51 research outputs found

    Learning from social innovation for gender equality in Latin America and the Caribbean : Regional Consultation for Latin America and the Caribbean, Montevideo, June 9-10, 2003

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    Regional networking was considered the most efficient way to link research with policy influence and knowledge-based actions at both domestic and international levels of intervention. Issues must be connected with the global research agenda in the regional and sub-regional ambits, in order to have greater impact and reach. Also, appropriation by different social actors must be foreseen, especially those with decision-making and influencing capacity in order to obtain greater gender equality in the regional ambit

    Health research needs

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    Spanish version available in IDRC Digital Library: Necesidades de investigación para el desarrollo : Colombia, estudio de caso; documento no. 2, sector salud; situatión y política de salud; actividades de investigación; necesidades de investigació

    Annual report, 1993/1994 : Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACRO)

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    Spanish version available in IDRC Digital Library: Informe anual, 1993/1994 : Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe (LACRO

    Cassava : some recent research findings

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    Meeting: South Pacific Commission Tropical Root Crops Meeting, Nov. 1975, FJIDRC personnel. Paper on agricultural research on cassava - discusses research programmes of two new tropical zone Agricultural Research Centres, CIAT and IITA (International Institute for Tropical Agriculture); studies being carried out in Canada. Bibliography

    El Salvador agricultural sector

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    IDRC document. Report on agriculture in El Salvador - discusses agricultural production, agricultural policy and agricultural research centres; includes agricultural statistics and bibliography
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