122 research outputs found

    Low-Level Light Therapy in Orthodontic Treatment: A Systematic Review

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    This current review aims to provide an overview of the most recent research from the last 10 years on the potential of low-level light therapy (LLLT) in the orthodontic field, particularly focusing on studies about tooth movement, root resorption, pain perception during treatment, and the stability of orthodontic miniscrews. “Low-level laser,” “orthodontic,” and “LLLT” were the search terms utilized on the databases Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed, and the Boolean operator “AND” was utilized. Of the 974 studies found, 41 publications related to our topic were included in this review. Many authors agree that LLLT could trigger an enhanced biological reaction next to the tooth in the periodontium, promoting osteoblast proliferation and differentiation, while it could also have a positive impact on bone regeneration and on increasing the rate of tooth movement, enhancing the stability of miniscrews and minimizing the occurrence of root resorption. Regarding pain management during treatment studies, the results have been controversial. Conclusions: even though further studies are still needed, the use of LLLT can improve both clinical results and patient comfort during treatment by reducing treatment duration, improving clinical aspects, such as miniscrew stability, and minimizing root resorption. Further investigations are needed to assess whether LLLT offers any real benefits regarding pain relief

    Probiotics May Improve Serum Folate Availability in Pregnant Women: A Pilot Study

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    BACKGROUND: Probiotics are living microorganisms that confer a health benefit when administered in adequate amounts. There is evidence in the current literature about the importance of probiotic use in pregnancy. The early supplementation of probiotics in the perinatal and postnatal periods seems to have a positive impact on the overall mother’s health and future health of infants. AIM: Our pilot study aimed to test the ability of specific probiotics strains in combination with the kiwi-unique enzyme actinidin to improve the availability of folic acid in 20 pregnant women. METHODS: We investigate 20 pregnant women in early (4–10 weeks) (6 patients), intermedium (11–20 weeks) (6 patients), and late (21–30 weeks) (8 patients) pregnancy. RESULTS: Our findings show that the tested formula promotes increased concentration of serum folate in women’s blood and contributes to the control of blood sugar and body weight, regardless of the gestational period (early, intermediate or late). CONCLUSIONS: Our data support the main results reported in the scientific literature about the importance of probiotics intake in pregnancy

    Probiotics in Health and Immunity: A First Step toward Understanding the Importance of Microbiota System in Translational Medicine

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    There are mounting evidences showing the relation of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases with the uncontrolled intensification of gut dysbiosis. This position asserts that an elevated presence of pathogens and bacterial, fungal, and viral components is directly involved in inflammatory metabolic diseases with a strong alteration of autoimmune components such as in inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease. Furthermore, the increase of unbalanced enteric microbiota is also connected to other types of conditions of metabolic origin such as diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and osteo-degenerative conditions. As a matter of fact, evidence confirmed that gut damages histologically inspected revealed a situation with high expression of pro-inflammatory cytotumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and IL1ÎČ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-17 together with high level of mucin-2. This chapter focuses on diverse topics related to microbiota dysfunction and systemic health condition and regenerative capacity and the therapeutic role of probiotics in gut health and disease emphasizing the potential beneficial role of probiotics in idiopathic inflammatory metabolic diseases. In brief, outcomes demonstrate that an intimate relationship between microbiota, metabolism, tissue/cellular damages, and regeneration is standing. Within this scenario, the gut certainly plays a big part of the regenerative mechanisms in translational medicine

    Education Technology in Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review

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    Over the last decade, medical education changed from traditional teaching methods to telematic and networking scholar and e-learning approach. The objective of the present systematic review was to evaluate the effectiveness and teachers/student’s acceptability of e-learning applied to the field of orthodontics and paediatric dentistry. A database search of the literature was conducted on PubMed and Embase databases from January 2005 to May 2021. A total of 172 articles were identified by the electronic search, while a total of 32 papers were selected for qualitative analysis. Overall, 19 articles investigated the effectiveness of e-learning, and no difference of acceptability was reported between e-learning and traditional methods for a wide part of the articles selected. A total of 25 papers provided a satisfaction questionnaire for learners and all were positive in their attitude towards e-learning. The results showed that e-learning is an effective method of instruction, complementing the traditional teaching methods, and learners had a positive attitude and perception. The evidence of the present study reported a high level of acceptability and knowledge level of e-learning techniques, compared to frontal lecture methods, in the fields of orthodontics and paediatric dentistry

    Efficacy of Sea Salt-Based Mouthwash and Xylitol in Improving Oral Hygiene among Adolescent Population: A Pilot Study

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    The scientific community has definitely demonstrated the importance of the use of mouthwash in daily oral hygiene. In our pilot study, we tested the effectiveness of a novel mouth rinse containing sea salt, xylitol, and lysozyme. Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) growth, and plaque index in adolescent patients aged 14–17 years, were observed. The bacterial load was investigated by in vitro microbiological analysis; the plaque index was assessed through the O’Leary’s Plaque Control Record (PCR). The study has shown that the use of a sea salt-based mouthwash in daily oral hygiene reduces the bacterial levels of S. mutans (p < 0.01) linked to the combined action of xylitol and lysozyme, together with the action of sea salt. Our preliminary data confirm and improve the main results reported in the scientific literature on the importance of the use of xylitol, lysozyme, and sea salt in oral health

    Metodo e kit diagnostico per l'individuazione multipla di virus della famiglia Coronaviridae: SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, HCoV e MERS-CoV.

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    L’invenzione riguarda un kit diagnostico per la rilevazione multipla di 4 virus della famiglia Coronaviridae: HCoV, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV ed il ceppo virale SARS-CoV-2 che ha causato una pandemia della malattia nota come COVID-19. Il kit prevede una metodicha "One-Step" di amplificazione quantitativa genica dopo retrotrascrizione del genoma virale (rRT-PCR). L'invenzione contiene un doppio controllo per evitare potenziali falsi negativi utilizzando il virus della diarrea epidemica del suino, (Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus - PEDV -CoV) e la Ribonucleasi P (RNase P-RP)

    Botulinum Neurotoxins (BoNTs) and Their Biological, Pharmacological, and Toxicological Issues: A Scoping Review

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    Botulinum toxins or neurotoxins (BoNTs) are the most potent neurotoxins known, and are currently extensively studied, not only for their potential lethality, but also for their possible therapeutic and cosmetic uses. Currently, seven types of antigenically distinct toxins are known and characterized, produced by a rod‐shaped bacterium, Clostridium botulinum. Human poisoning by botulism (presenting with severe neuromuscular paralytic disease) is usually caused by toxins A, B, E, and F type. Poisoning from contaminated food preparations is the most common cause of noniatrogenic botulism. The spores are highly resistant to heat but are easily destroyed at 80 °C for thirty minutes. Type A and B toxins are resistant to digestion by the enzymes of the gastrointestinal system. After their entry, BoNTs irreversibly bind to cholinergic nerve endings and block the release of acetylcholine from the synapses. In contrast, in wound botulism, the neurotoxin is instead product by the growth of C.botulium in infected tissues. The contamination by BoNT inhalation does not occur by a natural route but it is certainly the most dangerous. It can be caused by the dispersion of the botulinum toxin in the atmosphere in the form of an aerosol and therefore can be deliberately used for bioterrorist purposes (e.g., during CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) unconventional events). In addition, BoNTs are currently used to treat a variety of diseases or alleviate their symptoms, such as the onabotulinumtoxinA for migraine attacks and for cosmetic use. Indeed, this paper aims to report on updated knowledge of BoNTs, both their toxicological mechanisms and their pharmacological action

    Innovative Concepts and Recent Breakthrough for Engineered Graft and Constructs for Bone Regeneration: A Literature Systematic Review

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    Background: For decades, regenerative medicine and dentistry have been improved with new therapies and innovative clinical protocols. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate through a critical review the recent innovations in the field of bone regeneration with a focus on the healing potentials and clinical protocols of bone substitutes combined with engineered constructs, growth factors and photobiomodulation applications. Methods: A Boolean systematic search was conducted by PubMed/Medline, PubMed/Central, Web of Science and Google scholar databases according to the PRISMA guidelines. Results: After the initial screening, a total of 304 papers were considered eligible for the qualitative synthesis. The articles included were categorized according to the main topics: alloplastic bone substitutes, autologous teeth derived substitutes, xenografts, platelet-derived concentrates, laser therapy, microbiota and bone metabolism and mesenchymal cells construct. Conclusions: The effectiveness of the present investigation showed that the use of biocompatible and bio-resorbable bone substitutes are related to the high-predictability of the bone regeneration protocols, while the oral microbiota and systemic health of the patient produce a clinical advantage for the long-term success of the regeneration procedures and implant-supported restorations. The use of growth factors is able to reduce the co-morbidity of the regenerative procedure ameliorating the post-operative healing phase. The LLLT is an adjuvant protocol to improve the soft and hard tissues response for bone regeneration treatment protocols

    Environmental Issues and Neurological Manifestations Associated with COVID-19 Pandemic: New Aspects of the Disease?

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    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in China in December 2019 and rapidly caused a global health pandemic. Current evidence seems to suggest a possible link with ecosystem disequilibrium and even air pollution. The primary manifestations affect respiratory and circulatory systems, but neurological features are also being reported through case reports and case series. We summarize neurological symptoms and complications associated with COVID-19. We have searched for original articles published in PubMed/Medline, PubMed Central and Google Scholar using the following keywords: "COVID-19", "Coronavirus", "pandemic", "SARS-COV-2", "neurology", "neurological", "complications" and "manifestations". We found around 1000 publications addressing the issue of neurological conditions associated with COVID-19 infection. Amongst those, headache and dizziness are the most common reported symptoms followed by encephalopathy and delirium, while the most frequent complications are cerebrovascular accidents, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute transverse myelitis, and acute encephalitis. Specific symptoms affecting the peripheral nervous system such as hyposmia and dysgeusia are the most common manifestations recorded in the selected studies. Interestingly, it was noted that these kinds of neurological symptoms might precede the typical features, such as fever and cough, in COVID patients. Neurological symptoms and complications associated with COVID-19 should be considered as a part of the clinical features of this novel global pandemic

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Pandemic: Future Challenges for Dental Practitioners

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    In the context of the SARS-CoV-2 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) pandemic, the medical system has been subjected to many changes. Face-to-face treatments have been suspended for a period of time. After the lockdown, dentists have to be aware of the modalities to protect themselves and their patients in order not to get infected. Dental practitioners are potentially exposed to a high degree of contamination with SARS-CoV-2 while performing dental procedures that produce aerosols. It should also be noted that the airways, namely the oral cavity and nostrils, are the access pathways for SARS-CoV-2. In order to protect themselves and their patients, they have to use full personal protective equipment. Relevant data regarding this pandemic are under evaluation and are still under test. In this article, we made a synthesis about the way in which SARS-CoV-2 spreads, how to diagnose a novel corona virus infection, what the possible treatments are, and which protective personal equipment we can use to stop its spreading
