5,292 research outputs found

    Precision Measurement of the Position-space Wave Functions of Gravitationally Bound Ultracold Neutrons

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    Gravity is the most familiar force at our natural length scale. However, it is still exotic from the view point of particle physics. The first experimental study of quantum effects under gravity was performed using a cold neutron beam in 1975. Following this, an investigation of gravitationally bound quantum states using ultracold neutrons was started in 2002. This quantum bound system is now well understood, and one can use it as a tunable tool to probe gravity. In this paper, we review a recent measurement of position-space wave functions of such gravitationally bound states, and discuss issues related to this analysis, such as neutron loss models in a thin neutron guide, the formulation of phase space quantum mechanics, and UCN position sensitive detectors. The quantum modulation of neutron bound states measured in this experiment shows good agreement with the prediction from quantum mechanics.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    CO Observations of Luminous IR Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift

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    We present new measurement of 12^{12}CO(J=1−0J=1-0) emission from 16 luminous infrared galaxies (LIGs) at intermediate redshift (cz∼10,000−50,000kms−1cz \sim 10,000 - 50,000 {\rm km s^{-1}}). These new data were selected by isolated and normal morphology. The CO observations were performed using the NRO 45-m telescope. Comparison of the CO and dust properties of the new result with those from other CO measurements revealed characteristics of this sample: (1) It is the deepest CO observations of IRAS galaxies at intermediate redshift without strong interaction features. (2) It has typical properties of normal IRAS galaxies in terms of star-formation efficiency, color-color diagrams and galactic nuclear activity. (3) It has smaller gas-to-dust ratio than normal IRAS galaxies. This can be explained by two-component dust model, and our sample consists of most of warm dust.Comment: To appear in PASJ, text 9 pages, 5 tables, and 12 figure

    Distance Measurement of Galaxies to Redshift of 0.1 using the CO-Line Tully-Fisher Relation

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    We report on the first results of a long-term project to derive distances of galaxies at cosmological distances by applying the CO-line width-luminosity relation. We have obtained deep CO-line observations of galaxies at redshifts up to 29,000 km/s using the Nobeyama 45-m mm-wave Telescope, and some supplementary data were obtained by using the IRAM 30-m telescope. We have detected the CO line emission for several galaxies, and used their CO line widths to estimate the absolute luminosities using the line-width-luminosity relation. In order to obtain photometric data and inclination correction, we also performed optical imaging observations of the CO-detected galaxies using the CFHT 3.6-m telescope at high resolution. The radio and optical data have been combined to derive the distance moduli and distances of the galaxies, and Hubble ratios were estimated for these galaxies. We propose that the CO line width-luminosity relation can be a powerful method to derive distances of galaxies to redfhift of z = 0.1 and to derive the Hubble ratio in a significant volume of the universe. Key words: Cosmology - Galaxies: general - Distance scale - CO lineComment: To appear in PASJ, Plain Tex, 3 figures (in 10 ps files

    Preparation and characteristics of superconducting cuprate thin films: Nd(2-x)Ce(x)CuO4 and substrated Bi-system

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    Characteristics of the electron-doped-type Nd(sub 2-x)Ce(sub x)CuO4 system and substituted Bi-system were studied using the high quality thin film samples grown by rf magnetron sputtering and/or subsequent heat treatment. The Nd(sub 2-x)Ce(sub x)CuO4 samples with excellent superconducting properties were obtained in thin films and their optical and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies were performed with regard to the Ce content and reducing treatment. Substituted BiSr-Ln-Cu-O thin films were prepared and growth conditions for Bi-system with 2-2-1-2 and 2-2-2-2 phases were found. Moreover, a new 2-2-1-2 phase in the simple Bi-Sr-Cu-O system was fabricated by thin film processing and 80 K superconductivity was obtained
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