13 research outputs found

    Stem Cell Therapy: Pieces of the Puzzle

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    Acute ischemic injury and chronic cardiomyopathies can cause irreversible loss of cardiac tissue leading to heart failure. Cellular therapy offers a new paradigm for treatment of heart disease. Stem cell therapies in animal models show that transplantation of various cell preparations improves ventricular function after injury. The first clinical trials in patients produced some encouraging results, despite limited evidence for the long-term survival of transplanted cells. Ongoing research at the bench and the bedside aims to compare sources of donor cells, test methods of cell delivery, improve myocardial homing, bolster cell survival, and promote cardiomyocyte differentiation. This article reviews progress toward these goals

    Associated features in females with an FMR1 premutation

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    Abstract Changes in the fragile X mental retardation 1 gene (FMR1) have been associated with specific phenotypes, most specifically those of fragile X syndrome (FXS), fragile X tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), and fragile X primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI). Evidence of increased risk for additional medical, psychiatric, and cognitive features and conditions is now known to exist for individuals with a premutation, although some features have been more thoroughly studied than others. This review highlights the literature on medical, reproductive, cognitive, and psychiatric features, primarily in females, that have been suggested to be associated with changes in the FMR1 gene. Based on this review, each feature is evaluated with regard to the strength of evidence of association with the premutation. Areas of need for additional focused research and possible intervention strategies are suggested

    The Witan, 1977-1978 Academic Year V. 5 No. 7, February 1978

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    On Winning Lawsuits, Help Us Grow, Dean's Desk, Frustration of Financial Aid, Practical Alternatives?, Neutron Bomb, Legal Revolution, Separate Graduation, Age Discrimination Legislation, Faculty Votes to Select Competitors, The Con Con and its Failure,

    The Witan, 1977-1978 Academic Year V. 5 No. 7, February 1978

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    On Winning Lawsuits, Help Us Grow, Dean's Desk, Frustration of Financial Aid, Practical Alternatives?, Neutron Bomb, Legal Revolution, Separate Graduation, Age Discrimination Legislation, Faculty Votes to Select Competitors, The Con Con and its Failure,

    As experiências de consumo na perspectiva da teoria da cultura do consumo: identificando possíveis interlocuções e propondo uma agenda de pesquisa

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    O tema norteador deste trabalho refere-se à constatação de que a pesquisa do consumidor precisa incorporar em suas análises elementos de noção experiencial do consumo e a percepção de que pesquisadores brasileiros têm ignorado um conjunto de temas que leve a uma melhor compreensão dos atos de consumo, de seus sujeitos e contextos culturais. Os principais objetivos aqui estão em discutir uma proposta de interlocução entre a literatura da cultura do consumo e as discussões advindas da noção experiencial do consumo, por meio de temas emergentes de pesquisa; propor alternativas metodológicas para o entendimento das experiências de consumo na perspectiva da cultura de consumo. Conclui-se que não somente é possível, mas altamente desejável, estabelecer ricas e profícuas discussões sobre as possibilidades de interlocução entre esses campos, propondo novas epistemologias e metodologias que contribuam para uma perspectiva que abranja o entendimento do consumo em uma abordagem experiencial e como fenômeno cultural