necessary for human integration is Art , respectively Artistical Education, its role increases in formation of the spiritual individual