7 research outputs found

    The between and within day variation in gross efficiency

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    Before the influence of divergent factors on gross efficiency (GE) [the ratio of mechanical power output (PO) to metabolic power input (PI)] can be assessed, the variation in GE between days, i.e. the test–retest reliability, and the within day variation needs to be known. Physically active males (n = 18) performed a maximal incremental exercise test to obtain VO2max and PO at VO2max (PVO2max), and three experimental testing days, consisting of seven submaximal exercise bouts evenly distributed over the 24 h of the day. Each submaximal exercise bout consisted of six min cycling at 45, 55 and 65% PVO2max, during which VO2 and RER were measured. GE was determined from the final 3 min of each exercise intensity with: GE = (PO/PI) × 100%. PI was calculated by multiplying VO2 with the oxygen equivalent. GE measured during the individually highest exercise intensity with RER <1.0 did not differ significantly between days (F = 2.70, p = 0.08), which resulted in lower and upper boundaries of the 95% limits of agreement of 19.6 and 20.8%, respectively, around a mean GE of 20.2%. Although there were minor within day variations in GE, differences in GE over the day were not significant (F = 0.16, p = 0.99). The measurement of GE during cycling at intensities approximating VT is apparently very robust, a change in GE of ~0.6% can be reliably detected. Lastly, GE does not display a circadian rhythm so long as the criteria of a steady-state VO2 and RER <1.0 are applied

    The case for the introduction of new chemotherapy agents in the treatment of advanced non small cell lung cancer in the wake of the findings of The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)

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    After years of nihilism towards the use of chemotherapy for non small cell lung cancer in the UK it would appear that we have now reached the point where the use of chemotherapy to relieve symptoms, maintain quality of life, and prolong life, are now accepted for informed patients with good performance status willing to accept short-term toxicities. The use of the new agents vinorelbine, gemcitabine and paclitaxel in combination with cisplatin or carboplatin are all active regimens which offer small but real advantages over standard UK triple therapies (MVP, MIC) in terms of resource use, toxicity profiles and response rates. Overall survival could be increased by as much as 10% at one year on indirect comparisons. The use of docetaxel as second line therapy now offers lung cancer patients a second bite of the cherry, and should overall also prolong survival. It is only in embracing these small gains that we can currently make progress in the treatment of NSCLC

    Comparative metatranscriptomics reveals kingdom level changes in the rhizosphere microbiome of plants

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    Plant–microbe interactions in the rhizosphere have important roles in biogeochemical cycling, and maintenance of plant health and productivity, yet remain poorly understood. Using RNA-based metatranscriptomics, the global active microbiomes were analysed in soil and rhizospheres of wheat, oat, pea and an oat mutant (sad1) deficient in production of anti-fungal avenacins. Rhizosphere microbiomes differed from bulk soil and between plant species. Pea (a legume) had a much stronger effect on the rhizosphere than wheat and oat (cereals), resulting in a dramatically different rhizosphere community. The relative abundance of eukaryotes in the oat and pea rhizospheres was more than fivefold higher than in the wheat rhizosphere or bulk soil. Nematodes and bacterivorous protozoa were enriched in all rhizospheres, whereas the pea rhizosphere was highly enriched for fungi. Metabolic capabilities for rhizosphere colonisation were selected, including cellulose degradation (cereals), H2 oxidation (pea) and methylotrophy (all plants). Avenacins had little effect on the prokaryotic community of oat, but the eukaryotic community was strongly altered in the sad1 mutant, suggesting that avenacins have a broader role than protecting from fungal pathogens. Profiling microbial communities with metatranscriptomics allows comparison of relative abundance, from multiple samples, across all domains of life, without polymerase chain reaction bias. This revealed profound differences in the rhizosphere microbiome, particularly at the kingdom level between plants

    Neuroinflammation in Parkinson’s Disease Animal Models: A Cell Stress Response or a Step in Neurodegeneration?

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