218 research outputs found

    The piNNN--NNN problem. Connectedness, transition amplitudes and quasi-particle approximation

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    In this paper we review the present status of the piNNN--NNN problem. In particular, we re-consider the chain-labelled approach recently proposed by us, and identify a class of graphs, previously overlooked, which prevents the kernel of the corresponding piNNN--NNN equations from being connected. We propose some pproximate schemes, yielding connected-kernel equations. A generalization of the residue method allows to relate the transition amplitudes for the coupled piNNN--NNN system to the chain-labelled formalism. The quasi-particle approach is extended to the present situation, where emission/absorption of particles is allowed. The open problems for the piNNN--NNN system in the light of the present and of previous approaches are finally discussed

    Second-Order Cosmological Perturbations from Inflation

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    We present the first computation of the cosmological perturbations generated during inflation up to second order in deviations from the homogeneous background solution. Our results, which fully account for the inflaton self-interactions as well as for the second-order fluctuations of the background metric, provide the exact expression for the gauge-invariant curvature perturbation bispectrum produced during inflation in terms of the slow-roll parameters or, alternatively, in terms of the scalar spectral nSn_S and and the tensor to adiabatic scalar amplitude ratio rr. The bispectrum represents a specific non-Gaussian signature of fluctuations generated by quantum oscillations during slow-roll inflation. However, our findings indicate that detecting the non-Gaussianity in the cosmic microwave background anisotropies emerging from the second-order calculation will be a challenge for the forthcoming satellite experiments

    A novel architecture for DAQ in multi-channel, large volume, long drift Liquid Argon TPC

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    Recently a large interest has been shown for multi-ton Liquid Argon Time-Projection-Chambers (LAr-TPC). The physics issues are very challenging, but the technical problem of long drifts and adequately long life-time of free electrons are not solved at all so far. Also one should take into account the extremely large number of channels required for such large volumes. In this paper we propose an architecture for DAQ that is based on recent developments in consumer electronics that made available, at a quite interesting price, components aimed to high-resolution delta-sigma conversion. This type of ADC is not at all popular in HEP experiments where normally signals related to events, well defined in time (triggered), should be converted and recorded. In the LAr-TPC however we have to deal rather with waveforms that should be converted and recorded continuously, that is the paramount case of delta-sigma ADC application

    A decade of dark matter searches with ground-based Cherenkov telescopes

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    In the general scenario of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP), dark matter (DM) can be observed via astrophysical gamma rays because photons are produced in various DM annihilation or decay processes, either as broad-band or line emission, or because of the secondary processes of charged particles in the final stages of the annihilations or the decays. The energy range of the former processes is accessible by current ground-based Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs, like H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS). The strengths of this technique are: a) the expected DM gamma-ray spectra show peculiar features like bumps, spikes and cutoff that make them clearly distinguishable from the smoother astrophysical spectra, b) the expected DM spectrum is universal and therefore by observing two or more DM targets with the same spectrum, a clear identification (besides detection) of DM would be enabled. The role of IACTs may gain more importance in the future as the results from the LHC may hint to a DM particle with mass at the TeV or above, where the IACTs sensitivity is unsurpassed by other experiments. In this contribution, a review of the search for DM with the current generation of IACT will be presented

    Possibly Large Corrections to the Inflationary Observables

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    We point out that the theoretical predictions for the inflationary observables may be generically altered by the presence of fields which are heavier than the Hubble rate during inflation and whose dynamics is usually neglected. They introduce corrections which may be easily larger than both the second-order contributions in the slow-roll parameters and the accuracy expected in the forthcoming experiments

    Supersymmetry and Brane Cosmology

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    We consider a five-dimensional brane world scenario where the fifth dimension is compactified on S1/Z2S^1/Z_2. We show that the familiar four-dimensional cosmology on our brane is easily recovered during a primordial stage of inflation if supersymmetry is exploited. Even if some vacuum energy density appears localized on our three brane, heavy supersymmetric bulk fields adjust themselves and acquire a nontrivial configuration along the extra-dimension. This phenomenon redistributes uniformly the energy density across the bulk and the resulting energy-momentum tensor does not display any singularity associated to the initial localized energy density on our three-brane. No jumps across the brane are present for the derivatives of the metric and Einstein's equations are solved by constant solutions along the fifth dimension. Our findings make it clear that cosmological phenomena in the supersymmetric brane world scenario must be studied taking properly into account bulk supersymmetric states. This comment is particularly relevant when applied to (super)gravity since in supersymmetric brane world scenarios, even though chiral matter and gauge fields may be restricted to live on boundaries, gravity multiplets always propagate in the bulk

    Critical Behavior in Peripheral Au + Au Collisions at 35 MeV/u

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    The signals theoretically predicted for the occurrence of a critical behavior (conditional moments of charge distributions, Campi scatter plot, fluctuations of the size of the largest fragment, power law in the charge distribution, intermittency) have been found for peripheral events in the reaction Au+Au at 35 MeV/u. The same signals have been studied with a dynamical model which foresees phase transition, like the Classical Molecular Dynamics

    Superfield theories on S 3 and their localization

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    We consider the superfield formulation of supersymmetric gauge and matter field theories on a three-dimensional sphere with rigid N \mathcal{N} = 2 supersymmetry, as well as with N \mathcal{N} > 2. The construction is based on a supercoset SU(2 | 1)/U(1) containing S 3 as the bosonic subspace. We derive an explicit form of SU(2 | 1)/U(1) supervielbein and covariant derivatives, and use them to construct classical superfield actions for gauge and matter supermultiplets in this superbackground. We then apply superfield methods for computing one-loop partition functions of these theories and demonstrate how the localization technique works directly in the superspace

    |q/p| Measurement from B0->D*l nu Partial Reconstruction

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    We present a new measurement of CP violation induced by B0 B0bar oscillations, based on the full data set collected by the BaBar experiment at the PEPII collider. We use a sample of about 6 million B0->D* l nu decays selected with partial reconstruction of the D* meson. The charged lepton identifies the flavor of the first B meson at its decay time, the flavor of the other B is determined by kaon tagging. We determine the parameter dCP = 1 - |q/p| = (0.29+-0.84+1.78/-1.61) 10^-3

    On the Effective Electron Mass in Magnetar-like Fields

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    We show, either quantum mechanically or classically, that the variation of the effective mass induced in a charged particle by the presence of an ultra-strong electromagnetic field may lead to observable consequences. In particular, we discuss how this effect may operate on electrons close to the surface of a magnetar, a neutron star with a super-strong magnetic field of the order of 101110^{11} Tesla
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