24 research outputs found

    Control Interno de la Gestión Administrativa y su Impacto en la Importadora Adrián Cia. Ltda. Del Cantón la Maná Provincia de Cotopaxi.

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    The field research, previously planned and executed for the development of this information, allowed determining the administrative staff and employees of the entity, who have knowledge of internal control but are not updated according to law, to make a current diagnosis in the importer Adrián Cía. Ltda. It was necessary to make preliminary visits to the facilities, its purpose was to obtain a general knowledge of the entity. For this reason, it was established as a general objective: to evaluate the Internal Control of the administrative management and its impact on the Adrián Cía. Ltda. Importer of La Manà province of Cotopaxi. In the first chapter of the research developed through a non-experimental methodological design that allowed to collect the necessary data, we used methods and instruments such as surveys and interviews that involved the administrative management. The third chapter as a final result it is concluded that the correct use and application of Internal Control design for the management managed based on the COSO I that provides information, in a clear, simple way, about the control procedures and policies that should be applied in the administrative process. Improvements are recommended for the administrative management of the institution.La investigación de campo, previamente planificada y ejecutada para el desarrollo de la presente información, permitió determinar al personal administrativo y empleados de la entidad, que tienen conocimientos del control interno pero no están actualizadas de acuerdo a ley, para realizar un diagnóstico actual en la importadora Adrián Cía. Ltda., fue necesario realizar visitas preliminares a las instalaciones, su propósito fue obtener un conocimiento general de la entidad. Por tal motivo se estableció como objetivo general: Evaluar el Control Interno de la gestión administrativa y su impacto en la Importadora Adrián Cía. Ltda., del cantón la Maná Provincia de Cotopaxi. En el primer capítulo de la investigación se desarrolló mediante un diseño metodológico no experimental que permitió recopilar los datos necesarios, se emplearon métodos e instrumentos tales como encuestas y entrevistas que involucraron a la gestión administrativa. El tercer capítulo como resultado final se concluye que el correcto uso y aplicación de diseño de Control Interno para la gestión administraba basado al COSO I que proporcione información, en forma clara, sencilla, sobre los procedimientos y políticas de control que deben ser aplicados en el proceso administrativo. Se recomienda mejoras para la gestión administrativa de la institución

    Control Interno de la Gestión Administrativa y su Impacto en la Importadora Adrián Cia. Ltda. Del Cantón la Maná Provincia de Cotopaxi.

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    The field research, previously planned and executed for the development of this information, allowed determining the administrative staff and employees of the entity, who have knowledge of internal control but are not updated according to law, to make a current diagnosis in the importer Adrián Cía. Ltda. It was necessary to make preliminary visits to the facilities, its purpose was to obtain a general knowledge of the entity. For this reason, it was established as a general objective: to evaluate the Internal Control of the administrative management and its impact on the Adrián Cía. Ltda. Importer of La Manà province of Cotopaxi. In the first chapter of the research developed through a non-experimental methodological design that allowed to collect the necessary data, we used methods and instruments such as surveys and interviews that involved the administrative management. The third chapter as a final result it is concluded that the correct use and application of Internal Control design for the management managed based on the COSO I that provides information, in a clear, simple way, about the control procedures and policies that should be applied in the administrative process. Improvements are recommended for the administrative management of the institution.La investigación de campo, previamente planificada y ejecutada para el desarrollo de la presente información, permitió determinar al personal administrativo y empleados de la entidad, que tienen conocimientos del control interno pero no están actualizadas de acuerdo a ley, para realizar un diagnóstico actual en la importadora Adrián Cía. Ltda., fue necesario realizar visitas preliminares a las instalaciones, su propósito fue obtener un conocimiento general de la entidad. Por tal motivo se estableció como objetivo general: Evaluar el Control Interno de la gestión administrativa y su impacto en la Importadora Adrián Cía. Ltda., del cantón la Maná Provincia de Cotopaxi. En el primer capítulo de la investigación se desarrolló mediante un diseño metodológico no experimental que permitió recopilar los datos necesarios, se emplearon métodos e instrumentos tales como encuestas y entrevistas que involucraron a la gestión administrativa. El tercer capítulo como resultado final se concluye que el correcto uso y aplicación de diseño de Control Interno para la gestión administraba basado al COSO I que proporcione información, en forma clara, sencilla, sobre los procedimientos y políticas de control que deben ser aplicados en el proceso administrativo. Se recomienda mejoras para la gestión administrativa de la institución

    Evaluación de la competencia profesional pedagógica del tutor del estudiante de Enfermería durante la educación en el trabajo

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    Introducción: La competencia profesional pedagógica del tutor de los estudiantes de Enfermería, constituye un pilar básico esencial para potenciar la educación en el trabajo en las entidades laborales de salud. Objetivo: Evaluar la competencia profesional pedagógica de los tutores de los estudiantes de Enfermería en entidades de salud. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación transversal cuantitativa de tipo cuasi-experimental, a partir de una muestra de 24 tutores insertados laboralmente en las entidades de salud, donde realizan la educación en el trabajo los estudiantes de Enfermería de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Ecuador; asumiendo el muestreo aleatorio simple (15,0% de la población). Se empleó el método de la observación a los desempeños de los tutores y la prueba chi-cuadrado. Resultados: Se pudo constatar la existencia de mejoras significativas en los desempeños pedagógicos profesionales de los tutores de los estudiantes de Enfermería en el cumplimiento de su rol de educador desde la unidad docencia – asistencia – educación en el trabajo. Conclusiones: Se propone la competencia profesional pedagógica que debe singularizar al rol formativo del tutor del estudiante de Enfermería. Se reconoce que en los tutores a los que se les aplicó la propuesta, se apreciaron mejoras significativas en el rol de formador del tutor; es decir, en el trabajo docente educativo que realizaron, demostrando liderazgo pedagógico, mejoras en los métodos de enseñanza – aprendizaje, educativos y de dirección de la actividad científica (trabajo de titulación); que realizaron con los estudiantes de Enfermería durante su formación en la educación en el trabajo. Palabras clave: enfermería, tutor, educación en el trabajo, competencia profesional pedagógic

    Evaluation of uptake and attitude to voluntary counseling and testing among health care professional students in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) is a corner stone for successful implementation of prevention, care and support services among HIV negative and positive individuals. VCT is also perceived to be an effective strategy in risk reduction among sexually active young people.. This study aimed to assess the acceptability of VCT and its actual uptake among young health care professional students at KCM College of Tumaini University and Allied health schools.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a cross-sectional study. A structured questionnaire was used among health care professional students aged 18–25 years who were enrolled in degrees, diplomas and certificates courses at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College and all other Allied health schools</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 309 students were recruited, among these 197 (63.8%) were females. All respondents were aware of the benefits of VCT. Only 107 (34.6%) of students have had VCT done previously. About 59 (19.1%) of the students had negative for health care professional to attend VCT. Risk perception among the students was low (37.2%) even though they were found to have higher risk behaviors that predispose them to get HIV infection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Awareness of VCT services and willingness to test is high among students; however its uptake is low. In order to promote these services, a comprehensive training module on VCT needs to be included in their training curricula. In particular, more emphasis should focus on the benefits of VCT and to help the students to internalize the risk of HIV so that they can take preventive measures.</p

    Acquaintance Rape - When the rapist is someone you know

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    Acquaintance rape is forced sexual contact by someone who knows you. The rapist may be a date, neighbor, friend, boss, colleague, delivery person or repair worker. The risk of a woman being sexually assaulted by an acquaintance is four times greater than her risk of being raped by a stranger. Women ranging in age from 15 to 24 are the primary acquaintance rape victims. Recent studies show that junior high school girls are also at great risk. Date rape is the most common form of acquaintance rape. Sexual assault, including acquaintance rape, also happens to men; men can be sexually exploited by other men or by women. Women can also be sexually exploited by other women. This brochure refers to the victim as “she” and the offender as “he” since most victims are female and most offenders are male. However, most of the information applies to male victims as well as female victims. As with all sexual assault victims, the acquaintance rape victim suffers physical and emotional trauma. She has been physically and emotionally violated, and she needs support. Sexual assault centers help victims cope with medical, legal and emotional needs after sexual assault. This brochure has been prepared by the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault to help you learn more about this crime and where to get help if you are a victim. There are sexual assault centers throughout the state of Illinois; the list on the last page tells where these programs are located

    Recursos digitales para apoyar la formación transversal de los alumnos en desarrollo sostenible

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    Los crecientes problemas sociales, ambientales y económicos con sus recurrentes crisis abarcan ya una buena parte de nuestro planeta, que hasta el momento es nuestro mejor lugar para vivir… Esto ha motivado a diversas instituciones educativas de todos los niveles a impulsar la formación de sus estudiantes en la Sostenibilidad. Atento a estas tendencias, el Tecnológico de Monterrey, México ha decidido incorporar la formación transversal en sostenibilidad para todos sus estudiantes; así, se han designado en cada carrera diversos cursos que deben incorporar conceptos, casos y actividades en los cuales se apliquen a la sostenibilidad los conocimientos y habilidades adquiridos en el curso. En este artículo se describe la estrategia de desarrollo de un Portal que servirá de apoyo a los profesores de diversos cursos para el desarrollo e incorporación de estas actividades; el portal incluye recursos en línea desarrollados internamente y otros obtenidos de diversas partes del internet.Iniciativa Novu


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    This article develops an analytical framework that can be used to assess competition in South African telecommunications and, thereafter, applies this framework in an evaluation of vertical integration patterns in the telecommunications industry. It is shown that, despite recent regulatory reforms, substantial vertical competition concerns remain unaddressed in both fixed line and mobile telecommunications markets. Copyright (c) 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation (c) 2006 Economic Society of South Africa.

    Ranking sustainable urban mobility indicators and their matching transport policies to support liveable city Futures: A MICMAC approach

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    Understanding, promoting and managing sustainable urban mobility better is very critical in the midst of an unprecedented climate crisis. Identifying, evaluating, benchmarking and prioritising its key indicators is a way to ensure that policy-makers will develop those transport strategies and measures necessary to facilitate a more effective transition to liveable futures. After identifying from the literature and the European Commission (EC) directives the indicators that are underpinning the powerful scheme of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) that each municipality in Europe may implement to elevate the wellbeing of its population, we adopt a Cross Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to Classification (MICMAC) approach to assess, contextualise and rank them. Through conducting a qualitative study that involved a narrative literature review and more importantly in-depth discussions with 28 elite participants, each of them with expertise in sustainable development, we are able to designate the Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (SUMIs) that are the most (and least) impactful. According to our analysis the most powerful indicator is traffic congestion, followed by affordability of public transport for the poorest, energy efficiency, access to mobility service and multimodal integration. This analysis allows us to then match them with the most applicable strategies that may ensure a holistic approach towards supporting in practical terms sustainable mobility in the city level. These are in ranking order: Transit Oriented Development (TOD); public and active transport enhancement; parking policies, vehicle circulation and ownership measures; telecommuting and car-pooling