12 research outputs found

    Strangeness production in antiproton-nucleus collisions

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    Antiproton annihilations on nuclei provide a very interesting way to study the behaviour of strange particles in the nuclear medium. In low energy pˉ\bar p annihilations, the hyperons are produced mostly by strangeness exchange mechanisms. Thus, hyperon production in pˉA\bar p A interactions is very sensitive to the properties of the antikaon-nucleon interaction in nuclear medium. Within the Giessen Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck transport model (GiBUU), we analyse the experimental data on Λ\Lambda and KS0K^0_S production in pˉA\bar p A collisions at plab=0.2−4p_{\rm lab}=0.2-4 GeV/c. A satisfactory overall agreement is reached, except for the KS0K^0_S production in pˉ+20\bar p+^{20}Ne collisions at plab=608p_{\rm lab}=608 MeV/c, where we obtain substantially larger KS0K^0_S production rate. We also study the Ξ\Xi hyperon production, important in view of the forthcoming experiments at FAIR and J-PARC.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, invited talk given by A.B. Larionov at the 10th International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP2011), Vancouver, Canada, Apr 27 - May 1, 2011, Hyperfine Interact. in pres

    Dynamical. and statistical fragment emission properties in 200 A MeV Ne-20+Ar-40 collisions

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    Dynamical and statistical fragment emission processes in 200 A MeV Ne-20 + Ar-40 collisions are well probed by measurements of charge (Z), mass (A) and momentum vector ((p) over right arrow) of all fragments in large parts of the available momentum space. We present such data obtained at the cluster-jet target of the CELSIUS storage ring, for the first time with an internal, ultra-high vacuum (UHV) compatible detector system (CHICSi). Energy and angular dependence in Z and A distributions are not reproduced by a single-step model, e.g., those based on molecular dynamics (MD), but require a complete three-step model. We use here the intranuclear cascade+ statistical multifragmentation + secondary evaporation model (CFEM). The angular dependence of isobaric ratios, like He-6/Li-6 at low emission velocities and temperatures extracted from isotopic (double) ratios, do exhibit differences, even from this model. These differences, which call for adjustment of model parameters, are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved